Our beloved Mattie

by Lisa M. Whitley
(Cataula, Georgia, US)

In August 2008, a local rescue group contacted us regarding Mattie, who was to have been euthanized the same day. We had Mattie for 7 wonderful years until she became ill with kidney disease in the fall of 2013. We syringe fed her from this time until she took a turn for the worse on April 10, 2015. She was fed every 4 hours all day and all night from 2013 to 2015. She also had to have subcutaneous fluids twice a week. I was able to do this at home until she made a loud yelp. I was so afraid of hurting her, so we took her to the vet twice a week. She fought so hard to stay with us, but her little body was tired. I told her that she could rest until my mother and I meet her at the Rainbow Bridge. I told her that she could run and play with her other furbrothers and fursisters without pain or weakness. I think she knew what was going to happen, but she stayed as long as she could to comfort us. I seriously thought about ending my own life because the pain of losing her was unbearable. I knew I had to continue with my life in order to take care of her adopted sister, a Chiweenie named Taci.

Comments for Our beloved Mattie

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Jun 12, 2015
Beloved Mattie
by: T

I am so sorry for the loss of Mattie. I lost my boy Joey in March after months of trying everything possible to keep my boy here. I truly understand and I am so very sorry. Keeping you in my prayers.T.

Jun 12, 2015
So sorry.
by: Nanette Wilson

Hi Lisa. I'm so very sorry for your loss of your sweet Mattie. Your story touched my heart as we just said goodbye to our schnauzer girl, Chloe Marie, on April 27, 2015. She had just turned 6 years old and was diagnosed with kidney failure on Jan. 23, 2015. We gave her sub q fluids twice a day, syringe fed her as she wouldn't eat on her own, tried every supplement that we heard about, fixed her lots of different foods, prayed for a miracle. It just wasn't meant to be. I know how you felt when you say you wanted to go with her as I also had those feelings. I have her 2 sisters and her Mom & Dad so that has helped me deal with her loss. I will never understand why she had to leave us so young and I have feelings of anger about that. I give you so much credit that you gave Mattie 2 years by doing the special things for her. I know how much time and energy that takes and how stressful it can be. Hugs to you and I'm sending prayers of peace to you. Nanette

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