Scout Finch

by Melodie Holliday
(Bend, OR)

Mini Schnauzer Scout Finch

Mini Schnauzer Scout Finch

Scout Finch - a loving and brave girl

Scout came into my life just as she left it - comforting me and giving me her total love and devotion. The most enthusiastic greetings lay behind my door every time I came home, the 3 "woo, woo, woo's" were her welcome home words... given in a slow, low, hushed exclamation.

She never scratched at a door, she would stand near it and give me "the look" or come stand in front of me to deliver a more direct "look" and slam her front paws down like a baby bear. She never enjoyed sitting on laps, but was content to stretch out on the couch - always facing the door. As long as her back feet were touching me, she knew she had me "protected."

Scout was sensitive - you only had to speak sternly once, yet she was fearless when her territory was invaded. We had to keep our subcontractors at arms length if I was in the room with them during our kitchen remodel. She nipped a pant leg once, but she was always very careful with her teeth - never biting man nor beast.

Scout had the fastest tongue in the west - kisses were lavished on all admirers, and there were many. She was a clown and loved to race through the house "zooming." She would demonstrate her dissatisfaction with being left home alone by knocking over my laundry hamper and dragging one pair of my undies to the front door. I always found the undies but Scout would be lying in her bed as if she had no idea of how those undies got there.

For 11 months Scout endured daily fluid infusions and the last month, pain med management. She never bit or yelped when I inserted those needles. After 2 previous trips to the vet for what we thought would be the last journey, her body was failing and her will could no longer support her fight. On Dec. 7, 2012 we spent our last moments together, her head in my hands - a lick to my palm, a gentle sigh, and she went to Rainbow Bridge to wait for me. I am blessed, I have been loved by a very special schnauzer and I will always love her.

Comments for Scout Finch

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Mar 26, 2013
RIP Scout
by: Timmys Family

So sorry for your loss, I have tears in my eyes after reading your story, the little things that mini's do. She looked a gorgeous girl, I am sure she is having a great pain free time while waiting for you. RIP Scout.x

Mar 25, 2013
by: MelodieH

Thank you for recognizing Scout and reminding me how sweet are the memories.

Mar 22, 2013
Memories of Scout
by: Brandy

I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain must be immense. May you find strength and comfort in loving memories of your sweet little Schnauzer girl Scout.

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