My little Milly dog

by Tina Barrett-Affleck
(United Kingdom)

Little Milly Dog x

Little Milly Dog x

You fell asleep on 25th January 2014, the day my heart was broken.. I miss you every minute of every day, you gave us 10 years and 4 months of sheer happiness, love and unbelievable cuddles... I know one day I will see you again Milly you will be in my heart forever.xxxxxxx

Milly was such a wonderful dog, when my daughter went to choose her from the litter Milly came
straight over to sit with my daughter. Milly had chosen her and I believe she knew she would have the best life with the three of us.

So many wonderful memories come to mind while writing this tribute...

Her love of sausages. She would do a
tap dance for a sausage. Her walks, where every single blade of grass would have to be sniffed until we saw some of her doggy friends. The most amazing welcome when we came back home ( I put myself on permanent night shifts so she would
never be left when myself and my husband worked!!!) All of our trips regularly a couple of hundred miles away to visit my parents and also to visit my daughter in the same city once she started university two years ago. When
anybody was poorly, Milly was there to look after them and check they were okay and offering her most amazing cuddles.

She spoke with those big brown eyes and I understood everything she wanted to say. Milly walking up to our African pigmy hedgehog ( Macy) to see her in her cage but keeping a safe distance
because she has come across her prickly spines once before! So many wonderful memories that I could write a whole book about... It's nearly six weeks and not a second has gone by without me missing you.

At Eastertime we will be traveling to The New
Forest, a place you used to love when we visited, we have your ashes to sprinkle.. I know it's going to be very difficult for all of us but you will stay in our hearts forever...

We love you Milly and THANK YOU for the most
wonderful 10 years and 4 months, we love and miss you xxxxxxx

Comments for My little Milly dog

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Mar 08, 2015
Hi again Tina
by: Angela Gosling

Lovely to hear from you Tina, I have now joined the internet crowd after years of not wanting to use it & I was looking up old friends names because I know that is how to find people you lose touch with,I was really upset to hear you had lost little Milly because I know how much you loved her & I have been through it myself & I know the pain never goes away, mum was upset to hear about Milly too & we wanted to let you know how sorry we were, I also have an email address it is many thanks for letting me know you got my tribute to Milly.
Hope you, Kevin & Laura & your mum & dad are well?
Take care & remember your little Milly will be running around playing with Biscuit now :-)
Love, Angela xx

Mar 07, 2015
To Angela
by: Tina

Hi Angela, thank you for your kind comments about Milly Dog.. Losing Milly has really broken our hearts, we miss her every single day and I know she will live in our hearts forever.. This summer we will be sprinkling her ashes in one of her favourite places to walk when the sunshine comes out. We were originally going to sprinkle her ashes in the new forest which is what Laura wanted but I couldn't cope with her being that far away from us, so we have all agreed at one of her local walks... I light a candle here for Milly quite often but she will always be remembered by all of us and my parents too..
I hope you and Pat are well and say hello from us..
How did you find me on here?
Take care xx

Mar 07, 2015
little milly
by: Angela Gosling

Hi Tina,
I was so sorry to read your little Milly had passed away last January,I know how you must been feeling even now, I was torn apart when my little Biscuit went then I got Keishla who helped heal my pain, she enjoyed meeting Milly when you were at your mum & dad`s & we all went for a long walk, they got on so well together :-) hope you are all keeping well? My mum also sends her best wishes.
Lots of love,
Your old pal,
Angela & mum Pat
xx xx

Oct 11, 2014
Thank you for everyone comments about Milly Dog
by: Anonymous

Well, 9 months have past since losing my Milly Dog and I miss her so much, I think of her all the time but know that one day I will see her again.. At the moment I am in plaster after breaking my ankle and I know some days Milly is here with me.. To all of you out there that are missing their best friends, take care and hugs to you.. Michelle, so pleased to hear you are all well..

