My Little Girl Zoey

by Jess

Zoey came into my life on December 24, 2005. I fell completely in love with her from the moment I saw her. She was always by my side. She was sweet, loving, and energetic. She loved to play with her toys and loved going out for her daily walks. she slept with me every night. My favorite part of the day was coming home to her because no matter what was going on, she was such a huge part of my happiness.

Zoey passed away on Christmas day this year and I was absolutely devastated. She wasn't feeling good on the 24th but was otherwise very healthy. She was up to date with her check ups and shots. She was vomiting on the Christmas Eve. The next morning, at around 6 am, she was moving around which woke me up from my sleep. I jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. Within minutes, she died of what seemed to be a little heart attack. I was in complete denial and still rushed her to the nearest animal clinic only to discover that they were no longer located there. I was distraught as I looked at my baby but I knew she was no longer with me physically. I like to think she waited for me to say goodbye because she waited for me to wake up and then died within minutes.

It's been almost two weeks since she's passed and I miss her terribly. I'm heart broken and wish I would have done more for my little girl but I know everything happens for a reason. My little girl will always be in my heart and I only hope she knows how much joy and happiness she brought into my life and how deeply I love her.

I miss her everyday but I will never forget my sweet angel and our memories will be with me forever!

Comments for My Little Girl Zoey

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Jan 17, 2013
by: Anonymous

Iam sorry for you're lost but I believe she is in heaven looking after you . And you will be together again on the rainbow bridge.

Jan 17, 2013
Sympathy in the loss of Zoey
by: Dolores Lawson

I am so sorry to hear that your precioius Zoey passed away on Christmas but it was nice that she waited till you woke up to say goodbye. She knows you loved her dearly and now she will be watching from Rainbow Bridge and one day you will see her again. She may be gone physically but you will forever have her in your heart and sole.

Jan 17, 2013
So sorry...
by: Jeannie Pitts

Omg..I'm so sorry...I have three females of my own and my heart broke when I read your story. I'm sure she new how much you loved her. I just hate the fact that any dog doesn't live long. I have one gray one, one white one and one black one. Their all three and such a joy to my soul. I was never an animal person until my husband got our first one, Eleanor (white one) . I fell so in love with her. Then I just had to get her a friend of corse. So I found Kloe ( black one) on craiglist. For the longest time I begged my husband for a gray one just one more. Of corse he said no, over and over. For a month a gray schnauzer roamed the neighborhood, we tried to catch her over and over. Finally we let the other dogs out and came around playing with them , then she just jumped up in the truck with my husband , and the rest is history ...he couldn't say no this time.. Lol now Roxie is the third part of my heart. I am so blessed to know how the unconditional love if a dog feels. Thanks to the three of them I'm entering vet tec school. ;)
I'm so sorry again for your lose, always remember the joy she brought you and your heart won't ach...

Jan 13, 2013
Thank you!
by: Jess

The last post was by me..sorry!

Again, thank you all so much for your kind words! :)

Jan 13, 2013
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thank you all so much for your kind words! We miss our babies everyday and we'll never forget them! I to believe in Rainbow Bridge and it brings me peace to think about her playing with all of your babies as well! He has a little sister Bella who misses her and just recently really started feeling her absence. Schnauzers are the most loyal and loving dogs!

I'm sorry for your losses as well and know that our doggies are in peace, playing and eating unlimited doggie treats! Even though they're not physically with us anymore..they're always on our minds and in our hearts :)

Jan 11, 2013
by: Emily

I am so sorry for your loss,i know how hard it is,i still miss my girls Muffin and Greta and still cry.I am a firm believer in the Rainbow Bridge and i know one day you will see your sweet little girl again.

Jan 11, 2013
I am so sorry...
by: Loretta - Chip and Chewy's mom

I am so sorry...I know those words do not seem to make it better and I wish I could give you a hug. I lost my boy Chip in July 2011 - we had 17 year together. He was seizing overnight and we had the vet come to our house (he always hated the doctors office). I was heart broken. I looked for another boy that had to look like Chip and was lucky enough to find Chewy. He was an older puppy when we adopted him. Chewy will be 2 years old on Feb 13th which is only 1 day off from St. Valentines day - and he certainly fits the bill.

Chip is in an urn on our mantle place with the photo the Rainbow Bridge - A Celebration of our Pets lives did. I have his collar and tags there as well.

I cannot tell you it is easy, but the feelings of loss will subside.

I know that Chip and Zoey are most likely having a ball at the Rainbow bridge!

Jan 11, 2013
by: earl & carolyn

please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss;

if you care to,read about my good boy casper,(on this site)who i lost several years ago;

R.I.P. zoey and my good boy,casper;

Jan 11, 2013
My thoughts are with you
by: Lesley

So sorry to hear that Zoey has left you to be at Rainbow Bridge. All who have known the love of a Schnauzer will appreciate how much you have lost but will also know something of the love that your little girl leaves with you always. X x x

Jan 08, 2013
Your Little Zoey
by: Anonymous

I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss of Zoey. Our own miniature Schatzi passed away this past New Year's Eve. My heart aches for you but I truly believe Zoey held on to say good-bye to you. Our baby waited for my daughter (her master) to come home from college. I just found out about the Rainbow Bridge and it makes me smile thinking that perhaps as new residents Zoey and Schatzi met and are frolicking together!

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