My sweet baby, Max

by Sarah Beth
(Pittsburgh, PA)

Writing this as tears stream down my face after the loss of my sweet baby, Max.

Just a few days ago Mr. Max was bouncing around, begging for treats, and wagging his little nub of a tail as happy and healthy as could be. I awoke Thursday morning to find that he had been throwing up and obviously wasn't feeling well. Unfortunately, this morning, I had to say goodbye to the greatest friend I've ever known.

My dad surprised my family with 3 year old "Sir Yoohoo Maximillion" when I was just in 4th grade. We dubbed him Max and he easily stole our hearts with his quirky expressions, little tail that wagged about 100 mph, and voice. He loved to talk to us. If you have a schnauzer, you might be familiar with the "a woo-woo-woo" bark. I loved the way his ears would raise and his head would turn when I talked to him... the way he stuck his butt in the air whenever I was getting ready to throw his toy... the "you've got to be kidding me" look he gave me when I told him it was bath time... the way he would take up half of my bed when he had his own. Max grew up with me. He was my wrestle-buddy, my walking-partner, and my plate-cleaner.

Just a year and a half ago, my father passed away. Max was there to mend mine and my mothers hearts. He would scootch as close as he could and lay his head on our laps when we were sad. He helped me get through the most horrible time of my life. As the rest of my friends and family continued on with their lives, Max was there with us when ours seemed to be shattered. He was always there to listen, hold, and cry into. He was my best friend.

Max lived a long life. He was 16 years young - despite his poor vision and arthritis, he always acted like a puppy. We grew up together for the past 13 years. He was the greatest dog I have ever known. So much spunk and personality, and the biggest heart out of any animal or human I've ever met. My heart is broken into a thousand pieces and I don't know how I'm going to start my days without letting him outside and sharing my breakfast with him. Right now it doesn't feel like this pain will ever go away, but I am so thankful to have grown up next to my best friend.

Your collar is hanging around my rear view mirror, bubba. Now you can go on every car ride with me without getting all that slobber all over my windows. I love you with all of my heart, Max. Rest in peace.

Comments for My sweet baby, Max

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May 09, 2013
Sweet Max...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Dear Sarah..
when i read about Max, he reminded a lot about my Sasha, head turns, woo, woo, woo,,,,,
shocked look when i said bathy!

Thinking of you, Your Mum and Max..

When i cry and grieve, some people around me thinks it's only a dog...
but they donot know what they have missed and never enjoyed the unconditional love we are gifted to enjoy with our little babies.

Max soo much reselmbles Sasha...
i miss hugging her... and the warmth she brought me...
Thay are little angels happy and pain free...

much love to you..

Mar 08, 2013
also missing the "woo-woo-woo"
by: Rachelle

Oh, Sarah Beth...Your post is wonderful. It was everything I wanted to say about my baby girl Mattie but couldn't put into words.

Over the last 32 hours (since I said good-bye to my girl) I have come to one conclusion. She was with me to help me through the worst time of my life, (a divorce and estrangement from my daughters.) Over the last 6 years I have become very strong and independent. I have healed my relationship with my daughters and finally have plans for my life and look forward to tomorrow. If I had lost Mattie any time before this, I would have been lost and helpless and unable to go on. Of course I am very sad, but I feel that God has kept Mattie with me during the time I needed her most, and for that I am truly grateful.

Sending you hugs and much sympathy in the loss of Max...He got your through another very big loss in your life and somehow God knew you were ready.
It's the only sane answer to all the 'why's.'

Tears and hugs,

Feb 14, 2013
so sorry for your loss
by: Kelly H.

I lost my first baby schnauzer at 4 (his age, I was 7) and my second at 18 (lol, my age, he was 14) and wow was that hard.... It was 6 years before I could even stand to think of getting another dog muchless another schnauzer. They are just so special. Special special creatures, with their talking and their a-roooooooooo's and idiosyncrasies and their anal-retentive qualities... LOL. Special boys, our schnauzers. Im so sorry to hear of your loss and I hpe you can find it in yourself to get yourself a new best buddy. They'll never ever replace but there's room yet in your heart for another.

