by Tami
(Smiths Falls, Canada)



How do you say goodbye to the light in your eyes each morning?

How do you say goodbye to the schnauzer hugs that embraced you each day?

How do you say goodbye to the schnauzer kisses that never ended...

How do you say goodbye to the little wagging bum waiting for you when you came home...

How do you say goodbye to always being happy to be around you.

We lost our precious Sheldon, our rescue schnauzer October 22, 2014. The light in our eyes has been extinguished, our reason for going home gone, the house sits empty, no longer a home. He fought so hard with his heart failure, dementia, cancer and finally kidney failure.. he rallied back from them all, no more strength to fight the kidney failure as hard as he tried.

He who we comforted in his final moments comforted us by licking us to the end.. we miss our Sheldon more than words can say, we will love our Sheldon always and forever.

Rest in peace our sweet precious boy, you will forever be in our hearts.

Mommy and daddy miss you, our little monkey.


Click here to add your own comments

Dec 12, 2014
Oscar your mom is sure going to miss you
by: Sondra

I have a friend his name is Oscar.I'm letting him go tomorrow morning,so it's a very sad time for me.Oscar came to me 2004. He just showed up on my porch one night in April.He was just a pup,around 6 months.No one claimed him so I took care of him. He's been a true friend,loyal,protective,my dog.But it's time to say good bye. His health as deteriorated within the last few months.He's drinking lots of water and is very steady on his feet.Doesn't go up or down stairs much anymore,just lays quietly in the floor beneath my feet.

Dec 09, 2014
by: Banjo's owner Steph

I hope knowing that you gave Sheldon the best life ever will help ease the pain of saying goodbye to him. It may sound trite to say…they are family, but Sheldon is your family. I hope it helps to know that I & others grieve with you and understand how you feel.

Dec 02, 2014
Sweet Sheldon
by: Tonia

As I read your story about Sheldon, I noticed we lost our babies exactly one month apart. Sparky passed on 11-22-14 and they both had similar health problems. Sheldon looks so sweet in his pictures and I know he brought much joy into your life. I pray that you are getting stronger each day. It is such a blessing to have a site such as this one to share our stories as we heal in the loss of our precious darlings.

Nov 09, 2014
Frasier's Mom
by: Lisa

Our boy, Frasier, got his wings on October 23, 2014. He was kind, gentle, serious, funny, and the brightest spot in our lives. My heart breaks for you in the loss of your Sheldon as I am more than aware of how it feels. Frasier had a series of health issues. He was diabetic, had pancreatic issues, bladder stones, low functioning thyroid, and liver issues. We cooked for him, worked our schedules around him, and loved him as hard as we could. There won't ever be another like him and I too find myself breathing him in wherever I can. All the best to you as you conquer your grief. May your friends and your memories alleviate your heart ache.

Nov 09, 2014
Our Babies
by: Ted & Linda

Our love for these wonderful dogs began in the spring of 1976 when we rescued Lady. She was a schnoodle. We had her for eleven happy years. Then we got Schultz a full blooded salt and pepper that had been born unto greedy breeders and saving him was a miracle. He was boss of the neighbor and loved by anyone that met him. We went through many bouts of health issues but he always fought back but finally lost the battle when he was almost twelve. We also rescued a beautiful lilac point Siamese , Tia , and had her 17 years. After suffering the lost of three beloved pets I just didn't think I could go through it again until I stopped at our local shelter and met our sweet silver schnauser, Molly !! She brought all the joy back into our that we had with all our babies. At ten years old we found out she was diabetic and for two years had to give her daily shots. But her engeric playfulness and unconditional love ended at 12 1/2. I didn't think I could survive and made ted promise never to have another. A few months later he saw a little white schnauser at the angels for animals website and said he just wanted to see him. When we got there he was caged with his brother all black. We came home with both, theo ,and thumper!! They instantly became our boys!! Thumper followed me everywhere and was on my lap everytime I sat down . Kisses, licks and hugs was our daily routine and Theo never left his side. Out of no where Thumper stopped eating. At first we though it was because Theo had surgery and was getting more then his usual attention but after three days I knew something was wrong. X-rays showed a large mass but since he was only 5 we had an exploratory surgery done. And then he was gone.! It has only been two days and I still can't breath. theo is totally lost looking everywhere for his treasured brother. I can never go through again.

