Yeast Infection In Dogs

Yeast Infection in Dogs causes chronic itching.

Yeast infections in dogs usually produces chronic itching, infected skin, ear infections, chronic paw licking, as well as and many other visible symptoms. No wonder it is often misdiagnosed and treated for some other dog disease or dog allergy.

And to make matters worse, the treatment plan for a dog yeast infection usually consists of steroids and antibiotics. While at first, the meds appear to be healing your pet, the minute the treatment stops, the symptoms come back with a vengeance. This is because the overgrowth of yeast was not addressed.

If your Miniature Schnauzer has been diagnosed with skin allergies and nothing seems to be working, perhaps it's due to an overgrowth of yeast in your dog's body.

What is Yeast In Dogs

Dogs have normal amounts of both yeast and bacteria that occur on and in their bodies, the healthy flora. Upsets in the balance of healthy flora will cause an imbalance of the immune system and that's when problems arise.

Upsets to your Schnauzer's immune system can come from many sources including: emotional stresses like separation anxiety, moving to a new home, travel, boarding..., eating a poor quality diet, taking medications, exposure to chemicals like insecticides and pesticides, drinking unfiltered water, and the list goes on and on.

Signs of Yeast Infection in Dogs

If your Miniature Schnauzer is suffering with yeast overgrowth, his skin will be itchy. Yeast overgrowth is very itchy. If any of you women out there have ever experience a vaginal yeast infection, you know just how itchy it can be. This is the same for your Miniature Schnauzer and the cause of his constant scratching.

When bad bacteria outweighs the good, yeast grows out of control and causes all kinds of health problems.

Symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth In Dogs

  • chronic itching
  • red or inflamed skin
  • pawing at face
  • prone to eye infections
  • prone to ear infections
  • smelly ears
  • body sores or rash
  • bladder infections
  • diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome

Usually, a vet will prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection. Unfortunately, the antibiotics will also kill the friendly bacteria which are needed for a healthy intestinal tract. Again, this is why the symptoms redevelop once your dog stops taking the antibiotics. It's a vicious cycle.

So what can you do? You need to replenish the microflora and restore balance in your Schnauzer's gut. Enter Probiotics.

Treating Yeast Infection in Dogs

Remember yeast is normal and grows in the digestive tract (candida albicans), but in small quantities. A dog with a healthy immune system is able to control and destroy abnormal overgrowth of yeast. In order to keep your Miniature Schnauzer's immune system strong, consider adding probiotics to your dog's diet every day.

Step One: Add Probiotics

Probiotics are the good bacteria all pets need to build and maintain a strong immune system.

Natural probiotics boost your dog's immune system. They work by cleaning out your Schnauzer’s intestines of toxins and then reestablish normal ph balance. The body is then able to absorb nutrients effectively so it can once again become healthy and fight disease and infection. The digestive system is the first line of defense for the immune system. Probiotics maintain and restore a healthy gut.

Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Improves digestion
  • Controls yeast overgrowth
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Helps manufacture B Vitamins
  • Promotes proper elimination

Step Two: Begin Anti-Yeast Diet for Dogs

Yeast feeds on sugar. It is therefore imperative to change your Schnauzer's diet to control yeast overgrowth or candida. An anti-yeast diet or candida diet, consists of eliminating foods that metabolize into sugar (including grains, starches, and carbohydrates) which will starve the yeast so healing may begin for your dog.

note: It's never a good idea to drastically change your dog's food, so do it gradually. Introduce the new food by 25% over a 4 day period. Every time you increase new food by 25%, decrease your dog's old food by 25%.

Foods to Avoid: Avoid dog foods and dog treats that contain meat-by-products, enriched flour, wheat, corn, potatoes, white rice, cereals and fillers, dairy, and all sugars including corn syrup.

Also, be sure to inform all family members of the food restrictions placed on your Miniature Schnauzer. And when possible, provide filtered water for your Miniature Schnauzer. Chemicals used in our tap water contribute to the breakdown of the natural flora in your dog's GI tract.

Adding anti-fungal food to your dog's diet in small amounts can also be beneficial in reducing yeast levels. Anti-fungal foods include: Coconut oil, Garlic, Quinoa, Oregano, and Cinnamon. Again, in only small amounts! Too much garlic or coconut oil could be dangerous.

Search for allergy formula dog foods that are grain-free.

Step Three: Topical Treatments to Control Yeast

Now we must disinfect areas of yeast overgrowth on the body like dog ear infections and rashes or hot spots. If your Schnauzer's ears are infected, clean them with an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial product like  K9 Ear Solutions or other dog ear infection treatments.

Micro-Tek Medicated shampoo

If your Schnauzer has yeast overgrowth allover, bathe him often. Anti-fungal shampoos are best for yeast infection in dogs.

Micro-Tek Medicated shampoo is a special, non-toxic formula designed to relieve skin problems such as hot spots, seborrhea and ringworm. Very effective for viral, fungal and bacterial skin conditions in dogs. A fast-acting and anti-itch formula.

Also, shampoos containing tea tree oil and aloe vera are good for yeast infection in dogs. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and aloe vera is a soothing emollient which can help speed the healing of itchy, chafed skin and hot spots.

*CAUTION: DO NOT use this rinse over your dog's head OR if your Miniature Schnauzer has any open sores.

And you can make an anti-fungal rinse that will also help combat yeast overgrowth even further. Just combine a cup of white vinegar to a gallon of water and pour over your Schnauzer's body. Use as the final rinse. No need to rinse this solution off. Just towel dry your Miniature Schnauzer and/or use a blow dryer on lowest heat setting.

Step Four: Detox Your Dog

Finally, to help prevent yeast infection in dogs, detox your dog! Removing as many toxins as possible from your Miniature Schnauzer's environment will greatly reduce the risk of weakening his immune system.

note: Cleansing and detoxing your Miniature Schnauzer might actually aggravate the symptoms at first. This is a normal part of the healing process, as the body rids itself of toxins. It usually takes a month to clear out toxins and get your dog's system back in balance.

Always consult with your veterinarian before beginning any program or treatment on your Miniature Schnauzer.


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