Sep 17, 2014
Millie's Ashes in New Forest
by: Michele Rebel & Benji

Hi Tina.. How are you.. ? PLEASE remember when you are this way to let me know and you must come play with my doggies. Benji is now two and so intelligent .. Rebel is laid back and Rambo, my Australian Silky is 11 and thinks he's still a puppy.. my email is below in my other post.. so don't hesitate to contact me when you are down this way and have a day to spare… lol Michele

Sep 17, 2014
So sorry
by: Tina

Sorry to hear of your loss, our little ones will be playing over rainbow bridge now but they will always be in our hearts.. It's 9 months ago that my little Milly dog left us anf I'm afraid to say I have missed her every second of every day, very much.. I hope you enjoy your new little addition, in fact I know you will, lots of hugs x

Sep 16, 2014
Sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

I too know the pain of losing a dog. It's been two months since she passed and the house has been too quiet for my family's liking. Although we know we will never have our beloved Lhasa Apso Ginger back, know we can give a good life to another dog, a miniature schnauzer who will be added to our family this weekend. I once thought it'd be crazy to miss a dog like this, but I know it's not. They become family, they teach what school and humans cannot teach. And I'm greatful to these animals for their lessons and I look forward to my new furry friend.

Mar 11, 2014
Thank you
by: Tina

Dear Doug & Yvette, thank you for your kind words, yes Milly was a wonderful little girl and and missed so very much every second of the day.... I am so very sorry about your little one Buster, we will always remember our faithful friends and they will remain in our hearts x

Mar 11, 2014
Little Milly
by: Doug n Yvette

Your little Milly looked like quite the character. We feel for you, as we too lost our little Buster. They are such a part of our lives, we understand what you are going through!! Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Mar 07, 2014
Thank you
by: Tina

Alison, thank you for your kind words x

Mar 07, 2014
Milly Dog
by: Alison

Beautiful words Tina for a Beautiful Best Friend...My heart goes out to you as you know (((hugs))). XX

Mar 06, 2014
Dear Anonymous
by: Tina

Thank you for your kind words... I do hope Toby and Casper are looking out for my little Milly and they are all in turn watching over us x

Mar 06, 2014
by: Anonymous

no words can express the loss we all feel when our
miniature schnauzers leave us;but they live in our hearts forever;
milly never had a bad day in her life,she was always with people who loved and cherished her;

R.I.P. milly,toby and casper look out for milly;

Mar 06, 2014
To Marilyn c
by: Tina

Thank you Marilyn for your kind words about my little Milly Dog and I to am very sorry for your loss of Sarah.. I'm sure Sarah has brought you many happy memories and I am going to take your advise about making a photograph album of Milly, I have lots of photographs on my iPad and had a couple printed out to make a memorial photo frame with three photos of Milly, her paw prints and a lock of fur along with her heart shaped dog tag, it looks wonderful. Next to this frame I have a photo of my daughter and Milly ( my daughter is only 9 in the photo) and one of them together where my daughter is 19 taken last summer.. I am going out this weekend to buy a lovely album to store all Milly's photos... Thank you x

Mar 06, 2014
To Margie, Hugo's mum
by: Tina

Dear Margie, thank you very much for your lovely words about my little Milly, yes she really was a pretty little girl.. On our walk people would always comment on her saying she was very pretty and looked like a puppy and she would blink back with those long eyelashes as if to say " I know I'm pretty!"... Before I decided to write my tribute about Milly I did read the other tributes and saw you lovely tribute to Hugo, I cried at every tribute I read and I'm crying now because I know your loss is as raw as mine as Hugo also said goodbye a couple of days before Milly.. Hugo was a very handsome boy and I'm sure just like Milly they are having a lovely time over rainbow bridge.. I hope one day our sadness and loss will make way for a smile.. X

Mar 06, 2014
Annette, Rachets mum
by: Tina

Annette, thank you for your kind words about my little Milly.. In two days time it will be six long long week since we had to say goodbye to Milly and every Saturday is very hard for me, I relive the moment we had to say goodbye everyday but her memory is with me always but I miss her beautiful cuddles so badly.. I was sorry to read about your loss of Rachet, it's a very difficult time even when time passes but wow you have 7 beautiful Schnauzers to keep you company and help you heal, I hope they all make you happy and I'm sure they spoil you with lots of kisses and cuddles x

