My good boy Joey

by T
(St Louis)

Joey I miss you so much. Heartbroken when I had to let you go. What a personality! So smart! You turned on water taps, lights and made music with Your squeaky toys.

I did not want you to suffer so even though I did not want to lose you I let you go because I know you were fighting to stay for me, I did not want you to suffer any more. I could not bear the thought of that.

I was the lucky one Joey! I miss you and will always love you. I am so glad you were in my life! We all miss you and love you. Your little sister is lost without you.

Goodbye for now my good boy. I will see you again. Love you forever Joey!

Comments for My good boy Joey

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Aug 17, 2016
by: Gary

Joey will always be in your heart and Memories. God Bless you and thanks for your kind words.

Aug 01, 2016
Thanks for the pictures
by: Derek S

Thank you for sharing this and I am glad you got to have your schnauzer for so long. Best wishes.

Apr 07, 2016
Joey Boy
by: T St Louis

Love you Joey - Always. T.

Mar 07, 2016
My good boy Joey
by: T St Louis

March 7th, 2015 - Remembering my good boy Joey. Always love you sweet boy.

Feb 29, 2016
by: Gary Tn

The pain goes on and on. I miss my little Desiel so much. It has been almost 6 months and it hurts like it was yesterday. I know your pain and my heart goes out for you.

Feb 07, 2016
My good boy Joey
by: T St Louis

Always loved, always remembered. Asleep in my heart forever. Miss you so Joey boy. Ĺove, T

Jan 07, 2016
My good boy Joey
by: T

In memory of my good boy Joey. Always love you Joey. You are asleep in my heart buddy, forever.

Dec 07, 2015
My Joey boy
by: Th

Miss you Joey boy. Never forgotten. Always loved. Forever.

Nov 07, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

In memory of Joey. Miss you buddy boy. Always in my heart. Love you little boy.

Oct 07, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

For my boy Joey. Miss you like crazy buddy. Always
Loved. Never Forgotten.

Sep 07, 2015
Joey boy
by: T

Joey you have been gone six months today. You were such a good boy. I miss you and will always love buddy.

Aug 26, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

Always in my heart Joey. Miss you buddy.

Aug 10, 2015
Joey boy
by: T

Miss you buddy. Always loved. Never forgotten.

Jul 19, 2015
Joey boy
by: T

7/19 - Thinking of you Joey boy on your birthday. Miss you buddy. Always loved. Never forget you my good boy.

Jul 09, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

Remembering you Joey. You have been gone 4 long months now. Always loved, never forgotten. T.

Jul 08, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

7/7/15 - Love you Joey boy. Never forgotten. T?

Jul 07, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

Always loved, never forgotten. Miss you Joey boy.

Love, T.

Jul 07, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

Thinking of you today. Miss you buddy. Always loved, never forgotten. Love, T

Jun 28, 2015
Joey boy
by: T

Miss you buddy boy. Always loved, never forgotten.


Jun 16, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

lWallace- thank you so much for your kind message. It does help to know we are not alone. In the coming months I will consider getting another schnauzer family member. Just waiting until I know I can handle it. Thank you again. Your message means a lot to me. Take care. T.

Jun 15, 2015
beloved joey
by: lwallace

Dearest T just wanted to send you some kind words of encouragement to let you know that you are not alone I too lost 5 years ago my wonderful beloved Sophie Marie I was heartbroken I never thought I couldn't go on without her.She to like your joey had such A wonderful personality so human like. always there for you through thick and thin no matter what kind of day you've other miniature schnauzer Sadie was so lost without her adopted mother Sophie. I could tell Sadie knew that Sophie wasn't coming home.4 months passed Sadie wasn't getting any better I wasn't getting any better that's when I started looking for another miniature schnauzer.I found another little girl her name is Allie Mae she is now 5 she has a wonderful personality like her sister Sophie she takes very good care of her sister Sadie who is now 15.I value each and everyday I have with my girls.follow your heart and no that each and everyday its special.when you're ready a new angel will come into your life as well. We send you happy thoughts, and precious memories forever...

Jun 06, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

It will be 3 months tomorrow 6/7/15 since I had to make the heart breaking decision to end your life way too soon. I did not want you to go buddy, but I could not bear to see you suffer. You were a tough little guy and I know you would have fought to stay as long as you could for me, even though you were in pain. I made that difficult choice out of complete love for you. I hope you knew that.

There are days it seems like only yesterday. Words cannot explain how much I miss you. I will always remember you Joey Oey. You are loved. Rest in peace my good boy. Love, T.

May 21, 2015
Joey boy
by: T

Miss you so buddy. Love you always. T

May 14, 2015
Joey boy
by: T

Joey the squirrels were causing an awful ruckus this morning. Know they would not even think of doing that if you were here! Hope you're running and playing and giving the squirrels a run for their money. Miss you so buddy.

May 11, 2015
by: T

Joey boy I miss so much. Miss your smiling little face, miss you stealing laundry from the hamper, miss hearing your squeaky toys. Hope your running like wind buddy. I think of you every day and try not to cry. Love you always Joey Oey. T.

May 09, 2015
My Joey boy
by: T

I would like to thank all of you for your words of encouragement and understanding. I miss Joey very much -The weekends are especially hard for me. Joey and I spent a lot of time together and more so
On the weekends.

Being able to express my feelings has helped me deal with the grief and help his little sister who is grieving as much or more. I appreciate you all and this site. In honor of our beloved schnauzers - Schnauzers-Rule!

May 05, 2015
by: Anonymous


May 01, 2015
Condolences for Joey
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry you've lot your little Joey. We just went through this in January with our Zachary and it hurts so much. You'll survive with the help of his little sister and the wonderful memories he has left you with.

May 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

So sorry to hear about your loss of Joey, I lost my Poppy 18 months ago, she was diagnosed with a stroke at first but it turned out to be a brain tumour, she was my world, never left my side in the 14yrs I had her in my life! I still miss her everyday. Sending hugs to you & your other pooches xx

Apr 30, 2015
I feel your pain
by: Mimi Mazzara

I'm so sorry for your loss Joey must have been a special little boy for you to love him so much...I recently lost my Ms. Randi she had lung cancer gone to her brain...yet after a night in ER she came home to me and cuddled and stumbled around to help the boys( my other schnauzers) hunt one last rabbit..even tho most of her sight had left her in 24hrs..I miss her terribly. But Joey will be greeted by her ;)

Apr 30, 2015
Sharing your grief
by: Stephanie

I'm sorry to hear about your Joey. I can relate and I hope it helps to know that so many others can as well. I'm sure Joey had the best life ever. Maybe he will meet my Riley Bear who we lost over 3 years ago and even mentioning him now brings tears. I am quite sure Joey knew how much he was loved. I once read….If love could save… "Joey"…. he would live forever.

Apr 17, 2015
by: T

Thank you so much for your kind words. Lost Joey to colon cancer on March 7th of this year. Miss him terribly. I hope Joey and Sasha are having a grand time. We will see them again one day.

In my thoughts and thanks again.

Apr 12, 2015
Darling boy Joey...
by: Sasha's Mum Anjali

It is a very hard moment...
I understood every word you said and
that is what I went through with my Darling Baby Sasha....
I have asked Sasha to play with Joey nicely...
we will meet them on the other side...

Sending you Love and healings...
take care...

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