Our special boy Bailey

by Patrick smith
(England )

Never having a dog before Bailey was our first and only dog. We had only recently got married when we chose Bailey and still remember the day we brought him home. Bailey was such an amazing dog and was a massive part of the family. Bailey got diagnosed with a liver shunt when he was around 6 years old but that didn't bother him, he took his medicine and ate his specialised food with no issue what so ever. January just gone Bailey snap his cruitaite ligament which he had surgery that was never really successful but he still did ok. We took Bailey to the vet on Wednesday when they were not happy with his ear so we ask them to check everything out., he went in Thursday and they put him To sleep to check things, his other leg had gone bad, he's ears were heavily infected and he had a grade 5 heart murmur. Bailey couldn't take certain medication because of his shunt so he was in so much pain we made the hardest decision ever and sent him to heaven. He was 11 1/2 years old. A massive hole has been left in our family and i have never felt loss like it. Bailey did everything with us and not having him about is unbearable at the moment. I hope it gets easier.

Comments for Our special boy Bailey

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Aug 03, 2017
share your loss
by: Diane

I am so sorry for your loss. I just recently put down my 6th miniature schnauzer, Rocky, and I miss him so. He was 13 & among other problems got vestibular disease. Too old for puppies, I am now looking for another dog to rescue.

They are such great dogs, in spite of their health issues and you were great caring owners..they just leave us way too soon. My sympathy to you.

Jul 18, 2017
My Heart goes out to you!
by: Anonymous

Hi, And we know how you hurt and we hurt for you. When we lost Kip in 2016 to CHF at 14.5 it nearly killed us!!!! We will never get over it so our heart goes out to you. The only way I can even handle it is in knowing that when I too cross over I WILL SEE HER AGAIN! WE were so LUCKY she was in our life, a true gift from heaven. After about a year we adopted an 11 year old MS from SC and he has so much love and he too was sent us from heaven no doubt.

God Bless,

Jul 17, 2017
by: T St louis

I'm very sorry for the loss of Bailey. He sounds like a wonderful little friend. It's so difficult when they have to leave us. Take care.

Jul 17, 2017
Sorry for your loss
by: Maggie

Beautiful Bailey ❤️🐾 Schnauzers are wonderful souls. Sometimes I wish I had every one Ive rescued and had to make hard sections for comeback to me. These fur kids fill special places in our human hearts, we will always miss them. It gets a bit easier and it takes a long while. I always thought I wouldn't get another rescue Schnauzer but I always do .

Hugs from another Schnauzer mom and Schnauzer cuddles from my new rescue Laurie, 8 years old Ive had two months

Jul 16, 2017
Beautiful Bailey
by: Jackie

I'm so saddened by your story. You were wonderful parents to this boy and I'm sure he's watching down on you. Losing a family member is gut wrenching and the hurt will always be there but you will eventually love another dog (hopefully a schnauzer) and share some more wonderful memories. Rest in peace, Bailey and best wishes to your sad parents.

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