Mar 06, 2014
Thank you Anjali, Sasha's mum
by: Tina

Anjali, thank you for your kind words about my little Milly and I am sorry to hear about your little fur baby Sasha whom you lost.. I hope they are all playing together nicely over rainbow bridge.. Not a day has passed where I haven't cried about Milly the ache, rawness, and sadness tears me apart.. It was lovely to hear that you have Axl who has occupied beds and plays with toys that once belonged to Sasha.. We will always remember our little babies and I hope Axl helps heal your heart x

Mar 06, 2014
To Tina.. Milly's mum
by: Michele

How lovely to reply to me and as you've only a short time in the New Forest to spread her ashes I understand that you won't have much time to visit me.. but my offer is open for another time.. and please don't hesitate to email me as I'd love to keep in touch with you and your hubby.. my email is the one in my 1st post… Take Care and maybe there will be a patter of four little puppy paws someday.. I know my boys would love to see you.. If you want my mobile number I will email it to you, after I hear from you.. I can attach some photos too.. Love Michele.. Rambo, who is an Australian Silky terrier.. and Rebel 2 and Benji..

Mar 06, 2014
So sad
by: Marilyn C

So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet
Milky. My little Sarah passed on just past 3.5 yrs
now. I made a photo album of her and was looking
at the other day recalling fond memories of the
years we had with her. If you haven't already
an album for Milly it might be a nice way to
treasure the precious years you had with her and
it would be fun putting it together as you remember
all the little things she did. Prayers & thoughts are
with you as you spread her ashes in her favorite
place. She will be looking down at you from doggie
heaven thanking you also for a wonderful life with
you and your family.

Mar 06, 2014
by: Margie

Dear Tina,

Your tribute to dear Milly is wonderful. What an amazing life she had with you and how she rewarded you - such a pretty schnauzer too.

As the days go on your sadness will begin to be overtaken by the wealth of happy memories you have stored away about your life together. She is at rest now, nothing can harm her.

I understand so well - you are not alone. Hugo was 10 years 5 months when he left us on January 22nd this year. Please look through and read our tribute to him and look at his picture on this website. You will understand then how well I know what you are feeling right now.

With much love and deepest sympathy.

Mar 05, 2014
Sorry For Your Loss
by: Annette

I lost my beloved Rachet in November 2011. Still as all this time has passed I still miss him everyday. Since his passing I still have his playmate Socket, and I rescued 2 sisters that were used for breeding, rescued 2 liver and white schnauzers that were part of a bad hoarding situation and I have my 2 black males that I got to help Socket and I get through the pain of losing Rachet.

My heart aches for you during this difficult time. I hope when the time is right you will adopt or rescue another dog. I now have 7 mini schnauzers and they each have their own story. They will never replace Rachet but they helped heal my heart a little at a time.

I am giving you hugs from Washington State and hope you feel a little better as each day passes.

I am sure with all the Schnauzers that have crossed the Rainbow bridge they were waiting for your "Milly".

Mar 05, 2014
Dear Darling Milly...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

My thoughts are prayers are with your lil family,
i know the exact impact on a family when we loose our darling fur babies.
We lost our Sasha Almost a year back and still we greive for her. Even i could not move her beds, bowls, and her toys for more than 4 months of her passing. everything was in it's place.
but guess what happened, A little miracle Axl - a mini schnauzer came into our life and occupied all Sasha's beds and stuffs...
he brought smiles to our face, he is special in his own way.. but never to replace my Darling baby Sasha. he is helping us heal better...

i know the pain is so raw inside you, but will heal with time. Please do rescue/get another lil schnauzer, that will definitely help the healing journey and you lovely milli will want that too...

take care...

