The passing of our sweet boy Murray

by Steve G

May 9th, 2015 was a day that we never saw coming. We knew our Murray was battling some serious health issues and the fact that he was 12 and a half years old didn't help. But the treatments we were doing at home for his kidney disease were helping and his quality of life was still pretty good.

He woke up on Saturday and had a hard time walking. He was having issues with his back legs for the last couple of months but he was still able to jump up and sleep in the chair or on the back of the couch. Suddenly overnight something changed. Our vet got us in and did a quick examination. It was either a sudden worsening of a disc issue or possibly a tumor that was causing the issue with him walking.

The vet gave my wife and myself a few minutes to talk things over. Our son who was 8 was at home with grandma and was already scared that Murray might not come back home. We couldn't see taking the dog home for a couple of days and then returning to put him to sleep.

So we made the decision that no pet owner ever wants to make. With his rear legs not working correctly along with stage three kidney disease we thought it was the humane thing to do. I got to hold him in my lap when the vet gave him the final injection. He quickly drifted off and away from his body that was failing him.

The last two days have been filled with a lot of tears. I know in time that will pass as it has with the other three schnauzers I have lost over the years. It's the only breed I have owned and probably the only breed I will ever own.

Hopefully Murray is having a great time with Jo Jo, Livingston and Lola. We will always love you buddy. Thank you for being a part of our lives for almost 13 years!

Comments for The passing of our sweet boy Murray

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Jul 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

Iam sorry to hear about your wonderful Schnauzer. I have 2 schnauzer's and they are the best dogs ever. You and your wife made such a hard but truly loving decisions. Iam sure your dog is playing and running next to your son.

May 31, 2015
it hurts so bad....
by: Connie

So sorry to hear about your schnauzer. Putting them to sleep is the hardest thing.... EVER.Those breeds are your best friends. Mine kept having bladder stones... and could not pee after several surgeries.. new food.. crystal clear water to drink.... Soo sad... I am now at a stage where I have decied to get another schnauzer.... I have put this off for years.... but this breed ins like no other.... So very sorry.... we will see them again.... I am sure of it.....
Peace be with you....
Connie ParksPiedmont Oklahoma......

May 29, 2015
Unfortunately can relate all to well...
by: James

So sorry to hear about Murray, it makes it so tough when they're health starts to decline and explaining to the kids. But I'm sure you must have been great owners for him to be around for 13 years!

We just had to put Boomer, our black mini down on March 31st and we has 14. Exact same issues as Murray, slowly losing function in has back legs, hard time getting in and out of the car until finally one morning he got our of his cage and it looked like he was walking on ice. We made the decision right then and there and although it was extremely difficult we were completely at peace with the decision and I was able to be in the room to see him go peacefully.

We waited a whole 29 days before finding a new mini schnauzer litter and we now have a new little guy Duke. Even though he has extremely big shoes to fill, he is giving us already some wonderful new memories with a little bit of Boomer mixed in. We absolutely love the breed and will never get anything else! Our thoughts are with you and your family and hopefully you will have a new addition soon!

May 26, 2015
Sorry for the loss of Murray.
by: Loretta

These pets are family and the loss leaves us broken hearted. We just lost our black male mini. Thought he injured his back but he was losing strength in back legs, then front legs. Had tests and ct scan with dye. He had a tumor on his outer spine, inoperative. Brought him home for 2 hrs. & with all his pain meds he was suffering. We made the humane decision out of love as you did. We stayed with our Kipper to the end 5/23/15. Our hearts are breaking with you.
God Bless.

May 17, 2015
May the love in your heart grow to help the pain
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain of having to make that decision. And the ache of seeing the pain they are going through. In the following days just remember that he is whole and health now and running and playing with his friends.

May 14, 2015
So sorry
by: Sharon

So sorry, I am going through that right now with my Dee Dee who is only 9. She is in the vets office right now, creatin is at 1011, phosphorous is off the chart and urea is off the chart. We are giving her another 24 hours to see if the number start to come down, they went up over night last night. It is just not fair.

May 12, 2015
So sorry...
by: Jackie

So sorry for your loss. I can only imagine as our Alex is 15 and dealing with declining health. As hard as it was, you made the best choice you could for your loyal friend. I pray your grief will soon be replaced by fond memories.

May 12, 2015
So Sorry For Your Loss
by: Karen L

So very sorry for the loss of your sweet Murray. He will be waiting for you on the rainbow bridge. Tail wagging and full of love for you as he had in life. I know this is hard now, and it will be forever more, but your love was all that your little boy needed and wanted. You gave, he gave, and both your lives were forever enriched. May your love keep you strong in the days ahead.

May 12, 2015
Dear Buddy...
by: Sasha's Mum Anjali

Soo sorry for your loss....
Keeping you and your family in prayers and thoughts....

May 11, 2015
My Thoughts are with you!
by: Mike

My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of need. Murray sounds like a wonderful companion. We too have lost several dogs - including two Schnauzers. Our last one Nicholas was the hardest. He was so loving and well liked by everyone that I still miss him today. I hope that in time you will find another little buddy. Schnauzers are the best. Murray is crossing the rainbow bridge and playing with his friends. Again, my prayers are with you.

