My little boy Sir Monroe Adam

by Cheryl
(Jacksonville Florida)

Sir Monroe Adam

Sir Monroe Adam

Monroe took ill on April 26, 2014 and had to be put to sleep on April 29th, my birthday. I was able to have him for almost 12 years but not long enough for a schnauzer.

I cannot begin to describe the hurt and sadness I feel right now. I am never going to be the same, I feel the hurt is going to last forever. I cry everyday.

I have had dogs through out my childhood, but never a schnauzer. I did not know what I have missed by not having one. My husband and I are so lonely in the house without him, we are hurting so bad right now.

He was the SMARTEST dog I have every seen; so loveable, playful, loyal, cuddly, and loved to cuddle with me in the mornings in my bed; and actually asked for kisses by pushing his nose up to my lips. I got him two weeks before my son went to Iraq, and he would call all the way from Iraq to ask about Monroe, and then he would ask how we were doing!

Monroe develop diabetes, and then cataracts. It was very hard to control his blood sugar at times and then he developed pancreatitis and he just could not recover from it. It pained me to see him so sick, but we tried everything to help him but he could not come through. It was a tough decision to put him down, but I know it was for the best. I just wish I could have kept him longer. I MISS HIM SO!!

Such a handsome dog, got compliments every where he went. The whole neighborhood loved him. But I have to say he did not like dachshunds, he always looked at them, as to say what are you?

Does it ever stop hurting? Thank you for letting me share my story. He made our home so warm and happy. We loved coming home to be with him. There is nothing like owning a schnauzer.

Comments for My little boy Sir Monroe Adam

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Jul 20, 2014
so sorry
by: tammie

So sorry for your loss, I hope he is running and playing with my Hannah who went to doggy heaven in May also.
Hugs from me

May 07, 2014
My little boy Sir Monroe Adam
by: laureen

I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious baby. You asked if it ever stops hurting and i can tell you that it is eight months since we lost our precious little Daisy Mae (mini schnauzer}of exactly ten short years and i still cannot speak of her without feeling the pain of her loss. It is so very hard as tears are streaming down my face right now to bare the loss of her!!! Please keep the memory of your precious baby alive anyway you can. He would have wanted it that way!! Peace be with you!!! laureen

May 06, 2014
So Special
by: Anonymous

They are truly so Special !!!

May 06, 2014
So Sad
by: Julio Toro San Martin


May 05, 2014
Sorry for your loss!
by: Mike Ackerman

Monroe, sounds like a very sweet boy.I am so sorry for your loss. It is so difficult.

We have five dogs and have lost several over the years. Our last Schnauzer Nicholas was very sick at the end and we had no choice. He, like Monroe, was such a sweet boy that everyone loved. When he met people it was like he would walk up and say, Hi, I'm Nicholas, darn glad to meet you!

I can only tell you that the pain of his loss as diminished over time but it is still there. I keep expecting to see him waiting for me evry time I come home. He is buried in the back yard with two of our other dogs. I find myself still thinking about him a lot. We have a new dog, that is a Schnauzer mix, and is very loving. I am sure we will grow to love hime as much as Nicholas. Hang in there because it gets easier. Find another little guy you can bring in your family. Because you will be glad you did.

May 05, 2014
From Steinhatchee, Fl
by: Carole

So sorry for your loss. We know what you mean about losing a Schnauzer. We lost our precious baby Chloe on April 14, 2014 (we think she was 13, as she was a rescue). She went quickly. Started with uterine track infection, found tumors in her kidneys and was gone in 1 week. Such a shock. We are so sad and miss her dearly. We have a male, Sparky, he is 13 and a real character. He helps us to bear the loss of her, but I'm still crying daily. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

May 05, 2014
Sweet Monroe
by: Susan Smallwood

Hi.... I am SO sorry for your loss and can offer that it will eventually get easier to remember Monroe without turning into a puddle of tears. Our fur-babies touch our heart so much and are such an important part of our lives....almost BETTER than people becuase they don't come with the baggage, emotions, etc. of people, but with ALL the good things like loving us unconditionally; being there to hold and talk to without repercussions of them telling our tales or holding grudges. They simply love. Time is a great healer and it's a different time period for us don't rush the grieving or feel bad that you aren't "over things" soon enough. One day you will smile at a memory of Monroe and begin to feel his joy (and yours too!). :)

May 05, 2014
Tribute to Monroe
by: Renea

Please know that you have my sympathy. I had the honor of having my baby girl Miss Mollie and Chloe' Bell. Mollie passed 3 weeks before her 16th birthday. She was dealing with kidney failure, she had lost hearing and some sight. It has been 7 years this month and I still miss her so much. Mollie was 12 when I brought Chloe' Bell in our life (another Schnauzer). Chloe will be celebrating her 11th birthday in october. I still miss my Miss Mollie...I feel you pain deeply. We choose to bring Schnauzers in our life and what a blessing they are to our families. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Monroe. When I seen this tribute to Monroe I felt your pain. It is such a beautiful way to share your Monroe with others that have a love for Schnauzers.

