Rest easy our little Jeeves

by Charles
(Spring Hill, Tennessee)

Pup, your humans are broken hearted. As you know, 15 years ago, when you were just a pup, we were graced with you after a rough start in your life.

You had a great life with us moving from New Hampshire then to Massachusetts and, finally, Tennessee. I often wonder if you had a favorite or really didn't care because you just were so happy being right next to us.

After you died in my arms on Thursday, May 16, 2024, I knew you were at peace because, even though you were a tough dog, your body had worn out and we couldn't let you suffer any more.

We know that you have crossed the bridge and are healthy again. I hope you also meet Tonka (I told you about him) and you guys get to play, eat and have fun all the time.

I wanted to let you know that we will be receiving your remains on Monday and have a special spot at home so you can keep an eye on us just as Tonka does. You collar and tags are hanging on the coffee table as I promises.

Today, I planted a beautiful tree in your name, honor and memory. We can see it from the bedrooms as it is in the front of the house. Every day I promise to take care of it just like every day we took care of each other.

Jeeves, rest easy our little buddy, and know that we miss you greatly now and forever.

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May 21, 2024
Condolences to youp
by: Phyllis

It’s tough to lose those we love. My heart goes out to you. πŸ™πŸ™

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