Nov 03, 2014
So very sorry
by: Debbie

I am so sorry to know that you are suffering. Many of us on this forum had loved and grieved the loss of our 'kids.' I, too, had no kids of my own, and Lucy's passing April 2013 was agonizing heartbreak. I felt as if I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't breathe, the loss was so profound.

To me, a dog is like your home's roof; you have the walls, the structure but until you put the roof on your house, it's not a home. Lucy was my roof, making me feel safe and secure and she brought "home" to my house.

Several agonizing months went by and I agreed to foster a senior dog who was recovering and needed a quiet place to recuperate. Never in a million years will Benji replace my love for Lucy...but it's something about being needed and a senior needing love and comfort that made me fall in love in 3 days. Benji is 11....and then a 2nd foster needing me even MORE came into my life. Coco is 5 and had been hit by a car and left for dead.

They are firmly now in my heart and bring 'home' to me every day. Lucy and her pics and memories are entrenched in my heart/soul, but I have 2 kids who need me now as much as I need them and I will forever be grateful that Lucy brought them into my life.

Nov 03, 2014
Precious Sheldon
by: Peggy

I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through. We who love our schnauzers and other babies are heart-sick for you, as we know that pain. I just keep reminding myself that all the wonderful years and moments that they give me are worth the heartache of illness and death that finally comes. Be good to yourself at this time, knowing that you made a wonderful life for a wonderful and deserving boy.

Nov 02, 2014
Sheldon's mom
by: Tami

I am so touched by everyone's kindness thru this forum. Reading your comments brings warmth to my heart that is presently so empty and missing my boy. I am grateful to you all and I know my Sheldon would be comforted to know his mommy was getting some help from other schnauzer parents

Nov 02, 2014
Sheldon's still with you
by: Jackie

I so feel your loss and doubt that what I write will make you feel any better. Firstly, I just want to say what wonderful words you wrote about Sheldon and how lucky he was to have you to love him soooo much. When I read your words, I felt I knew the dog so, for me, you've shared your dear boy across the internet in a way that you wouldn't believe. Secondly, I just want you to know that I am convinced of a life beyond this hard and trying one. Sheldon't body may no longer be with you but he's waiting in a place that is so much better and he's happy. He's watching over you as all much loved dogs and pets do. You're not alone. He's still there.

When my dear Banjo passed away in April this year, I was devastated. I still shed tears for him now but I have a new schnauzer puppy (she's 8 months old) and she's wonderful and brings me so much joy and I know that Banjo would approve of her. She'll never replace Banjo but she's given my heart back its beat and I hang out every day to see her furry face.

Thinking of you. You'll get through the pain eventually but you'll have your memories for every of a wonderful wonderful dog.

Nov 01, 2014
by: JuanitaReeves

so so sorry for the loss of a joy. I so dread that day when I have to say goodbye to my Ginger. She is 13.
My heart so goes out to all of you.

Nov 01, 2014
by: Anonymous

we who have suffered the loss of our beloved mini's
know the depth of your grief;we share your loss because we also have traveled this path;time will soften the edges of your grief,but time will never erase the love and joy sheldon gave you;
as time passes another mini may find you who will need a loving home,it's strange ,but that's how it seems to work;

R.I.P my good boy casper,and toby obee,watch out for sheldon;

Will Rodgers:
"if dogs don't go to heaven when they die,i want to go where the dogs go"

Nov 01, 2014
by: Tami

As I sit and read all the beautiful and supportive comments that are being posted I am grateful for all the wonderful schnauzer moms and dads that have taken the time to write me. This is an amazing forum and your comments and stories help. I cry reading them and am touched more than you all know.
One of the things that hurts so much is that I am no longer a mom to my Sheldon. I could never have kids so my Sheldon was like a child to me. I feel so empty and unneeded now.

