Raw Dog Food - BARF

The raw dog food diet, or BARF diet for dogs, is gaining in popularity. Its approach and philosophy to pet feeding is the belief that dogs, being ancestors of the wolf, need to eat what nature had intended for them, a raw diet.

wolves raw feedingRaw Feeding Wolves Kills and Eats Prey

To feed itself, a wolf kills and then eats his prey completely, that is raw meat, bones, and all. This provides the nutrients the animal needs to sustain a long life.

Therefore it is believed a raw feeding system (i.e. foods provided by nature itself and not commercially man-made kibble) is the best way for our pets to live a long life of natural good health.

Those feeding their dogs on a balanced raw diet have reported many benefits including cleaner teeth and fresh breath, healthier shiny coats, and better health overall.

The Bones and Raw Food diet, known as BARF is typically made up of 60-80 percent raw meat and bones (like chicken neck, back, and wings). The other 20-40 percent would then come from fruits and vegetables and other natural foods like eggs. As a guide, adult dogs require about 2% or 3% of their body weight in food intake daily.

Dogs Are Meat Eaters – Not Grain Eaters.

Dogs have short simple digestive tracts made for digesting animal protein and fat. Their systems are designed to consume and metabolize animal flesh and fat.

As a matter of fact, they have difficulty digesting grains and other complex carbohydrates.

The raw dog food diet suggests dogs are best fed high quality meat protein and fats with NO grains and few carbohydrates. Even many vets are now stating that cooked or processed pet food is the main cause of illness and premature death of our dogs!

Tip for feeding raw dog food - If you are planning on transitioning your Miniature Schnauzer over to raw food, be sure not to add any raw meat to kibble or even cooked foods. Dogs digest raw meat very quickly where the others take much longer. Combining the foods will therefore cause digestive upsets.

Also, you might want to ask your Vet about supplementing your Miniature Schnauzer's diet with enzymes & probiotics. They can help provide your Miniature Schnauzer with better health through improved digestion.

If you would like a step by step guide on how to start your dog on a raw food diet, check out one of these great books on feeding raw

Unprocessed raw meat, fruits and vegetables contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients dogs need to thrive.

By eating this way, your dog can be healthier and a healthy dog is able to resist diseases and infections, so they live longer. And the added bonus to you when your dog is healthy, you save money. How? A healthy dog will not need to see the vet as often or need to take lots of costly medications.

Want to learn more? Here are just some of the things you will learn from raw feeding books:

  • Find out just why a raw feeding is the best diet for your dog.
  • Step by step instructions on how to begin the process.
  • The 26 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients your dogs require to achieve optimum health.
  • The foods your dog needs to eat to meet the essential nutrient requirements.
  • How to determine if your dog is nutrient deficient.
  • Why your dog needs fruits and vegetables.
  • Special raw food diets for pregnant dogs; puppies; old dogs; and even ill dogs!
  • A easy-to-follow diet plan to follow for your dog.

Shop Raw Dog Food Online

Raw dog food meals are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and are grain-free. Includes fresh ground bone as an excellent calcium source.

Scientifically balanced formulas made with 100% human grade, antibiotic- & hormone-free meats.

See all the delicious raw dog foods here: Raw Dog Food

As always, consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's food or adding supplements to his diet.

Mini Schnauzer Dog Food Series

The links below provide you more information on foods to feed (or not feed) your Miniature Schnauzer.


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