My heart and soul cries

by Rob Hott
(Sparks, MD)

Rolfe was my best buddy, my constant companion for 11 years. He was a very happy pet, never getting into trouble and always there to welcome me home. He was the smartest schnauzer, amazing us with his deep intelligence, his ability to comfort us and to make us happy.

Now, I've lost him to cancer and his passing was not easy for either of us. I've now brought my friend home in a little box and can't make it through one day without thinking of him and crying. I don't know that this hurt will ever subside. He was my all.

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May 05, 2014
So sorry
by: George's mama

I just lost my George 4 days ago to cancer. He was diagnosed 3 months ago and for 2 months he did very well on prednisone. We had a vet come to our home to put him to sleep after he got so sick that he didn't want to eat or walk anymore. It was one of the hardest Things I have ever had to do. George was 11. He was smart, independent and my best friend. I am so sad. Except for my fathers death, this has been the hardest thing I have ever been through. It helps to hear other peoples stories about their schnauzers, some people just don't understand.

Feb 17, 2014
sharing a sad loss
by: Donna

I know how you are feeling at this time, just lost my little Trudi of over 14 yrs, on January 8. Was natural old age BUT the loss makes you hurt inside. Knowing they are going has you holding them and crying, then losing them, without their little doggie body to hold , when does it even start to leave you. I cry each day, just hits, no matter where I am. I remember the good times, the happy ones. the joy, the laughter, and I know in my head that her going was time, that was what I was there to do, help her. But the ache still lingers. She still has my love and I greet her with each new day and tell her goodnight. I know from experience that even though I have lost other magic ones, I still remember the funny things they did, how intelligent they were and don't cry all the time over them. BUT they are forever in my heart. We have loved greatly and have been given the privilege of being loved by them.

Feb 11, 2014
My thoughts and Prayers are with you...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Dear Rob,
I have walked that path and i lost my darling baby Sasha to Cancer at her age 11 (last March). I also have her in a lil box and not a day goes by without her thoughts.

After 3 Months of her passing, i got Baby Axl - a Mini who is helping us heal better.
Definitely he cannot replace Sasha... But their love has the Healing wand.
You will feel better.

My heart goes out to you. i understand your pain.
take care....

Jan 25, 2014
I understand!
by: The Long's

I do understand your loss and the deep pain. We lost our precious girl Katla just a month ago. You do go on even in the loss and pain.
You will remember all the wonderful memories with your friend and they will take deep root in your heart forever.

Jan 24, 2014
Our thoughts and prayers
by: Mike

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. there is nothing more painful then losing a good friend.We recently lost our Schnauzer Nicholas. He was the best little buddy who loved everyone.Our groomer loved him and would keep him out with her while she cut other dogs. He would greet everyone who came in the door like an old friend. He was sick all four years we had him. However, he added so much to our lives and our friends who knew him. We received the cast of his paw print from the vet yesterday and we both felt the hole in our heart open up again.

Just feel lucky to have had your little buddy and remember him fondly. Find another little Schnauzer who needs a home. We have done that when we lost a little buddy and we have had some terrific dogs. Thanks for sharing your loss with us.

Jan 24, 2014
Know that you're not alone...
by: Anonymous

I went through a similar situation. My Schnauzer Marcello couldn't make it up the stairs on a Friday morning and had to be put down the next Monday due to a brain tumor. I thought my world was over, but friends urged me to get another as a living tribute to him which I did later that same week. Training and raising Dieter (the new Schnauzer) helped me through my grief and is indeed a living memorial to his deceased "brother." Seven years later, I still remember my Marcello fondly several times each day. And every once in a while when I look at the little box of his remains (which sits next to his photo in my living room,) a tear swells in my eyes and I hug Dieter ever so closely. I close my eyes and whisper "you're brother's watching over us. And, that's not a bad thing.... it reminds us of our human capacity to love and be loved. Time does heal and so will you. Honor Rolfe's memory by doing so.

