My little Angel baby Mike!!

by Lore

I lost my baby little Angel Mike on January,19th. He was the love of my life and always will be. He was such a fighter, but after 6 months trying to get him better, we decided its time to let him go. He was my only pet and lived with us for almost 12 years.

I feel upset with vets since we always gave really good care of his health. However, I did not find the educated Internal Medicine Specialist able to control his inflammatory bowel disease on time. Last year, we were going to his vet every single month, sometimes twice a month, then an Internal Medicine vet that made an ultrasound and X-rays and told us that he had cancer and it is spread through all his body. We were devastated and took him to a holistic care vet for his last days, he was eating and drinking very well, we were happy.

Three months later, he vomited for first time and we thought that it is time to let him go and went to an emergency hospital to know that he did not have cancer, he had a severe inflammatory bowel disease and inflammation due to his previous treatment of fluconazole. However, he already lost 40% of his weight. We tried to fight with this Internal Medicine vet and a nutritionist, but was not possible. Mike with his low weight was not able to accept a treatment based on corticoids, and immunosuppressant's drugs.

It is so hard to know that even though I gave 100% of your time, and also money to fight for this illness, you could not help him.

Mike was my mom's emotional support schnauzer for several years after my father passed, then angel Mike moved to USA to be my husband's companion while I was working overseas. He helped all our family with his love for years. House is empty now, I have never imagined how sad can be to lost a pet.

We were a pack of three My husband, Mike, and me. We were always together and happy. We used to travel together, went to vacation, beaches, etc.

We are trying to remember the good memories of him, how a great, intelligent, and lovely dog.

Miss you my baby Angel Mike!!

Comments for My little Angel baby Mike!!

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May 01, 2015
My little Angel Mike!!
by: Lore

Thank you everyone for your support and nice words. I remember my little angel Mike as the best dog ever. He stays in our heart forever and ever. I light a candle every other Monday to remember him. We got a puppy one month ago, he is an schnauzer too, I love him to the moon and back. Of course, our Mike was so special and we remember him almost every day.

Mar 23, 2015
My condolences about Mike
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and all you went through to help Mike. You did everything you knew to do for him and he knew that. Dogs are so much better at reading us than we are at reading them.

I'm two months out from losing our 15 year old Zachary and it gets better but you'll still miss him every day. When you love someone that much, you will grieve that much.

Bless you and all the wonderful memories you have of your baby.

Mar 22, 2015
so sad for your loss
by: Loretta

My heart aches for your loss. I understand your pain. It took so much love for you to let Mike pass on. He gave many happy yrs. and leaves happy memories.
When your ready get another pet to share your love with, perhaps from a shelter. Shelters have pure breeds. I know Mike wouldn't want you to mourn too long. He will always hold a special place in your heart.
Thoughts and Prayers.

Mar 22, 2015
tears for your loss
by: Smoresmom

Oh my word, I am crying as I write this. I'm so very sad for your loss of your loving beautiful Mike. They are such a wonderful but breed. So kind and loving. I too have an emotional support schnauzer. I am not going to give you advice but just to say that I'm glad you were able to experience the unconditional love that Mike gave to you. Take all the time you need to grieve. Thank you from the depths of my heart for allowing him not to suffer. I'm so sorry you were given a bad diagnosis. That vet should be ashamed of themselves!!!

Mar 22, 2015
In time...Mike's time
by: Schnauzer Mom


I'm on my 5th schnauzer. I can go on and on about how precious they all were. Lost one to an auto-immune disease or poisoning, the vet didn't know. It's amazing how God works with these little lovers. Mike sounded like he was sent to help your family and indeed he did. There is a website here on FB where other people have lost their schnauzers: Memorial for Our Lost Schnauzers.

In time, Mike's time you will heal that hole in your heart, but the scar will always remind you of Mike.

I had a bff schnauzer, Chantilly (Tilly) who I lost in in 2010. Still hurts, but I got another girl, Ellanore (Ellie). It helps tremendously. And although it's not the same, nor should it be, another little one helped me when I was so sad.

When you are stronger, please find it in your heart to help another little schnauzer who needs you just as much as you need him!

May God wrap his loving arms around you and may Mike run free over that Rainbow Bridge! God Bless!

Mar 22, 2015
Schnauzer Hugs
by: Lindy

I had to help our 16+ year old Trudy to the Bridge on 9 February. Not the first or last Schnauzer baby I have to let go...she leaves behind 7 more rescue Schnauzies. We are sending all our love and hugs to y'all; please consider rescuing another one of us...never to take precious Mike's place, but to continue the love xoxo

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