Tears for a Terrier- Grayce AnneMarie's story

by Tammi Sligh
(San Antonio)

Grayci when we met

Grayci when we met

Since childhood, I have always wanted what I called "a mustache dog". I did not grow up with pets in the house because I am allergic to dander and dog hair. I thought I would never be able to own a dog. My husband, on the other hand, loves dogs and has always had one growing up. He really missed having a dog. My daughter had begged for one her whole life too and she is now 15 years old. So, we discussed getting a poodle. It was the only breed I knew that didn't shed. We found one available at the local city shelter. I set out on Memorial Day to see this dog.

Upon arrival, I learned the shelter was not open that day but one kennel was open that was run by the San Antonio Pet's Alive program. They rescue soon to be euthanized dogs. I told the lady I was looking for a pet that would not shed since I am so allergic to them. She said she had a girl (about two years old) that had just come in but she was very ratty and tattered looking. She told me the dog was really shy and scared. My daughter and I decided to meet her. The lady brought her out on a leash, which she was hating... I cried the minute I saw her. She had large wads of matted hair and was very shy. She was so dirty and full of fleas. The poor thing! I could not go another minute without helping this dog. She had my heart right then and there. I had to arrange with the shelter to pick her up that afternoon so I could have her groomed before they spayed her. They gave her the shots, including Rabies, so I could have her groomed but we would have to return for the spaying on Sunday. If I had left her there to be spayed the following day, we would not be able to have her groomed until two weeks had past so she could heal.

We took her to a groomer who cut her hair really short. She is soooo adorable with her new haircut and bath. Her hair is silky smooth and shiny silver. She is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. We applied Frontline and now the fleas are all gone, save one or two( it hasnt even been 24 hours yet). We decided to name her Grayce AnneMarie, but we will call her Grayci.

When she arrived home, she was timid. She would not take the milkbone snack we offered her. She would not walk on the leash, we had to carry her inside. I let her out back and she immediately went to the bathroom at the furthermost edge of the fence. We tried playing ball with her but she just watched it roll by. I left to run errands for her and buy more things she would need. My daughter took her back outside and she began to warm up and starting chasing her around the yard. When I got home, Grayci had found a favorite spot on the middle cushion of the couch. She greeted me warmly. She followed us both around if we got up to do anything and then she would return to her spot on the couch. She would not eat her food yet. I let her out again before bed and she did her business. I was told to put her in a kennel for night time. I tried but she wouldn't go in it. I finally PUT her in it. She just stood there. I felt so bad after about 5 minutes, I had to let her back out. I decided to chance it and pray she would not use the bathroom in the house. She was shy but finally followed us up the stairs, but only when we couldn't see her. She appeared in my room and my daughter put her up on my bed. I laid down and she snuggled by my hip. I turned out the lights and she got up and walked around the bed, finding a better spot on my husbands side! lol. He works out of town, so he was not there. I awoke this morning and she was still in that spot. We took her out and she used the bathroom. I walked her on the leash. Once I coaxed her outside, she enjoyed the walk. She explored a lot but was pretty easy going. We met a dog and she barked but it quickly passed.

Once we returned home, she played in the backyard a few more minutes and then I had to shower. She came upstairs again, on her own and sat by the door, guarding me. I gave her a treat and left for work. My son said she was very playful today and so far no accidents in the house. She is alone now, until my daughter gets home but we are hoping she is not scared and lonely in the house. And, I hope she eats. She seems to be acclimating well. She is loved and I hope she can sense it. She seems very happy and loving.

There is just no telling what her story was before we got her yesterday. She has been trained, you can tell and she had had a family before but I don't know how she came to be in a shelter like the one she was in. She rescued us instead of us rescuing her, I think. We are thrilled to have her. She is a childhood dream come true for me and I hope I am also her dream come true after her terrible ordeal.

Comments for Tears for a Terrier- Grayce AnneMarie's story

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Isn't it great!
by: Anonymous

I'm so happy for your family! This is the first time my husband and I have rescued also, I hear it takes a few months before their full personality comes out. I suppose every dog is different but I have noticed spooky acting a little more relaxed every day.
(Btw your story caught my attention because i have a close friend named Ann Marie and her daughter is Gracie) ha! I really enjoyed reading what your experience has been like. So happy Grayce is doing well! Thank God you found her!

