Three Miniature Schnauzers Gus, Lacy and Andi Kay

by Lisa
(North Carolina)

Miniature Schnauzer Gus

Miniature Schnauzer Gus

Gus was our first, Lacy our second and Andi Kay is our new baby. Gus is 5, Lacy is 4 and Andi Kay is 5 months.

A friend of mine got a mini-Schnauzer and invited me over to meet her and play with her. It was love at first sight! I had to have one, which led to two, which led to three...........

In January of 2010 Gus and Lacy produced a litter of six beautiful healthy pups who have all found wonderful forever homes. I enjoyed the puppy process so much and can't wait to have more. There are no words to describe how much I love and adore my babies.

My first, Gus, helped to heal my heart after losing my father, my one and only sibling moving 1200 miles away, and my husband leaving me for another woman after 15 years of marriage-and all of that in the span of 18 months! Gus helped to pull me through it, heal and move on with my life. When he was 7 months old, he went with me by airplane to visit my brother. My brother fell in love with him and had to have one. So now when my brother comes home for a visit, we have a house full of schnauzers and we just have a blast.

I have taken mine to obedience classes where we just have a great time together. I love weekends so I can be with my babies all day. I hate leaving them in the mornings to go to work. Schnauzers truly are a gift from God!

Comments for Three Miniature Schnauzers Gus, Lacy and Andi Kay

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by: Anonymous

How great you had your baby to pull you through a difficult time. Yes, Schnauzers are the greatest companions. I have had three and the last one is by far the superior but each have given me great comfort in difficult times.

lucky you
by: Anonymous

Lucky you, I would love to have another schnauzer to keep my Jack company (1 year old last sunday) but it is not possible unfortunately.The only problem we have with Jack is that he cry's his eys out if we have to leave him on his own for any reason (shopping has to be done) which makes us feel very sad and guilty.

You've been bitten!!!!!
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Looks to me like the Schnauzer bug has bitten you too. You have 3 beautiful furkids. I'm sure you will end up with more. It's no harder to take care of 7 than it is to take care of three. It does take me a bit longer to groom them, but I get it done eventually. You can never have too many Schnauzers. (:-)

3 Schnauzers
by: Peggy

Three beauties you have there. I bet there's never a dull moment in your home.

"3" Beautiful Babies!
by: KG~Ebenezer's "mom"

How precious they are! Aren't you lucky to have three!

3 schnauzers
by: Carol

you have 3 beautiful schnauzers. i hate leaving mine in the mornings when i have to go to work too. i only have one and that makes me feel guilty that she's left alone. but i try and make up for when i get home with a good evening walk.

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