When you WISH upon a Miniature Schnauzer...

by Nancy Miller
(Philadelphia, PA, USA)

I have just lost my 17 year old best friend and constant companion, Wish, who was named for the song about dreams. He was my dream buddy. He lived a wonderful life and was a real character.

When he came into my life, my Mother was dying quickly from cancer and he brought us all such great joy. He never spent a day in a kennel, for my philosophy was, love me, love my Wish.

I live on a Pier and he was the Mayor of the neighborhood. He loved babies, children and geriatrics. He got along with everyone and never knew a stranger. It was my privilege to care for him and to share his life!

Comments for When you WISH upon a Miniature Schnauzer...

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Dec 10, 2014
by: Randy Waller

I am so sorry for your loss and can't read anymore of these comments. Lil' Bit was put to sleep 2 weeks ago after a long and joyful 14 years as my second son. I am tearing up so much the sentences are hard to see. Good luck.

Jan 03, 2014
So sorry about WISH
by: Susie

I am so sorry for your loss! How lucky you are to have had WISH for 17 years! Having gone through this a week ago today, I know your pain. After many days of uncontrollable crying I am doing better…..so please trust me… it will get easier. This first week will be tough. I received the best comment ever when I lost my Schnapps…….it said that my pain would soon turn to wonderful memories of my Schnapps. This helped me so much. I am sure Schnapps opened his paws to WISH and they are running around pain free right now! Take care...

Dec 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

i am so sorry for your loss;you are not alone ..... know this; there are many of us out here who have traveled this road and know exactly what you are going through;you gave 'wish" the best life any companion of mankind can have ........... and i know he knew it;

as time goes on,there will be another mini who needs your love and devotion,and will return it 10 fold;
the mini will find you when the time is right,there are those who have also traveled this road,and know it's true;

R.I.P. my good boy casper,look out for wish;

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