Mar 05, 2014
Thank you Michele..
by: Tina

Michele, thank you for your lovely comments about Milly.. I do believe I will see her again and I know she isn't far from me at all and will always be in my heart.. The pain of not being with her, her cuddles, her cheeky face is so hard.. When we spread her ashes we are only going to The New Forest for the day and it's a two hour drive for us, I would love to see you and of course play with your Schnauzers but fear we won't have a lot of time as we are only there for the day and my husband has to vist a relative close to the new forest... I would love to come and see you another day when maybe we have more time to spend there, and I thank you for your kind offer it is so sweet of you x

Mar 05, 2014
Millie.. Never Forgotten..
by: Michele

What a beautiful tribute to your lovely Millie.. She has not died as she is in another room not too far away and she'll always be with you.. I have lost two schnauzers.. Rebel 1 and Ringo.. Rebel 1 in 2005 age 11… Ringo in 2010 age 15.. Reading your tribute brings back my memories, too.. I now have two schnauzers.. Rebel 2 who is 6 and Benji.. now 22 months…they are my life as I lost my hubby in 2011.. January 29th.. You say you are going to the New Forest at Easter-time to spread her ashes.. well I live not too far away, Hurn actually near to Bournemouth Airport, so if you would like to visit me at my Park Home and play with my schnauzers you would be very welcome.. my email is .. if you would like this please don't hesitate to contact me.. I live alone with my dogs..

Mar 05, 2014
Thank you Katie..
by: Tina

Katie, thank your for your kind words about Milly.. I am so sorry to hear about your Schnauzer Astro.. We both have our happy memories about our beloved best friends and that's what will keep them alive in our hearts.. I too feel as if a part of me left when Milly passed on, not hearing the patter of paws everywhere and the tap on my leg to be lifted up and cuddled as well as her running up and down our bed trying to find a comfy space! X

Mar 05, 2014
Unconditional love
by: Katie

I too said goodbye to my beloved black schnauzer Astro on jan 3rd of this year he gave us 14 years. And what a character he took a piece of my heart with him and we miss him dearly. I am so sorry for the loss of your Milly they truly become a piece of you and I you will soon have comfort in all your wonderful, warm, happy memories with her xxxx

Mar 05, 2014
Thank you Linda..
by: Tina

Thank you Linda for your kind comments about Milly Dog, It really feels so raw still and I am sure it always will because she was such a huge part of us, I cannot put her beds, toys or bowls away yet.... I hope you had a great walk with Chance and have many many wonderful years ahead , thank you x

Mar 05, 2014
Milly is at the Rainbow Bridge
by: Linda

As I write this tears are shed for you on the loss of Milly. I can't imagine what an emptiness this creates for every minute of every day. Milly sounds like she was such a loving and entertaining little schnauzer. You have such wonderful memories and from reading your story I can tell Milly had a wonderful loving home and an exciting and fun life with you and your family. I am about to take my little white schnauzer, Chance, out for a walk and as I walk him I will pray for you and be sure to enjoy the time with my little guy remembering that we are all only on this earth for such a short time. God bless you and be with you during this difficult time.

Mar 05, 2014
Thank you..
by: Tina

Rob, Thank you very much for your kind words about little Milly Dog, she really was such a beautiful Schnauzer.. I'm so sorry about Rolfe, your schnauzer, the pain of loosing our best friends is unbearable... I hope Gunther helps you heal in time and creates lots of happy times for you, and one day we will see our little ones again x

Mar 05, 2014
Sorry for your loss
by: Rob

Sorry to hear you lost your MIlly. I lost my Rolfe just a week before you. It is so hard.

The pain came back to me just reading your post - Rolfe did so many of the same things and was my joy in life.

I just got a new Mini Schnauzer puppy, Gunther, who, though very different in many ways, has a lot of the same qualities. He's not a substitute but he does help me with making some new great funny memories!

You are not alone and those without pets have no idea how we feel when something like this happens. You will see her again - I am convinced. If heaven is a place of complete happiness, then they must be there, waiting for us!

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