My little boy Winston (Bubba)

by Lee Hehnke
(Wichita, KS)

Winston & Stitch

Winston & Stitch

Today September 3, 2012 is officially the saddest, most heartbreaking day of my life! As some of you know and can tell from my pic that there was a sad loss in my life. My little boy Winston entered into a place where there is no more pain and suffering from the cold cruel world we live in.

He was a tough and strong little guy, never sick, never a moment when he wasn't bright and happy and loving to all who met him! This little dog was the healthiest happiest dog I have ever seen until the last 2 months of his life when he came down sick with cushing disease and also lost his eyesight. Still to this day the Veterinarian are unsure of what happened and why. He still fought to the end though there were many days when all I could do is lay with him and hold him in my arms making sure he always knew he was loved and taken care of before anyone or anything in the world!

This morning while I was holding him at the emergency vet clinic, even at the very last moment while the injections went in he fought back just a little until the angels came and swept his soul away to a better place where I was left standing in tears and heartache with a lifeless little body! I told him I knew it was time and that I understood he needed to go and told him that he will be loved and remembered forever in my heart and he was the best most amazing little dog I have ever seen!

This is my dedication to my little boy Sir Winston Bubba of Kansa-Braska. He was born on Aug 27, 2003 a day before his dad's bday and passed on today Sept 3, 2012, that is 9 years of life and memories and happiness that he gave to me and anyone that came in his life that I will never forget or be able to have again!

From the moments watching TV together when he saw another dog come on he would jump up and grab his toy and try to get the dogs to play with him to the memories of his first stuffed toy Stitch(Lilo & Stitch) that he carried and cherished like no other toy, if anyone came over he would run to hide Stitch so no one would get him all the while he was whining with him in his mouth, he would find the perfect hiding place though to us it was still in plain sight! then the times where he went every where I went even in the hottest of the summer he would be in the truck protecting it with the A/C running to keep him cool.

My life will never ever be the same without you Winston, though I will fight to go on with my life without you physically here, you will always be in my heart and soul and one day when that time is meant, we will be together again! I love and miss you my amazing little man! May you rest in peace and happiness and always see how much I love you with everything I am! You are my eternal happiness above anything else! <3

Comments for My little boy Winston (Bubba)

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Nov 28, 2012
Thank You for Sharing!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for sharing this. I recently lost both of my babies to Cushings and Diabetes. Shotzi Lou (Age 13) and Dutchess Ann (Age 6). Reading your story felt so dear and close to my own expereinces. So sad, yet able to smile just a bit thinking that all three of them are no longer suffering and that my precious girls are most likely playing and hanging out with Winston. Thank you again for sharing.

Oct 05, 2012
RIP Winston
by: Pet Loss Counsellor

Hi there
Just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss. I too have a mini schnauzer she is my world. They are truly wonderful dogs. Friends and companions. I trained in pet bereavement as I wanted to help others. Suffered many losses too. Winston has crossed the rainbow bridge. Happy in the sunshine. Happy there until you meet again. God bless.

Sep 21, 2012
Sir Winston (perfect name of our boy too)
by: wendy4est

Thank you for sharing about your Sir Winston! We had our own Sir Winston he was abused before he came to our home. He did not take to others much because if it. He was loved and still is. He loved few but us most unconditionally our boy was 7 when he went blind and passed after he had a major surgery for kidney stones at the age of ten. There is something in the name "Sir Winston" we were blessed as you were too to have loved a Schnauzer. My condolences to you and may he meet you on that rainbow bridge where both our boys are waiting to jump in our arms with us full in their sight! Blessings to you!

Sep 20, 2012
I feel Your Pain
by: Nan

I am sitting in tears after reading your posting. Sadly, I lost my little girl on September 2nd. She was 13 and would turn 14 on Sept 23, this month. We hurt so badly it is almost uncontrollable, at times.