May 05, 2014
Loss of Sir Monroe
by: Dianne

So sorry for the loss of your sweet Sir Monroe. Schnauzers are the very best and they give us so many years of love and happiness. Had to put down my own Zeus early in 2013 after almost 14 years. He was such a happy dog but suffered from diabetes and was blind for over half his life. Gave him insulin injections twice a day for 7 years so it became a normal way of life for him and for us. Coming home to an empty house everyday was the most difficult and many tears were shed, but in time we were ready to open our hearts and home to another schnauzer puppy. I hope when the time is right for you, that you might consider doing the same. My condolences to you. Know that little Monroe no longer suffers and his spirit will always be with you.

May 05, 2014
It does get easier..,
by: Michelle

Dear Cheryl,

I am so sorry for your loss...
Almost 3 years ago I had to have my dear dog euthanised due to cancer. It was the most distressing thing I had to do. For me, as time went on it got easier, yet there was always an emptiness caused by not having a dog in my life. Seven months later I brought home my first mini schnauzer who is the absolute love of my life. I guess I just want to let you know that I understand what you are feeling right now and you will feel better as time passes. Remember the joy your boy brought you and your family and I do hope you choose to bring another schnauzer into your life (when the time is right). All the best you you xx

May 05, 2014
So sorry
by: Maggie

First my I say how sorry I am for the loss of your beautiful baby, someone very dear to me once said when we lost our Buster "Be pleased that you're sad at this time for if you were not sad you'd have missed the opportunity to have shared his life and all the priceless memories" 💕please know that I share your sadness....hugs from New Hampshire

May 05, 2014
Monroe at Peace
by: Shirley

I know how you feel, we recently had to put our 9 year old schnauzer Misty to sleep. During her last couple of years she had a failing kidney and needed daily hydration. Then she fell I'll with pancreatitis and couldn't recover. I have never had such a big hole in my heart, we kiss her picture every morning and night! We also have a 12 year old schnauzer named Libby who has diabetes and needs insulin shots twice daily. Both our babies show great devotion and bravery. Now we are waiting the arrival of our new schnauzer puppy!
Please know that your beloved Monroe no longer suffers with any illnesses and is playing with all the other pets at the Rainbow Bridge just waiting to join you again.

May 05, 2014
never give up hope....
by: Anonymous

I understand your loss of dear Monroe, as we lost our Gracie, a Schnauzer we had for 14 wonderful years. She had kidney failure and could not recover. Over the years she was snake bit by a copperhead, had operations for her bladder, but through it all she was the center of our household..I said we would not have another dog...but now we have 2 schnauzer puppies...Izzie and Max..they cannot replace Gracie but they are helping us to heal....I hope you deal with your pain, learn to live with Monroes memories. He is waiting on you in rainbow heaven, I would imagine he is running with our Gracie!!!

May 05, 2014
Sir Monroe Adam
by: Adele 7 Oktay

Brought tears to my eyes, as we both know so well how you feel. We lost our "Orbit" almost a year ago June 11th and feel your pain but know your darling Sir Monroe Adam is feeling no pain anymore. Losing your beloved pet is so sad but so totally understood by many. Remember all the fun filled days and knowing how loyal he was to you makes you proud. He was loved I can feel it! Hang in and know your fellow schnauzer pet owners feel your pain at this sad time. Keep his memory alive in your hearts that never goes away he is with you always..Adele & Oktay RIP Sir Monroe Adam say hello to our beloved "Orbit" Our Mister Man.....

May 05, 2014
Thank you Michele
by: Cheryl


Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL poem. I love it!!

I appreciate all of your kind words and loving thoughts during this grieving time in our lives.
I feel so lost right now but I am thankful to have found this website to connect to people that can understand the pain.

Thank you so much Michele.


May 05, 2014
Thank you Margie for your kind words
by: AnonymousCheryl

I am up late to night because I still am grieving and cannot go to sleep as of yet. I clicked on comments for the Tribute to my Monroe and I want to thank you Margie for your lovely words of comfort. I don't know you personally but do feel you can understand the pain right now. I don't think I can even think about getting another schnauzer now but maybe later. I am grateful for your heartfelt sympathy for me and family.

Blessings to you always,


May 04, 2014
by: Margie

Dear Cheryl,

Thinking of you as you grieve for dear Monroe. Please, just feel at ease with the fact that you had all those lovely, happy years together. He looked such a well loved boy in his photo. His pain is all gone now. Let the best of memories slowly take over from the pain of your loss in the coming months.

We lost our dear Hugo in January, so understand so well how you feel.


May 03, 2014
Monroe is At Peace Now
by: Michele

I know how you feel as I too have lost two Schnauzers in times past, Rebel 1 & Ringo.. I have two now.. Rebel 2 and Benji.. also very loveable.. My Deepest Sympathy go out to you from my three dogs, Rambo, (my Australian Silky ) Rebel 2 and Benji..
Here's a Poem just for you..
Feel free to print this Poem out and frame it with Monroe's photo…

I have left you now, but please don't be sad,
you gave me all the love that you had.
You did so much for me in my time here,
and I'll always hold those precious times near.
I know someday you'll find love again, and into
your life will come a new friend.
You heart will heal, though you'll never forget
memories like the first time we met
Memories are wonderful, so keep them close
and remember the good times the most.
Up in the Heaven for animals is where I'll be
and someday in the future, each other we will see.
I am at PEACE now, so please don't be sad
You gave me all the love you had.

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