Jan 23, 2014
i feel your paun
by: Andrea

My heart bleeds for you. I had a lil girl for 15 Years seven months and 8 days. It took me getting another precious little boy schnauzer to grt over her. Get another one asap.

Jan 23, 2014
Heartfelt Thoughts
by: Suzen

Its so hard to lose a family member. That is exactly what these little ones become. They are certainly loving companions and friends like no other breed. If you must cry, go ahead until your heart isn't as heavy. Sincere thoughts and sympathy.

Jan 23, 2014
The Memories stay with us.
by: Phil Medway

When you lose a much loved Schnauzer a little bit of your heart goes with them. The pain eases with time but the happy memories of your beloved pet remain with you for ever. Somewhere out there is another Schnauzer who needs your love, not to repalce the lost loved one but to become a loved character in their own right.

Jan 23, 2014
You will always hurt! But someday with a smile!
by: Cindi

We lost our two oldest seniors 3 weeks apart. Dec 9th and New Years Day. It was devastating beyond words. I find comfort in the fact that we rescued them and gave them the best life possible. I just fed our other 7 and saw them in their spots eating along with the others. I know they are here in spirit but I miss them so. Frasier would have been 18 in May and Schultz just turned 16 in September. My tears have turned to smiles (the tears still come)because I have such wonderful memories of our times together. I think of the happy times and I know they never liked me being sad. I'm happy for them that they are not suffering with the old age aches and pains and I know that no matter where they are they are happy.

Jan 23, 2014
So Sorry :-(
by: Sonja

Our beloved dogs come into our lives and we keep them near & dear to us always. You were a wonderful Father to Rolfe and he a wonderful son to you :-) Starr will miss his grooming buddy. I am so sorry for your loss!!

Jan 23, 2014
love nd a fur baby

Sorry to read this.
They just get wright into your hart.
I just lost my mini about 6 month ago still hurt, she was very special little girl her name was Anjahe was 12 and half year old.
Take care it will get easier but they never leave you

Jan 23, 2014
My cousin.
by: Jaeger

I am sorry my cousin went home before you, Uncle Rob. I don't always understand these things. If you want to come by and visit, maybe you can help me understand. I promise to listen when I stop crying and jumping on you. I miss seeing you.

Jan 23, 2014
Sorry for your loss from Lakewood, WA
by: Annette

I am so sorry for your loss. My beloved Schnauzer "Rachet" has been gone for a little over 2 years. Honestly my heart still hurts. Time does make the pain less intense but there will always be moments when you want your fur baby there. For me when I lost Rachet I had an existing Schnauzer in my house that I didn't want to grieve so I went out right away and got two puppies. My heart still hurt but they bought some comfort. I also ended up rescuing 4 more. So now I have 7 mini schnauzers.
Everyone grieves and responds in their own way. Having this site really helped my heart. Just remember time heals everything and take as much time as you need to grieve. But just remember sometimes the best way to honor your past pet is to rescue another or get another one so you don't have the emptiness. The new dog or dogs will never replace your old one but just maybe you can heal a little faster and find joy.
Thinking of you through this difficult time.

Jan 23, 2014
by: Anonymous

The pain get bearable, the memories never will be taken from you. God bless and I am saddened by your loss.