Roths' Josie Colella was diagnosed with Cushings about 2 years ago. I should be thankful that we had her for a much longer time than you. This little schnauzer was our princess baby girl. She and your little boy Winston are now perfect and will be there to meet us.

Love and blessings,
Nan and Dave Colella

Sep 09, 2012
The Love They Give Us - Odie's Mommy
by: Kim Thompson

I am sorry for your loss. My sweet Lil Buddy, Odie past August 3rd, 2012. Your Handsome Winston (Bubba) reminds me so of My Lil Buddy. I miss him something terrible. Some days are better than others, but I have to believe he knows how much he was truly Loved. I remember after baths he would run around like a lil lunatic having a ball and loving being clean and fresh. He was always so funny about stuff like that and treats, oh man, he would get so excited. He loved rides, just like your Winston. My Lil Odie Buddy, The Love He Gave........will always be remembered with Heart-n-Soul. God Bless You, and may your heart not be so heavy and God Bless and keep Winston playing with all who's with him waiting.

Sep 07, 2012
Deepest sympathy
by: Ginger

So sad for your loss. I lost my first schnauzer four years ago. She was fifteen. My heart still aches ffrom missing her at times. A home is so empty after a schnauzer has left... I now have two little schnauzers to fill my house and help ease my pain. When the time is right, I hope you will be blessed to find another schnauzer (or two) to make you laugh and smile again like only a silly schnauzer can.

My little boy runs around whining and hiding his fav toy (in plain sight too) after every meal or treat. My little girl thinks her daddy just cannot go to sleep without her kisses...

Grieve for what is gone but have faith that love is always there waiting...

Sep 06, 2012
I am sooo sorry for your loss
by: Brandi--(Eva's momma)

Thinking of you in this difficult time. Much love to you and may you cling to the memories of Winston to get you through the hard times!

Sep 04, 2012
Our Thank You
by: Lee Hehnke

I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you who have commented and left your thoughts and prayers. Winston and I are eternally grateful for each and every one of you! I have a flowing stream of tears running down my face as I read each one of your comments, I hope that you my heart and prayers are out to each of you as well with your little loved ones whether in the past or present may you love and cherish them each day with all your heart and souls as they need every bit of love and passion and happiness that you can give to them for their short time on this earth! I don't honestly know how I will survive this but I am trying as hard as I can when all I want is to have my little boy Winston back with me! Again thank you to all!

Sep 04, 2012
Dogs in Heaven
by: Gayle D. Anderson

Heartbreaking. Hold on to the fact that there have to be dogs in heaven, else it's not going to be heavenly at all. I've gone through this several times. For all they joy they bring into our lives, they always break our hearts.

Sep 04, 2012
So Very Sorry
by: Toni :0)

My heart breaks for you in the loss of your sweet doggie. I have lost doggies before, it's so hard and you never forget. Thankfully I have an amazing doggie now who brings us such joy and happiness. May God provide you with comfort and healing during this most difficult time. Lots of us lifting you up in prayer. God bless! Nauzie owners are one-of-a-kind for sure!

Sep 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I too lost my everything, Lucy this year. Please know that Winston is with Lucy and all the other wonderful Schnauzers at Rainbow Heaven. There they are happy and healthy, running and playing, they are our Angels watching us. As time goes by, you will want another lil buddy. Rest in Peace WINSTON

Sep 04, 2012
So Sorry
by: Tina~~ Roxie's Mom

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. All of us who have had to endure the heartbreak of putting down our beloved dogs can only take comfort in knowing that one day they will come running across that rainbow bridge to greet us with joy.

Sep 04, 2012
My boy Zak
by: Betty Sue

So sorry for your loss. I lost my Zak August 10, 2012. I had him for 15 wonderful years and I'm sure he will find Winston at Rainbow Bridge and play together. I know exactly how you feel. I think of Zak every day!!!!