Feb 02, 2013
condolences from México....
by: Edgar Tello Rodriguez

Mi esposa y yo lamentamos mucho tu perdida y deseamos que tu corazón sea sanado lo mas rápido posible, estoy seguro que max dio lo mejor de el hacia la persona que mas amo, que fuiste tu. recibe nuestro apoyo y bendiciones mia,de mi esposa y mis dos hermosos perros, itsu y logan.

My wife and I we´re so sorry for your lost and we want you to heal your heart as faster as you can, we´re sure that max gave all he had for the person he most love, you, receive all our support and blessings from me, my wife and my two beatiful shnauzers itsu and logan.

Jan 29, 2013
Thank You
by: Sarah Beth

Thank you all for your kind words and personal stories. I am so lucky to have taken many pictures and videos of Maxie, so I will be able to look back and hear his voice and remember some special moments we shared. Oh what I would give you have him back with me again. What a special dog he was.

Jan 28, 2013
Thinking of you
by: Jude

So sorry for your loss I have read this with tears rolling down my face and had to stop a couple of times as I could not see the words for the tears I have 2 mini schnauzers Hurley and Diesel such characters they are I love them very much very much part of my life however Hurley is only 4 yrs old and has been in renal failure from the age of 2 yrs old plus his heart has problems and he has high blood pressure my vet did not think he would be with me now but he is and most days he is like a puppy I make the most of my time with him he will be irreplaceable and diesel will miss him terribly as they are inseparable
My thoughts are with you

Jan 28, 2013
Thinking of you
by: Jude

So sorry for your loss I have read this with tears rolling down my face and had to stop a couple of times as I could not see the words for the tears I have 2 mini schnauzers Hurley and Diesel such characters they are I love them very much very much part of my life however Hurley is only 4 yrs old and has been in renal failure from the age of 2 yrs old plus his heart has problems and he has high blood pressure my vet did not think he would be with me now but he is and most days he is like a puppy I make the most of my time with him he will be irreplaceable and diesel will miss him terribly as they are inseparable
My thoughts are with you

Jan 28, 2013
Sorry for your loss
by: Rich

So sorry for your loss. I know i would be devastated if I lost my two sweet ones, Bella Nd Princess. they bring joy and laughter everyday as i know your did the same. To me some say just a dog, they are more that that in life as they become family and loving one when you are feeling sad or when your sick. Enjoy the times you had with you precious schnauzer.

Jan 28, 2013
by: Timmys family

So very sorry to hear about Max. We lost our Timmy last week and I thought my heart would not heal, but now he is home, I feel at ease. 16years is a wonderful age and I am sure he is keeping his eye on you all! They leave pawprints on your hearts and memories that stay strong. It was his time, smile, i know it is hard, think of the good times. Thinking of you...

'Although my tail it's last has waved, from pain and suffering I've been saved, do not grieve that is should be you, who has to decide this thing to do, We've been so close, we two, these years, don't let your heart hold any tears'

Jan 28, 2013
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. The pain will take time, but keep in mind all the wonderful memories you have of Max and as time goes on you will be able to remember him more for the joy he brought you and less of the pain of losing him.

Jan 28, 2013
My sweet baby, Max
by: Ida Davis

i know how it feels to lose your best friend i lost mine the 4 of this month. and beleive me it is so lonely n quiet around here. his name was klaus. he went down hill like max did. i am typing this with tears in my eyes. may God be with u and yours

Jan 28, 2013
Thinking of You
by: Anonymous

Words cannot express how sorry I am for the loss of your best friend. Although just animals, they've always had a place in our hearts and family. Schnauzers are something special, aren't they? I just want to give you a big hug! *sniffle* It's hard to lose a loved one regardless of how many legs they have. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your mother. I'm sure he had the best life any schnauzer could possibly want... sixteen years young, wow! Even little dogs don't always live to be that young! Anyway, take care, and know that WE ARE ALL thinking 'bout you.

Jan 27, 2013
So so sorry!
by: Debra

I am so sorry and know how you feel, that you have a knife in your heart that you cannot remove. Max sounds like he was one of the best Schnauzer's ever.. I have lost 3 Schnauzers in the past. Pebbles, Tripp & Bash. We had to put Tripp & Bash down about 16 months ago. I don't think my heart will ever be the same. I miss them everyday. We have a 12.5 year old toy poodle (Baxter) that has congestive heart failure, he is doing o.k. right now; but, I know it is just a matter of time before I feel that pain again. We also have a 4 year old toy Schnauzer named Mali. All that said, I would not trade the love I have rec'd. over the years from my Schnauzers even though the pain of losing them is horrible. It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.