We need this support to help us in our grief journey.
We are making an honor shelf for our boy and am putting beautiful pictures on it along with his favorite boney and his urn.
We have to pick up his urn this week and I'm not looking forward to that. I so want to have been picking him up and having him wrap his wee paws around my neck to give me his amazing hugs and kisses, oh how I miss them.
The burning in my heart feels so deep. We miss him so very much.
We look forward to your continued support ad we continue this journey of grief.

Nov 01, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry you no longer have Sheldon. As so many other Schnauzer lovers have said - I am crying with you as I write - having shared the grief and loss. Know that you gave Sheldon what he wanted most - more than food, more than life itself: to be loved by someone who would let him love them. No one will ever take Sheldon place, but know the second gift Sheldon gave you was the heart to give a rescue a second chance in finding a furever love. Mourn in your own time and when you can hear his name and smile...think about adopting again. Sheldon showed you how beautiful schnauzer love can be. Bless his heart! :)

Nov 01, 2014
by: Angelica

Awwwwww so sad....RIP Sheldon....

Nov 01, 2014
RIP Sheldon
by: Sheri B

RIP sweet Sheldon! I know it is very hard to go through what you are right now. Most of us have been through it at least once. You are wonderful for rescuing Sheldon and giving him a home filled with love and trust. Give yourself time to grieve for him and know they each person grieves differently and for different amounts of time. But at some point you will smile when you think about him and be able to remember the funny things he did and great experiences you had with one another. While your heart aches now, loving Sheldon has opened your heart to love another. When our first schnauzer died, we didn't get our second for 6 months. When our second died unexpectedly from a ruptured spleen with a benigh tumor, I was so incredibly grief stricken. He was so healthy that I thought he would be with us for at least 15 yrs. He had no symptoms prior. But I felt guilty I missed something. We decided to adopt after that. And to have two. So 5 weeks later we adopted two bonded mini boys. But they didn't quite fill the void I felt. It actually took over a year for me.

Nov 01, 2014
Thinking of you...
by: Brittany Bruno

I'm so sorry for your loss. Your letter is beautiful and your story has touched my heart. I'm so glad Sheldon had such a loving family who supported him through the ups and downs. He was a lucky dog as you are a lucky family to have had him in your life for the time you were given. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and appreciate the time I have with my own schnauzers even more today and going forward.

With love and condolences,

Nov 01, 2014
Thinking of You
by: Schnauzer Lover

I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how you are feeling and the difficulty associated with losing your beloved little friend. I lost both of my Schnauzers ....21 months apart. It was devastating and still brings tears to my eyes. After 10 months, I finally got an 8 week old Schnauzer puppy. It has helped. I strongly urge you to find another rescue dog to help heal the hole in your heart. There is a little fur baby out there that needs you as badly as you need them. God Bless.

Nov 01, 2014
So sorry for your loss
by: Becky C.

My heart goes out to you. I hope that in the coming days warm memories of Sheldon give you comfort and healing. <3

Nov 01, 2014
So sorry for your loss
by: Becky C.

My heart goes out to you. I hope that in the coming days warm memories of Sheldon give you comfort and healing. <3

Nov 01, 2014
Hugs and Love
by: Basel the Schnauzer

I know you are missing your Sheldon. I am a 13 year old Schnauzer, 3rd one my mama has had. I have prostate cancer and was given six months 2 years ago, but time is coming very soon. I lost my best friend Jaxson the schnauzer, age 3 who went blind and then had multiple other health issues. I lost Squirt (he was 13) my age. Mama cries and has had discussion with vet, as long as I am eating and comfy still time. My kisses to you as Sheldon has Jaxson, Squirt, Snoopy on the Rainbow Bridge. I want to go to but mama is not ready. You are so sad and I wish I could make you feel better. To lose one of us is the worst ever. We are your children/family and love.

Please try and get a little peace (I know its hard) knowing Sheldon has friends, love and will see you again. I looked at his pictures and he is a fine handsome schnauzer, we all are.

Mama wants to say, hugs and kisses to.....

Oct 31, 2014
Sweet Sheldon
by: Verla

So sorry for your loss. My sweet Mardi crossed the bridge last Nov and I still cry everyday. I think I am ready for a new baby and hope to have one soon. We never stop feeling the loss of our babies, we just get used to the emptiness. Mine kissed me goodbye as he went to sleep, it broke my heart.