May 11, 2015
Sweet Murray
by: Fran

May God comfort you as you mourn the loss of your sweet Murray. And, may the wonderful memories you have of him bring a smile to your lips and warm your heart.

May 11, 2015
by: T

So very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. I lost my little Joey two months ago and cry every day. Schnauzers are the best little friends. So human like. Take care. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

May 11, 2015
Wish for you all
by: Kathy

Sorry to here about your boy Murray I know how you feel we lost our girl Susie Q she was 13th yrs old in June 2012 to cancer . we still think of her all time but I feel like she waiting for us on Rainbow Bridge

May 11, 2015
It never stops hurting
by: Daisy

So sorry for your loss I know what you are feeling I lost my first schnauzer 2 years ago, she was only 6 yrs old when I took her in for kidney stones surgery and never saw her again so imagine I never got the chance to say good bye, I am still not over this I think about her everyday, I now have 2 more schnauzers and I will not settle for another breed, my prayers are with you and your family.....Gob bless!!!!

May 11, 2015
So very sorry
by: Maureen

I'm so very sorry for your loss. We also lost our baby just before Christmas from pancreatitis and never saw it coming. Murray is beautiful and now in a happier place. Best of luck to you and your family.

May 11, 2015
Every fur baby lost, is heaven's gain.
by: Pajo77

I'm so sorry about your little guy. It was so sad but please know this, a friend of ours was a pastor (RIP) and told us several years ago that our little love bugs will be there to greet us when we pass. Then just recently, the Pope concurred.

One day you will be with all of yours that crossed over that faithful beautiful Rainbow Bridge. In the meantime, I hope God wraps his loving arms around you and in time, your heart will heal enough to welcome another fur baby. God Bless.

May 11, 2015
by: Emma

What a sad story so sorry to hear your news. Beautiful schnauzer he was

May 11, 2015
I am so sorry
by: Peggy

This had me in tears. I know it is so hard to say that final goodbye. My heart goes out to you for your loss of your beloved little friend.

May 11, 2015
Passing of Murray
by: Anonymous

I've been owned by mini. schnauzers for about 40 years & they're the only dog for me. Actually, they're not dogs, but my 4-legged children. I'm so sorry that Murray had to leave. My Baby Belle is 12-1/2 years old & I dread the day she leaves me. She's so special to me.

May 11, 2015
I'm sorry for the loss of your furbaby
by: Rita Franklin

I know what your going thru. I had to have my sweet boy Sam on May 1 of this year put down. He was 14 yrs. old . We had taken him to get his teeth cleaned and they had removed some teeth. He had been doing so well for the last 4 weeks and all of a sudden he stopped eating and was unable to walk and started having seizures. The decision was very hard to have to make . I'll keep you in my prayers during this time. Schnauzers are the most loving and trusting breed , I'll always have a schnauzer in my life.

May 11, 2015
Pepper and Smokey
by: Anonymous

We have gone through this twice. Still mourning both even though we have a new puppy. They are all different and each special in their own way. We love schnauzers though had forgotten how much energy they have as puppies. They are waiting for us on the Rainbow Bridge. Thoughts are with you

May 11, 2015
Sorry for you loss
by: Florence

I know it is so hard to make that choice, as I did years ago. I waited a year and got another one and I still have him. He was 10yrs old in April. I still miss my Buddy my first one I had for around 18yrs. Hope this one stays with me that long....Hugs to you all in this time of sadness....

May 11, 2015
Sweet Murray
by: Lindy Lou

We lost 16 1/2 year old Trudy on 9 February. She practically raised the children. Murray and Trudy are at the Bridge playing with whole, pain-free bodies, waiting for us to meet up with them again. It never gets easier; I had 7 furbrothers and sisters to come home to; still we cried. When you are ready, please consider rescue; it is one of the few situations in life where everybody wins. Sending you love as you grieve.

May 11, 2015
I understand
by: Ginny

We had our male Mini Schnauzer, Smokey Bear for nearly 16 years, unheard of.... and kept a watchful eye on him the last 3 years. Knowing he had good days and some that were not the best. He kept up with his 2 other younger friends but saw that the time had come. It is never an easy decision. It doesn't stop the tears, it has been almost a year now and tears are swelling up now as I think of our sweet buddy. You have sweet memories of your faithful companion and trust in time you will be able to smile in the memories of your Murray. It is hard to see them suffer and hard to let them go!!Sending love to your family and especially your son!! From someone who does understand, Blessings

May 11, 2015
the joy he brought
by: Joan

It is so sad for you and your family.

You've such great memories of him and the joy he brought to your family.

Its 3 months since we lost Lucy, she had heart failure.
I don't know how long it will be before I stop saying Come on Lucy, as I wake up....

We feel so lucky to have enjoyed her company and

May 11, 2015
by: Anonymous

So sorry to know that the family is dealing with a great loss. GOD bless you all

May 11, 2015
Sincere Sympathy
by: Peggy

I'm so sorry to hear about Murray. It was so close to our experience with our 15 year old Zachary that it made a flood of tears come forward. It's been over 3 months for us and I still miss him constantly, thinking I must do something for him or check on him and realizing he's not going to be here anymore. It gets better and we still laugh and talk about Zach and the joy he brought to us ("World's best Dog"). But I think the pain will continue (though lessen) until we join him again. Thanks for sharing Murray's story. Bless all of you.

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