We got another Schnauzer 4 months after Tripp & Bash because Mali needed a Schnauzer friend. Also, for us it is very hard to just have one Schnauzer.

Our new addition is Demi Shae, a 5lb. Liver party teacup Schnauzer. She does not take their place, but, she has filled our hearts with so much love. Tripp & Bash would approve and love her so! Mali and Demi are best friends!

Again, I am very sorry for your loss!

Jan 27, 2013
Schnauzer Love
by: Anonymous

Every schnauzer I have owned has been a special unique person in my life. Helping me through painful times and celebrating happy ones. Keep your baby in your heart. He will always be there. When the time comes, and when you're ready, I'm sure you'll adopt another schnauzer that you will love and cherish as well. We now have two...a Salt and Pepper one and a White one. Their names are Comet and Cupid. Best of luck!

Jan 27, 2013
so sorry
by: Toni Anderson

So sorry for your loss. I've been there more than once. The only thing wrong with animals is they don't live long enough.

Jan 27, 2013
by: Emily

I am so sorry for your loss you have had him for so many great years and he had a wonderful life.i knowwhat it's like to loose your best friend,i lost my 2 girls to the bridge,Muffin after 15 years and my Greta after heart still aches andi still cry for them.Just remember you will see your little Max again at the bridge.

Jan 27, 2013
So sorry about Max
by: Tracey

I am so sorry for your loss. You will miss him for a very long time. I lost my girl 6 years ago next month and I still get misty eyed when I talk about her. Max was a big part of your life and you were both so lucky to have had each other. He lived a very long should be very happy about that. Just remember the good times and know that you loved him and gave him a great home. He loved you obviously and was very thankful. Maybe someday you will allow another furbaby into your heart. I did and now have two sister littermates. They are the best breed so loving and loyal. Give yourself time to grieve. R.I.P. Max.

Jan 27, 2013
So sorry for your loss.
by: Anonymous

I am so very sorry for your loss we had to put ours down Dec 16th who had just turned 8 in October pretty much for same reason as you he was happy healthy go lucky got up middle of night throwing up and went down hill from there. I still miss him terribly but it does get easier I promise. There is n't a day that does not go by I do not think of him. We did get a new little puppy schnauzer name Reggie who keeps our minds busy and helps with our older dog who is 12 and blind. When you are ready please get another one who so much deserves all the love you have for one..sounds like you were a great mom. Hang in there prayers your way.

Debbie Aessio

Jan 27, 2013
by: Anonymous

i lost my good boy casper several years back,i know and understand the depth of your grief;he will always always live on in your heart;

R.I.P. my good boy casper

Jan 27, 2013
Good night, sweet baby
by: Tonette Reyes

So sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. I hope that the memories of Max will sustain you through this difficult time, as he watches you from doggie heaven.

Jan 27, 2013
So Very Sorry For Your Loss!!
by: Schnauzer Mommie

So very sorry!!! My heart hurts for you!!! Mini's steal a place in your heart that remains forever!! I have lost 6--still have 3. Hold them very close!! When you are ready, there is a little mini out there just waiting for your love!!!

Jan 27, 2013
in honor of max
by: Anonymous

May you always feel his precense and the love he gave you in your heart.I can only imagine the emptiness you are MMini is six and I love her so much it isn't heart hurts for you.I hope in time it will be easier.

Jan 27, 2013
My heartfelt prayers are with you!
by: Laura from NM

I am so sorry for your loss! Our furbabies have such a special place in our hearts as we do theirs. Just have peace that Max had such a good life with you and felt your love every day! He will be waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

Jan 27, 2013
Max and Tinker
by: Peter

I said goodbye to Tinker, my 14 yr old mini schnauzer on November 5th. There is a void in my heart and life still. However I find that as time goes by I smile a lot remembering everything we shared. Wishing you strength during your time of immediate loss. I like to think that Max and Tinker have met on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge and are best friends.

