My little angel in doggie clothes.

by Buffy
(Georgia, USA)

So, my little black and white mini schnauzer is 1 year and 5 months old. He is such a blessing to me. Truly my angel in doggie clothes.

After dealing with life and physical injuries from an accident I became severely depressed. I didn't want to look at anyone much less talk to them. I felt so defeated, lonely, and angry. I prayed a lot for the good Lord to see me through and help me and to give me what I needed.

My brother has a mini and I would keep him and walk him and he was so caring. I decided I wanted a dog. Searched around and found a little mini that had a litter. I went to see the litter. I picked up multiple puppies but this one little vocal, energetic dog got on my shoulder and latched onto my neck as if he was nursing. My heart melted. I couldn't wait until I got to bring my little guy home.

So, the day finally came that I brought him home. He was absolutely perfect. Very easy to house train. He just picked up tricks. He can do a few like standing and turning, sit, he gives sugar on the nose with no licking its adorable.

Needless to say on my worst days he keeps me going. He sleeps with me every night. He goes everywhere with me unless dogs aren't allowed. He is waiting at the door everyday when I get home from work. He loves me no matter what. I can be me and that little dog is happy, as long as, he can be with me. I just can't imagine life without my little angel in doggie clothes.

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I forgot to add something great for you!!
by: Mandy

Please go check out,
"The Dog That Talked to God - a novel" By: Jim Kraus. It is absolutely amazing! It's fictional but it's about a woman who is widowed and grieving (I won't give much more away) and truly I bought it for my mother. It had 5 star reviews on Amazon, cost $9 and I thought even if it was a children's book it would be cute in the house- we have schnauzer decorations here and there. Little did I know- this book was the answer to my prayers! I sat down to read it and KNEW immediately I was going to have to keep it. Lol! So I went back and bought another copy for my Mom so I could read at my own pace.
It's a great book for anyone! Even in the first chapter I found SO many relatable things and the process of the main character going through the puppy/ breeder search to the picking of the puppy/ puppy choosing her..the beginnings of the bonding... it really made my heart happy. Just like your post. I think anyone could relate. Anyway, thanks again!

Thank you! I needed this!!'
by: Mandy

Thank you so very much for sharing your personal story about struggling through depression and being so brave. I can tell you right now it has changed my mood and I'm currently an insomniac with depression :( I live at home with my mother, and she had 2 mini schnauzers. Both boys, both absolutely loving and affectionate, but one was truly more of my mom's dog and the older dog Jake (who lived to 14 years old) was my everything. I have chronic health problems that began at 30 & have prevented me from having any quality of life. I'm either at home in bed or the hospital. Anyway; Jake was my companion, caretaker, best friend, service dog in so many ways although not trained, and we had to put him down this past January due to severe medical issues. It's now June, and I haven't recovered from the loss of him. Our other dog, though a good dog, makes it clear who he belongs to, so my loneliness & depression increase as I remember Jake sleeping & being with me every day and night for 5 years in a row and off & on 5 years when I lived on my own. I've cried over the idea of a puppy. I can't tell if it's too soon, if I'm ready. I've never had the same breed twice after a loss. But the bottom line- your story that I stumbled upon brought me hope and comfort and I can't thank you enough. Sorry for oversharing. It's hard to share with humans especially when my dog loved me -broken. Sick, -any condition and humans have left me in hard times. I miss him terribly but I think it's time I try and find love again. Not ready for dating after a traumatic relationship but ready to give my love if that makes sense. I haven't talked to anyone about this for 6 months so thank you .

Snoops nanny
by: Linda

This is all so true. Snoop came into our life when we needed him. He is such a little character. We found the sweetest dog in the world, at least we think so! I love hm like he was mine!!!

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