Jan 23, 2014
My deepest condolences
by: Gregg Barkley

I lost my daughter, Pepper, to cancer 11 years, 2 months and one week ago. She had just turned 14. It left my family and myself bereft and there wasn't one day I didn't break down and cry at least once for three straight months. Pepper grew up in Towson, not far from you, and seeing a fellow Marylander and Schnauzer parent in pain moved me to write to you. I would be lying if I didn't say that reading your post brought all of my feelings to the fore and left me in tears at work. I can tell you that the hole in my heart is still there. Sure, life moves forward and you get caught up in the day-to-day stuff but you will never forget their love and sometimes just the littlest things can recall a memory and bring a smile and a tear at the same time. There will be people who never had the privilege of loving a Schnauzer and who will think it strange that you mourn in such a way. They will never truly know that special bond, exactly that of a biological child, you have and will never lose. I have Pepper's picture on my desk right next to my wife and my 9-month old baby. Her smiling face warms my heart and, through my faith, I know that I will be with her again someday. However, for now, I am more than happy to be the proud father of Pepper, the Sweetest Fuzz that Ever Was, and regale anyone with stories about her and make sure that her memory never fades away. It is all that I can do but I do it with the same persistence as Pepper mooching supper running to me when I came home everyday. God bless you and your family during this time.

Jan 23, 2014
Understanding your pain
by: Adele

I truely know the pain of loosing your beloved Rolfe We lost our Orbit past June and still miss that devoted mini schnauzer. Remembering all the unconditional love our pets gave us helps. It's not easy but know there are those who care and know exactly how you feel. Hang in know your pup knew he was lovedđź’•đź’•đź’•đź’•

Jan 23, 2014
I feel your pain…..
by: Anonymous

Hang in there…..I know exactly how you feel. I lost my beloved 14 year old 3 weeks ago and I just started feeling "normal" this past week, although yesterday I broke down but it was short loved. I know how hard it is and what you are feeling is very normal. I thought picking up his ashes would be easier than the day we had to put him down but it was jus gas hard. I cried the entire day. I can't believe I am giving you comfort when not so long ago I felt like nothing anyone said or did would help or comfort me. Don't worry about griefing…it is part of the process and you will start for feel better little by little. I have to quote someone on this site who said the best thing to me…which at the time I thought would never happen…and it has…..they said : SOON YOUR PAIN WILL TURN TO SWEET MEMORIES. When I lost him I thought I won't ever be able to talk about him or look at his picture without losing it…but slowly it happened and my husband and I found ourselves talking about sweet moments with our baby. I was shocked it really happened. Sending you a big hug!!!!

Jan 23, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I lost my little Ming Lee about 5 years ago , not a day goes by that I don't hunk of her and miss her sweet face! The joy she brought my husband and I will never be forgotten ever! I didn't think I could ever find enough love to give another dog but 3 years ago we got another little girl, a Maltese , her name is Carolyne and we love her as much as we loved Ming but in a different way, your heart will heal and you will never forget the beautiful memories you had. God bless you and your family through this horrible time.

Jan 23, 2014
by: Ahava

I lost my little Precious, a Schnauzer who was also a therapy dog, a few years ago. When I think of her, I can remember everything about her. How she loved people. Loved to go to the dog park to visit people. She loved her job as therapy dog at the hospital. One day, when she was just 8 years old, my daughter took her on a special outing. Just she and my daughter. It was Precious' day out. We had rescued her pregnant and kept two of her puppies. They stopped for snacks. Went for a walk and then stopped at the nursery. She suddenly got loose from my daughter and darted out into the street where a truck hit her and kept on going. I was at home and heard the answering machine come on; but couldn't hear what it said. I went downstairs and listened. I could hardly believe my ears. Precious had been injured and the vet didn't think she would make it. Could I come asap. I arrived before she died and was able to hold her little body and talk to her comfortingly. The vet said he was going to try to save her; but she had a neck injury and was stiff from that. I care for all animals sick and healthy. I would have spent the rest of her life carrying her if that is what it would have taken; but she made the choice for me. I heard the death rattle and she was gone. We brought her home for her puppies to see. We grieved for a long time. She left an empty spot in our home. She had such a big personality!

Jan 23, 2014
I'm so sorry...
by: Cheryl Entrekin

I am so sorry for the pain in your heart after losing your companion. We lost a schnauzer, Sassy, after 16 years, and the hurt was so bad. In a few weeks, we opened our hearts up to another, Molly, who has been our sweetheart! There is nothing like a schnauzer...they are so human!
Praying that your heart will heal soon, and perhaps you will be open to loving again.

