Sunshine brings us Sunshine

by Charlotte Hague
(Levittown, PA)

Acting like a cat

Acting like a cat

Sunshine became a a part of our family when she was about 8 months old. We found her by chance when shopping in a tropical fish store. My husband and I were not considering another dog (I had 2 previous miniature schnauzers) because we were close to retiring and traveling quite a bit. We thought it would not be fair to the dog. I wanted a pet and thought maybe fish would do. I was looking at the different fish in a tropical fish store when my husband excitingly called me over to see the dogs and cats that were stuck in the back of the store. There stuck in a cage that she could not move around in was a little matted unkept miniature schnauzer. We had the shop keeper take her out. When she walked her back legs were not moving that well. My husband would not put her down and said over and over I think we should take her home. We purchased her at a very discounted price and brought her home. At first she did not bark, did not know how to climb stairs or even jump off a couch.

Today she is 9 years old and is a barking playful little girl. She loves to go in the car with us and we take her whenever we can. We actually choose places or people to visit that welcome her. We named her Sunshine because she does bring us a lot of sunshine.

Sunshine loves to sit on the back of couch and look outside. She loves hanging out with her schnauzer relative "Sugar". One of her favorite things to do is to chase and play catch with her squeaky toys and soft frisbee. She also loves to chase the squirrels in her yard. She is definitely bringing much joy to our retirement days.

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Jul 26, 2013
by: Anonymous

first,thank you for rescuing her,we rescued my good boy casper,and his puppy mill(amish) background was very similar to sunshines in his lack of mobility;

they somehow know they are rescued,and it creates a special relationship;

Jul 26, 2013
by: Amber

Love the picture on the back of the couch. Our 2 year old miniature schnauzer loves to sit there also. We have a cat that she plays with and sometimes I think the dog thinks she is a cat too.

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