Sep 04, 2012
Sorry for your loss.
by: Milo's mom

I was deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your precious boy Winston. He looks a lot like my Mini schnauzer Milo. Mini Schnauzers have, by far, the cutest, funniest personalities. I love him so much and don't know how we lived without him. He will be two next May. I know in time your pain will lessen and his memory will live on in forever. Robin, Milo's mom.

Sep 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

Run free Winston

Sep 04, 2012
Grieving with you
by: Schnauzer mommie

I am so sorry for your loss!!! I sit here in tears on your behalf. If you ever have had a schnauzer. your life has been touched in a way that one cannot put into words!!!! My heart aches for you beyond imagination!!! I have lost so many way too soon--the last one had Addison's--opposite of Cushing's. She was only 6. Just know that you loved him and made his life a special place--take comfort in that!!! Just know you are not alone in your pain, we schnauzer lovers grieve with you!!!

Sep 04, 2012
by: Nepheli

Believe me I can really sympathise with you as I know exactly the kind of pain you are in. I am sure Winston has had such a happy life with you that even now in his sleep he is still smiling. You've made him happy, yes dear, it is a big loss but he is with you as he will always be in your heart.

Sep 04, 2012
by: Nepheli

Believe me I can really sympathise with you as I know exactly the kind of pain you are in. I am sure Winston has had such a happy life with you that even now in his sleep he is still smiling. You've made him happy, yes dear, it is a big loss but he is with you as he will always be in your heart.

Sep 04, 2012
Baby Winston
by: Bev

I am so sorry for the loss of your baby Winston. Knowing he is in the arms of his Creator is good to know, but it doesn't take away the hurt and sadness. He knows you loved him more than anything. You will always love him and never forget. When I lost my mini Gimli I lit a candle hoping he would see it from heaven.

You gave him the dignity in death that he had in life. Your life was so much more because he was in it, and it will feel like less because he is gone.

You are in my prayers my friend.

Sep 04, 2012
by: Tracey

I am so very sorry for your loss. I have been exactly where you are now..and know exactly how you feel. My Brandy was 12 years old. Never sick a day..super healthy..then one afternoon she collasped in the yard. I rushed her to the vet. They thought she ate something..her stomach was a mess and x-rays did not show anything. They had to go in. Well..there was nothing wrong with her stomach, but her liver was inflamed and they took some other organ out..the name escapes me. After tests were run..she had auto-immune disease. It was the worse 2 months of our lives. The medicine she could not take. Broke my heart. I had to put her down..and she fought till the end as well. I just could not see her suffer anymore. As time goes will heal. I have 2 mini's now. Couldn't have just one. Hang in will get better. Remember all the love you gave your baby and he gave back. <3

Sep 04, 2012
So sorry
by: Mady's Mom

I am so sorry for your loss...our schnauzer baby is also 9 . Last year she got sick and we almost lost her. I live in fear of that day. They give us love , make us laugh and give us joy. Winston was lucky to have you too...Again so sorry!

Sep 04, 2012
So sorry
by: Mady's Mom

I am so sorry for your loss...our schnauzer baby is also 9 . Last year she got sick and we almost lost her. I live in fear of that day. They give us love , make us laugh and give us joy. Winston was lucky to have you too...Again so sorry!

Sep 04, 2012
So sorry
by: Mady's Mom

I am so sorry for your loss...our schnauzer baby is also 9 . Last year she got sick and we almost lost her. I live in fear of that day. They give us love , make us laugh and give us joy. Winston was lucky to have you too...Again so sorry!

Sep 04, 2012
Peace and blessings to you both
by: Brodie's dad

Very sorry for your loss. Many of us have been through this (some more than once) and it is NEVER easy. Try to take comfort in the memories of the incredible life you provided for your little boy! And hold onto the memories of the incredible life that he provided you during those all-too short nine years. Just know that you are not alone in your grief.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." ~Unknown

Sep 04, 2012
Rest in Peace Precious Winston
by: Anonymous

These precious, funny, antimated little dogs steal our hearts. So sorry for your loss and the pain that goes along with it. Winston has entered a place of rest with no more pain. Prayers for you and those that loved him.

