We miss you so Billy

by Angie Tam
(Hong Kong)

We got you from the pet shop when I returned to HK after years of studying abroad. Without you I never would be able to settle in this city. During this 10 years you have bonded my family together, my parents and I had a lot more interaction, talking about the funny incidents or cute acts you did daily!

August 2014 you started walking awkwardly and the sudden loss of appetite prompted us to take you to the vet immediately. Several visits, many tests, and the tumours spread fast, we knew it was a losing battle. You could no longer stand nor walk, loss of appetite continues, and hardly were you able to fall sleep. Yet you tried your best to stay with us, enduring the pain day after day, till all that's left of you are your big round eyes.

It pains us as much to see you suffering... So we know we must let you go. On 29th Sep we put you to sleep... All 3 of us held you as the doctor had you swiftly slip away. Did you hear us crying?

Finally you could get some rest now, no more pain! We will always remember you fondly, we love you so much. This grief is unbearable... Me, mum and dad cries everytime we talk of you.

You may be gone Billy, but never ever forgotten.
We miss you so much... Very very much!

Comments for We miss you so Billy

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Oct 05, 2014
So sorry for your loss
by: Loretta

What a wonderful little man. You and your family did the right thing by helping him over to the bridge. You are in my prayers❤️

Oct 05, 2014
Thank you for reading my tribute
by: Angie

Thank you for the kind thoughts and comforting words. Losing a beloved family member is so devastating, I have no clue how much longer the grieving would take. But seeing that many of you have been through this and survived gives me strength to walk on without Billy in my life. Truly hope he is meeting new friends on Rainbow Bridge and not alone! Still missing my baby boy so much...

Oct 04, 2014
by: Kay Waters

He was an awesome dog! So sorry for your loss. Peace...

Oct 04, 2014
I am so sorry for you tremendous loss
by: Mark MacDonald

Please know that there are many of us out here that are crying with you. I am so sorry that Billy is in heaven now. Know that you and your family will see him again. Peace!

Oct 04, 2014
so sorry
by: Leigh

So sorry for your loss. May peace be with you and your family during this difficult time.

Oct 04, 2014
So Sorry
by: Cyn

So sorry for your loss. Always remember the wonderful years that you were privileged to be Billy's owner.

Oct 04, 2014
Gone in Physical, not spirit
by: Rob

Losing a family member is never easy, just remember that while Billy isn't physically there his spirit is everywhere.

Oct 04, 2014
Sorry for your loss
by: Bill

Billy looked like a beautiful doggy I'm sure Billy is playing with my Max in schnauzer heaven right now. Our furry friends are truly missed everyday.

Oct 04, 2014
a Wonderful Life
by: cindy

You gave Billy a wonderful life. He knows just how much you loved him. May memories of the good times you shared together give you strength and comfort. Fly High Sweet Angel Billy.

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