Oct 31, 2014
Remember this
by: Phil Medway

Right now you are feeling terrible,many of us on this site have lost much loved Schnauzers and know just how much it hurts. Sheldon may no longer be in your life but I am sure he lives on in your hearts and your memories. I know it is probably the last thing on your minds just now but I am sure there is another rescue Schnauzer waiting out there for you to take home and love. The great thing about getting another Schnauzer is in loving and enjoying them each day they remind you of the pleasure you had with the loved one you lost.

Oct 31, 2014
Sorry for your loss...
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss.... 😢
When I read your post, my mind went to our Schnauzer, Snazzy. The way you described Sheldon is how we would describe our little girl (full of love and happiness).They truly are the reason we get up in the morning. Thinking of you during this time...

Oct 31, 2014
Sorry for your loss...
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss.... 😢
When I read your post, my mind went to our Schnauzer, Snazzy. The way you described Sheldon is how we would describe our little girl (full of love and happiness).They truly are the reason we get up in the morning. Thinking of you during this time...

Oct 31, 2014
by: Sylvia

May precious Sheldon continue His Journey through Puppies' Heaven, where everything is filled with God's Light and Joy.

Oct 31, 2014
Sweet Sheldon
by: Debbie

I am so very sorry for to hear of the loss of your sweet Sheldon. Our Schnauzers are our life because of the love and joy they bring. The love you shared will always continue, and may you find peace and comfort knowing that he knew how much you both loved him. Sending hugs....

Oct 31, 2014
I'm so very sorry
by: Mark, Max, and Aba

I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby. I'll be praying for healing and peace for you. I know you're hurting, as I would be. My you be well.

Oct 31, 2014
Know the pain
by: Gmike

Loving a schnauzer is so rewarding, so glad you had your Sheldon to share that love with. We had a standard schnauzer for 15 years and our ole fella was so sweet till the end. You have sweet memories and not only shared your love but he shared his life with you. Blessings to you

Oct 31, 2014
so sorry
by: Anonymous

My heart is breaking for you! I've been there more than once. When you're ready give your love to another one. .. there's so many that need you. You can never replace but you can love another.

Oct 31, 2014
thoughts of you
by: Anonymous

Wish I could give you words of comfort but I know words can never make it any better. My little man is 14 and is starting to fail but I have so much love In my heart for him that my heart brakes every time I think of losing him..we as schnauzer lovers will always have a bond.my thoughts and prayers will be with you through this time of sorrow.

Oct 31, 2014
thoughts of you
by: Anonymous

Wish I could give you words of comfort but I know words can never make it any better. My little man is 14 and is starting to fail but I have so much love In my heart for him that my heart brakes every time I think of losing him..we as schnauzer lovers will always have a bond.my thoughts and prayers will be with you through this time of sorrow.

Oct 31, 2014
Sheldon memories
by: Tami

As I sit here and read all your beautiful comments I remind myself of the cute things our Sheldon did. We homemade all his meals due to him having health issues. After supper he would go from chair to chair rubbing his beard, he circled a few times. He loved to spend time with us no matter what we were doing and if we were on the computer he would sit with his head on the laptop as if to tell us he was here computer or not. I sure wish he had his head there now. He had dementia and some of the things he would do was walk around the livingroom licking the sculptures that were around.he did so many cute things. It hurts to remember but I know it's good to remember. Oh how I miss his kisses and hugs. I miss him cuddling with us in bed at night with his little head on your shoulder, I miss his smell, I pick up his blanket now and just bury my nose in it only hoping if I inhale strong enough he will come back. I miss our Sheldon!!

Oct 31, 2014
there are no words
by: Ira & Brenda Doss

We had a baby very similar to your Sheldon. Our Sebastian road motorcyclces, flew airplanes (circumnavigated the globe) and spent over 1 million miles in our semi trucks. He was my partner 24/7. Allass he became diabetic and later lost his vision, but it never slowed him down. At 12 his kidneys too could no longer fight and he left us. This was almost exactly 8 years ago. His love taught us to love on. We've rescued a Standard, a mini and adopted a giant. All are unique, all are Schnauzers through and through and all like our Bastian will leave a void that can never be filled. Is the love through their lives worth the eternal pain when they leave us? I just don't know. But there are hundreds if not thousands of babies that deserve to know love. For that reason we'll keep rescuing them and they'll keep rescuing us.