Sep 04, 2012
by: Nancy

My heart is with you! I know how sad it is to lose a pup who is such a big part of your life and heart. Their only fault is living so short a life in comparison to ours. Their gift to us is the 100% unconditional love we experience from the moment they walk into our lives. That stays in us forever. Hugs to you, your family and kisses to Winston.

Sep 04, 2012
So sorry
by: chaco_kid

It has been just 3 months since I lost my Misty and went through much the same as you. There are still days when it seems like just this morning and I just cry, but like you I know she is where it is best for her now. And she seems to have sooo much good company over the last few months. I can't wait to see her again... I know you and Winston feel the same. Hang in there - it does get both better and harder at times, but I wouldn't have missed out on being with her for one minute of it.

Sep 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

Im so sorry for you loss of Winston. I know how a mini can fill not only your heart but the whole room with love and joy. My prayers for you and your family as you go through this time of transition, and know that Winston is looking down on you still keeping an eye out.

Sep 04, 2012
by: Terri

My heart goes out to you, losing our loved ones is the hardest thing we have to face in this life. (((hugs)))

Sep 04, 2012
my schnauzer is named Winston too
by: Sarah

My best friend/sister just passed away suddenly on August 29th she was my Winston's godmom. She will definitely be playing with your Winston at rainbow bridge. She loved my schnauzer. It's comforting knowing that she has a "winston" to play with til we meet her again. I am sorry for your loss..

Sep 04, 2012
Thinking of you!
by: Leslie

Lee, our thoughts and prayers are with you! I can't imagine our lives without our Schnauzer, Miles. He looks like your Winston, but with cropped ears. Take care of yourself and just know that others are sharing your pain. God Bless!

Sep 04, 2012
Thinking of You and Winston
by: Barbie Perkins-Cooper

Never is it easy to lose such a precious and trusting animal as Winston (Bubba). I lost my precious giant schnauzer on May 2, 2012. Still, I am heartbroken. Nothing, or no one will take his special place in my heart. Prince Marmaduke Shamus left a gigantic hole inside of my heart and soul when he died. Today, he welcomes other doggies to Rainbow Bridge.

May God bless you for loving and caring for your special boy so well. I feel your pain!

Sep 04, 2012
For Lee and Winston
by: Lisa

Dear Lee,

I am so sorry for your loss. Winston sounds like a truly special dog. Take comfort in knowing he is happy, healthy and whole and romping and frolicking in a better place.

Prayers for your broken heart,

A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

Proverbs 12:10

Sep 04, 2012
For Lee and Winston
by: Lisa

Dear Lee,

I am so sorry for your loss. Winston sounds like a truly special dog. Take comfort in knowing he is happy, healthy and whole and romping and frolicking in a better place.

Prayers for your broken heart,

A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

Proverbs 12:10

Sep 04, 2012
So Sorry
by: Carole

So sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. We have 2 ten year old rescued Schnauzers and love them as you love Windston. Our thoughts are with you.

Sep 04, 2012
So sorry to hear of your sad loss
by: arlene

I am so sorry for your sad loss, I still every now and then hear my wee Bramble around the house, she passed away 5 yrs ago,, im sure your little boy will be with you!!!!

Sep 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

I am so so sorry and can feel your pain... such a sad day when you loose something/someone so precious. I have a schnauzer and he is only 15 months old and i couldnt bear to think of life without him so I truly feel for your loss.

Keep strong my friend knowing Winston is in a better place and is free from pain now and running amongst the flowers and beautiful sunshine.

God bless xxxx

Sep 04, 2012
by: Susan Singer

So sorry for your loss of Winston..He sounds like a amazing little dog..RIP Winston..

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