Jan 23, 2014
so sorry for the loss of your furbaby
by: Anonymous

Please know that you will see him again! Let that comfort you. He is again in perfect health without pain waiting for you. God Bless

Jan 23, 2014
Sorry to hear about the passing of your Rolfe.
by: Patty

Please know how sorry I am for you. My Sassy is now 11 and I treasure every day I have with her. Everytime I think of her going to Heaven I cry because she is my Baby too.
God bless and my prayers are with you and your family.

Jan 23, 2014
by: DeeDee C.

May your 11 years of memories help to soften the pain just a little. I can't imagine how much hurt and pain you are experiencing now, but I can say that it is better to have had and loved than to have never experienced his companionship at all.

Jan 23, 2014
My heart hurts for you
by: Lindsay

I just want you to know your pain will subside but Rolfe's memory never will. Losing a furry family member is one of the greatest losses you will ever feel. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I am very sorry for your loss. Schnauzers are like no other dog breed, they are so special and you are so lucky to have been able to have Rolfe in your lives.

Jan 23, 2014
So sorry for your loss!
by: Tanya

My heart goes out to you as you grieve for your beloved best friend. I have lost a dog before and I can understand the emptiness and the huge hole that it leaves in your heart. As difficult as it may seem to be, just know that your beloved one is at peace and is not suffering anymore, and that the memory of the priceless times you spent together will ALWAYS be in your heart!
It is my heartfelt feeling that Rolph's spirit will be eternally by your side, until you meet again on the other side.May God be with you and bring you peace and healing.

Jan 23, 2014
So sorry for your loss
by: Sandra

I lost my little Tia 3 years ago and know exactly how you feel. The loss you feel is beyond pain and grief. My heart goes out to you. Everyone told me I would feel better in time. Some days were better than others but I did allow myself time to grieve. And remember you and only you can judge how much time you need. Talking to other dog owners painful as it was really helped. They truly are the only ones who understand. I'm sending you an enormous hug and truly cherish your memories of the wonderful time you had together. xxx

Jan 23, 2014
You are not alone...
by: Barbie Perkins-Cooper

I read your post and I ache with you. Tears are pouring down my face. I lost my giant schnauzer, Prince Marmaduke Shamus in May, 2012 and still I grieve. Never is it easy to lose your precious loved one, but please know, you are not alone. God has a special place for these precious friends and family members. Please take it one day at a time while knowing you are not alone. It might help to foster or rescue another. No, not to replace because that is not necessary; nevertheless, it helped me to stop crying so much when I found another giant schnauzer that needed a home. May God bless you!

Jan 23, 2014
I feel you're pain x
by: Ronell

Last week 15 January 2014, we had to put our 12 year old boerboel to sleep.....I am still crying..I know its not a schnauwzer.......but......I feel your pain !!! Ps. I have a Miniature Schnauwzer named Charlie - wich I Love with my whole heart !!! Also, habe a Staffy called Layla. They are so unhappy.....

Jan 23, 2014
So very sorry....
by: Ashley

I'm so very sorry to read about your beloved Rolfe's passing. I know all too well the pain of losing your best friend to cancer as I lost my sweet Dexter to cancer shorty after his 11th birthday. My heart goes out to you, I know how crushing and heartbreaking it is and I'm so sorry. Give yourself time to grieve and go through all the feelings. Know that even though you can't see or touch Rolfe he's still there with you and always will be.

Jan 23, 2014
So sorry......
by: Donald

So sorry for your 3 yo female schnauzer Callie passed away suddenly from HGE last May...I made a nice grave for her in my back yard....I miss her daily still...Prayers to you and your family.

Jan 23, 2014
So sorry
by: Leigh

So sorry for your loss. May peace be with you.

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