Oct 31, 2014
Remember your fondest, funnest, happiest times!!!
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss! At the moment the pain may be too great but try to think of all the best times you had with your little buddy. The times he may have got into mischief or was able to put a smile on your face. Most importantly don't keep it all bottled up inside, try to share your feelings in forum a such as this. Your little guy would not like to know your sad at the moment, he only try to make you cheer up! :) my prayers are with you and your family! Xoxo

Oct 31, 2014
IIt WILL get better
by: Linda and Glen

We lost our four year old mini-schnauzer, Fritz, at age 4 yrs., on Dec. 13, 2013, to heart disease. He took our hearts with him when he was put down. No suffering any more for this angel. We have saved all his stuff, framed things, etc., because of all the dogs we've ever owned, he was the apple of our eyes. We finally took on a new puppy,Taylor, who is now almost 5 mos. old, also a mini-schnauzer with papers, but he is definitely his own person. Still bites us (nips), scratches, always wants to be with BOTH of us, tears up stuff, pees and poops in the house, etc., but we love him to pieces. We are old now, have some health issues, and worry now what will happen to him one day if we're suddenly gone. It's a chance we're willing to take because he needed, and now has, a permanent home, and we know he loves us. He'll get "fixed" soon and hopefully it will calm him down. We just wanted to tell you we do understand your loss, and there is no time limit on grieving. It's okay to love another but you will never forget this one either, and that's ok too. We all have more love in us than we expect. Thank you for being a good parent, and we hope you will peace and love again very soon. Never give up. Hugs.

Oct 31, 2014
Love Schnauzers
by: Donna

I feel your pain. When we lost our 4 year old Oatis, on our holiday to Florida, it was heart breaking not to bring him home. We got O'Guy just 10 weeks later. I still miss my little Oatis. But we have O'Guy to love now.
All the best to you in Smith Falls from a Schnauzer family in Milton On

Oct 31, 2014
Love Schnauzers
by: Donna

I feel your pain. When we lost our 4 year old Oatis, on our holiday to Florida, it was heart breaking not to bring him home. We got O'Guy just 10 weeks later. I still miss my little Oatis. But we have O'Guy to love now.
All the best to you in Smith Falls from a Schnauzer family in Milton On

Oct 31, 2014
Love Schnauzers
by: Donna

I feel your pain. When we lost our 4 year old Oatis, on our holiday to Florida, it was heart breaking not to bring him home. We got O'Guy just 10 weeks later. I still miss my little Oatis. But we have O'Guy to love now.
All the best to you in Smith Falls from a Schnauzer family in Milton On

Oct 31, 2014
Love Schnauzers
by: Donna

I feel your pain. When we lost our 4 year old Oatis, on our holiday to Florida, it was heart breaking not to bring him home. We got O'Guy just 10 weeks later. I still miss my little Oatis. But we have O'Guy to love now.
All the best to you in Smith Falls from a Schnauzer family in Milton On

Oct 31, 2014
so sorry
by: Lynn Hutchinson

I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers coming from WVA as you go thru this difficult time.

Oct 31, 2014
Thinking of you.
by: Marie R.

Take care and sorry for your loss.

Oct 31, 2014
Love Never Dies
by: Maggie Besignano

I hope to give you some comfort in your sorrow by saying they never die or leave us, but bury themselves deeper in our hearts. Love never dies, just a very thin veil between. And they show themselves to us in many ways when we least expect it.
They want to comfort us as they did when they were physically with us.. Rejoice in your memories and love you keep for Sheldon ever closer in your heart.
Prayers for your family, from another Schnauzer person who feels your heartache,
Maggie Besignano

Oct 31, 2014
by: Suzanne

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your precious Schnauzer. I have a 12 yr old miniature Schnauzer, Oscar....and I know our time is limited. They are such precious, loving animals, more like a family member. I'll add you to my prayer list, for I know this is a very difficult time.