Jan 27, 2013
In Praise of Max
by: Anonymous

As much as you obviously love Max, know that he loved you too and was grateful for the awesome home and life you gave him! I've been through this a few times over the years and only you can decide when and if it's time to get another schnauzer. They never can replace the one's we have lost, but they sure can bring happiness and companionship back into our lives that can't be found anywhere else. All dogs are incredible, but there is something about schnauzers, their personality, their energy, their loyalty, their intelligence, their compassion for their families. I have a 7 month old new best friend and we both wish you comfort and healing and honor the memory of Max!

Jan 27, 2013
So so sorry!
by: Tanya

I give you my deep heartfelt condolences! I have an 11 year old Mini and i hope she lives until she is 16. I don't want to face the day when I have to be without her.
I can truthfully say that even though Max is no longer here in bodily form, that his lively beautiful spirit will live on in your heart forever. He will never really be far away! That is what we all have to cling to! These little dogs are THE best!
May God be with you and comfort you in your loss.

Jan 27, 2013
My Maxx
by: Kris Pereira

I too had a Maxx. Madd Maxx A Million. A black mini, silly, goofy and loving. We lost him almost 2 years ago. I miss him to this day. The hurt us still there, it's not as painful because I have let the good memories of him back into my life. I will pray for heart to heal. God bless!

Jan 27, 2013
Forever Love
by: Lynn

My heart is with you! We now have our second Mini and his name is Jake. But we had a dear boy named Bert that we had from 6 weeks to 15 yrs that will always live in our hearts. I believe in my heart our fur babies cross that Rainbow Bridge and lead a happy life on the other side. May your Max always live in your heart!

Jan 27, 2013
Sincere Sympathy
by: Debbie

Sarah, I am so sorry for your loss. The love you shared with Max will live on forever. He was there to help you with the loss of your Dad and know, through his love for you,will never leave you. I feel so bad for you, Honey. I wish I could give you a big hug! ~~ Debbie

PS: I am from W PA, too

Jan 27, 2013
So sorry about Max
by: Robin

My heartfelt condolencesn go out to you and your family at the passing of your beloved Max. I too know the feeling of losing such a sweet and devoted friend a schnauzer can be.
We lost our schnauzer too at the age of 16 years over 8 years ago.... Not a day goes by that he isn't in my thoughts,.
He brought so much joy beyond compare to my entire family who too grew up with him.
They defininetly have a special place in our hearts.
We now have another schnauzer who is 8 years old .... He came into our lives at our lowest point.... And he has brought us nothing but happiness.
There is something to say about this breed once you own a schnauzer ..... You will always choose to own another... Their loyalty and devotion to their family is their number one priority.
God bless you all... RIP Max!

Jan 27, 2013
my sympathies
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear of the loss of your Max. In June of this year I lost my 6 and 1/2 year old Double Stuffed Oreo , we called him day fine with in 3 weeks gone, they never found out why...

I got a new pup within a few weeks as I was devastated and was losing it...

The new boy is named Astro and is a sweetie but a total pistol!!! I love him too!


Jan 27, 2013
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss. I had schnauzers since 1988 and have had my heart broken with the loss of each. While a new schnauzer can never take Max's place, it could help heal the hole in your heart. I lost my beloved Sheba about three yrs ago, my best friend kept finding schnauzers on the net & encouraging me to go look. Finally I did and cam home with Cherise & Shatzi. It helped so much.

Jan 27, 2013
by: Carolyn

I am so sorry for the loss of your best friend Max. I too lost my best friend this past year. It is reassuring to know that your buddy Max is now with my Lucy in Rainbow Heaven. They are playing together and not in any pain! Our little angels are looking down on us wanting us to go on and love another furfriend. As time goes by I pray that you will find another Schnauzer to love. It sure helped me to move on.

Jan 27, 2013
My sympathies........
by: Teresa

So so sorry for your loss. I too had a "Max" growing up, we had him from a pup. His name was Maxmillion VonDerRon. He lived to 16years old. I lived in another state when my Dad had to have him put down, and it took him weeks to tell me he had to do so. I was a wreck.

I have a 4 year old MinSchnauz now, and he is my world! Mr. Bojangles, BJ for short.

I feel your pain. God Bless.

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