Warm regards,

Kimberly Sorenson.

bless you!
by: Schnauzer Woman

She is def a schnauzer. They are so extremely special on so many levels. They are very in tuned to their human mom and dads. My Chewy is my best friend and mush monster. You will see Grayci will be the same with you!

by: Anonymous

definitely a mini =)

I forgot to say the obvious
by: Anonymous

In my story, I meant to say the lady told me she was a schnauzer/terrier mix. Now that we have had her a few days, I don't believe she is a mix. I think she is a miniature schnauzer, after all, they are in the terrier family, right? After she was groomed, you cannot tell her apart from the pictures of other miniature schnauzers. I will be asking the vet about this. We start training next week! I am excited to teach her to sit and stay and walk properly beside me without pulling my arm out of socket! (any tips for a new dog owner would be appreciated!)

by: Crzy4Schnzers

We lost our adorable little girl, Koko, just a week ago from canine epilepsy. Your story reminded me so much of her. We adopted Koko from a local dog rescue as well. We have another female Schnauzer, Tess, and hadn't really considered another dog until one Saturday two years ago when I went to Petco to purchase some dog food. The dog rescue was at the store that Saturday with about a dozen dogs available for adoption. Of course, the had them in pens right in front of the dog food area. I walked by and saw a little chocolate Schnauzer huddled in the corner of her pen staring right into my face and shaking from fear. I knew she had been a mess when the shelter had received her because she had been shaven right down to her skin. I put my palm up to the cage and she was so shy she wouldn't leave her corner to smell it. I asked if they would remover her from the cage and allow me to hold her. As soon as she got into my arms she relaxed and began licking my hand. I was in love. I knew I couldn't leave her there so I called my husband and he brought Tess to Petco so the two dogs could meet. They became immediate friends. About a month after the adoption Koko had several seizures within two days. Our Vet believed that she had been used as a breeder since she estimated her age to be about 7-8 years old and was still healing from being spayed by the shelter. She was also malnourished and missing most of her teeth, which can both be signs of overbreeding. Just like your Grayce, she didn't understand how to play and we had to teach her. It took about six months but we brought Koko back to good physical and mental condition. The seizures continued even as we worked closely with our Vet trying different doses and combinations of medications. The seizures would stop for a few weeks or months but always came back. Finally, the medications were not stopping them. We gave her all the love she had and we are so very thankful we were granted the opportunity to make her final years happy and fulfilled. God bless you for rescuing Grayce and giving her the opportunity to live out her life knowing she is loved.

Bearded dogs are the best!
by: the Bearded Dog Bakery

Sounds like y'all were all very lucky to rescue each other! We feel like a home isn't complete until there is a furkid in it :)

We have four mini Schnauzers at our house.......Fancy, Sadie, Abbie and the newest is JayBob. He appeared inside of our fence one rainy and cold morning. Skinny and sad. Has stomach trouble. But I figured that out and he's the most perfect lil guy now!

Hope y'all have a woofy day ♥

Ronda.... baker @ the Bearded Dog Bakery

What a beauty!
by: chaco_kid

It was meant to be. Sometimes you just know. It's like you've always been together, you just needed to find each other again. The first time they wag their tail, take a treat from your hand, or give you a look of pure love... each is an additional gift and she will keep on giving. PS- Grayce is a great name for her. Good job!

by: Anonymous

my family had lost our beloved westie Cody to cancer last march.... we were going thru craigs list and found our buddy.. He is a rescue mini white schnauzer and the love of our lives... It took him awhile to get over his anxiety but is the most devoted, loving dog in the world...... He has been thru a lot but with our love and care he has really come around.... your story about your Gracye really hit home.. God bless!!!!!

Sweet Grayce
by: cindy

What a wonderful story. Thank you for saving such a sweet girl. I am so happy for all of you and hope you share many, many wonderful years together.

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