Oct 31, 2014
Sorry for your loss!
by: Mike

My thoughts and prayers are with you. It sounds like Sheldon was wonderful part of the family. It is going to be hard for a while. You will find yourself looking at where he laid and expect him to be there. But time lessens the pain. Eventhough we have lost dogs over the years I had a really tough time with the loss of our last one, Nicholas. I was the one who rescued him and he was my little boy. It took me a while to not expect to see him at any moment.

Our first Schnauzer, Fritz, was my first dog. My wife had two or three dogs around the house growing up while I didn't. He became our little guy. When he died at 15 years we were heartbroken. My wife, and our dogs, were depressed.It was gloomy around the house.

I had taken care of Fritz through his illness so I had gone through the grieving process and saw how sick he was. One weekend about two and a half weeks after his death I asked Cindy to drive out to this farm that had Schnauzer puppies. She did not want to go but reluctantly finally agreed. The puppies they had were well taken care of but the dogs they used for breeding were kept outside in an open pen and were fithy.

While we were watching the puppies I noticed this adult Schnauzer who would play with the puppies and then rest a bit and then play some more. The breeeder had taken her from a family with small children. She could not remember her name.

By this time Cindy had warmed to the puppies. As it turned out herr name was Gabby and she had not been able to sell her because everyone wanted puppies. Watching how she played with the puppies convinced me she was the right dog to get. When we took her to the vet we realized that she had not been taken care of and was sick. Eventually she recovered and has become a wonderful companion. We call her the Princess. When we take her out she loves kids. When our oldest alpha dog Gretel lost her hearing and had health problems Gabby would constantly check on her and get right in front of her when she barked so gretel could see her. She was bought from a breeder but is a rescue dog.

My point is that when you feel you are up to it find another rescue Schnauzer to be a part of your family. They won't be Sheldon but they will be their own special personality. Again, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Oct 31, 2014
You're so welcome Tami
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much Tami. I fully understand exactly what you just said!
Yes! It hurts to the RAW core!
What gave me some comfort in this situation is to know and understand that I did everything that I possibly could and that my little one wasn't suffering or in pain anymore. I envisioned my Neko saying to me "It's alright mom. I thank you for releasing me from my pain. I am happy and at peace now."
I hope you can take some solace in knowing that your little guy is at peace and that he will be waiting to see you when you cross the Bridge. I truly believe that! That is what keeps me going.
Another thing, if I may. Guilt has a way of beating you up, no matter how much you did for your beloved. PLEASE don't let it! YOU did the best you could, and you need to allow yourself to be at peace with this. I hope this helps in some small way. Sincere hugs, prayers and compassion sent to you!

Oct 31, 2014
by: Tami

Thank you for your kind comments. We need support while we grieve our boy. It hurts to our inner cores. Your comments are comforting and we are empathetic to your losses. It is a very deep pain. If I could reach through the picture frame or computer screen to pull my Sheldon out I would in a heartbeat.

Oct 31, 2014
Words cannot express .....
by: Tanya

Words do not express the empathy I feel towards the loss of your beloved Sheldon.
I had to put my little girl down in August because of congestive heart failure. I would have gladly laid my OWN life down for her! Her loss just ripped my guts out, so I can understand what you must be feeling.
It doesn't seem possible that it has been two months since her loss already. I have adopted another Mini Schnauzer mix. She is such a lover and a good dog, but I still miss my precious baby.
Time heals, slowly, but there is always that void because the precious bond of love has been severed. Thoughts and prayers go out to you in your grieving and your loss. God Bless! <3

Oct 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. So glad you were able to be with him until the very end.

Oct 31, 2014
Sweet Sheldon
by: Wanda

I am so sorry for your loss. Our Schnauzers are truly part of our family. You were a wonderful pet parent to Sheldon. He knows just how much you love him and will be watching over your family until the day comes when you all will be reunited again. May God bless.

Oct 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

God bless x

Oct 31, 2014
Aunt Tami and Uncle Sherm
by: Kim Stevens

Thinking of you both xo

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