My Princess Poppie

by Andrew Scullion
(Durham England )

This little girl came into our lives 9 short years ago. She was happy and kind she was truly our best friend. She was not always in the best of health being a doggie epileptic and having a heart murmur but she never let it stop her wagging tail and big happy eye's. She was the light of our lives and we were truly blessed to be given the chance to call her ours. A light has gone from our lives that will never be replaced but I hope she runs free in heaven with our other lost little girl Millie playing and sitting in the sun. Good bye our little princess we will love you for all time.

Comments for My Princess Poppie

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Oct 23, 2016
For princess poppie
by: Schnauzer

I'm very sorry for your loss.
We had just recently lost our girl Haileys from liver failure and was not able to say goodbye.
For you and everyone else
May we all meet again with our furry friends at our sides.
God bless you.

Oct 02, 2016
by: Andrew scullion

So sorry to hear about your loss. It's so so tuff it's been 6 weeks since our little princess left us heartbroken and it's still hard. Am sat on my sofa looking at the chair she sat on and it's empty but in my mind I can see her laid there. We have decided we should love another little girl and she comes home to us in two weeks. She will never replace but will give us the unconditional love and happiness we need. She was born a hour after our little girl went to God so maybe her sprit lives on in another.I wish you the hope you find another little character to love who will also fill the space in your heart. Kind regards Andrew

Sep 29, 2016
by: Doyle and Vickie

We lost our princess too , last Saturday. She also recently developed seizures. Vickie had her for almost 16 years. I had the privilege of knowing her only 5. But that was more than enough for her to steal my heart and take it with her. I say that because I literally feel an emptiness in my chest that I don't know if I will ever be able to fill. She was the first Schnauzer I have ever had the pleasure of receiving their gift. She had more personality of any breed I have seen. Vickie and I are trying to hold each other up day to day. We tell ourselves that it will get easier in time but it's been nearly a week and I am still tearing up daily. The hardest part now is coming home and not seeing our baby. Kiki did everything with us , I would have taken her to work with me if it were possible. It's hard to believe that in the short time of 5 years , 15 pounds of white love could have such a profound impact on a 50 year old man , but she has. And I think , always will.
Only God could have created such a gift. I wish he would have given us more time before he called her home.

Sep 05, 2016
by: Andrew scullion

Thank you both for your kind words and Derek my heart goes out to you. It is just so sad to loose our little side kicks. I stand in my kitchen and the house is just so empty though in my minds eye I see her stood waiting for her little tit bits. I have wonderful memories but I would give everything just to scoop her up for her doggie kiss and a hug!

Sep 02, 2016
Best wishes
by: Derek Short

Your dog looks beautiful. Schnauzers really are the best looking dog. My Schnauzer had seizures too but eventually grew out of them. I lost mine this year may 2016 and I still cry every day. Wish you the best from Ohio.

Sep 02, 2016
Pretty Poppie
by: T St Louis

I'm sorry you lost your pretty girl. I'l keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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