My Furry Friend, Sparky

by Tonia
(Atlanta, Georgia)

One week has passed since I had to say good-bye to my beloved furry little friend, Sparky on 11-22-14. He was my confidant who showed unconditional love for me for the past 16 years and 3 months! I will never forget how empty the house felt when I walked into his room after putting him to rest and didn’t see him sleeping in his bed. At that moment, it really hit me that I would never see him again. I was devastated and the tears would not stop flowing.

Letting him go was one of the most difficult decisions in my life. I could no longer bear to watch him suffer in pain and his quality of life diminish. He had kidney problems, dementia and severe arthritis so bad that he was unable to stand for long periods.

I am grateful for the continuing support of family and friends to help me get through this difficult time. We reminisce about the funny things he used to do to make us laugh like running down the hallway to my bedroom and leaping onto my bed. He was the best guard dog ever and would respond to the slightest noise.

It was truly a blessing to be there for him through all of the phases of his life. We created special moments together that will be cherished forever.

Comments for My Furry Friend, Sparky

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Apr 30, 2015
Ahh, our schnauzers
by: Anonymous

I came across your comment today and the raw emotions of loosing my Coco last October came back to me. I'm tearing for you knowing that pain all too well. I'm currently awaiting to bring new mini home and as much as this seemed immpossible after passing my baby Coco, my heart is so joyful as I await the arrival of the new one. I never thought I could love any other dog but it's possible and I hope you'll find in your heart to love another one.

Mar 15, 2015
A fellow puppy parent
by: Wendy

I came across your post by accident and the tears started to flow. Like you I lost my precious Maxwell on 11/22/2014. Although I had many friends and family around me at the time, I felt so alone. It's ironic that someone across the country was feeling the same way at the same time. Peace

Dec 08, 2014
I am so sorry for you tremendous loss
by: Mark MacDonald

I am so very sorry for your loss. I know you have lost part of you when you had to let Sparky leave. I wish you peace, love, and joy in your future. Know that you had that unique love of Sparky for a very long time, even though it wasn't long enough. So many people never get to experience that kind of love. You'll see him again.

Dec 06, 2014
Weeping Heart
by: Kathryn

I am so sorry for your pain. And it never goes away. I lost the only thing I've ever really loved on 7/9/2014. I cry still most days. We had 12.5 years together. Not enough! He had an unknown heart condition; but he was already sick.

All I dream of is being with him again one day soon. I am sorry for your baby and so very sorry for you!

May Universe at hand be with you and someday may you reunite with your beloved Sparky. I hope he and my soulmate Snooter shall meet in the void.

Dec 06, 2014
We feel your pain
by: Denise & Earl

We just lost our precious schnauzer, Jackson to lymphoma. He was such a love and an amazing companion to Earl since he just retired this year. We are so sad about losing him but like you with Sparky we could not stand to see him suffer. As his quality of life diminished quickly we knew we had to do the right thing and say goodbye. He will live forever in our hearts. What a personality he had. He made us laugh every day of his 12 years. Loving a pet means parting from them will be incredibly painful but so worth the years of joy he gave us!

Dec 06, 2014
missing Sparky
by: Melodie

My condolences to you. You had to struggle with the most difficult decision we Schnauzer lovers have to make and I know we all empathize with you in your pain and loss. You stated it beautifully in remarking about all the memories and joy Sparky gave and shared. That is his gift to you and you were the gift in his life. Let
those gifts help to heal your heart - they are the part of Sparky that will always be there, guarding and guiding you.

Dec 06, 2014
Schnauzer Love
by: Lori

I don't think a day goes by I don't miss my Schnauzer Sully of almost 15 years. He passed away in June this year. Hardest part was coming home without him. I still walk around our apartment remember his favorite spots and I smell his toys. I kept them all. His collar is on my purse.

Schnauzers are amazing fur kids. I believe they make our lives extra special.

Hugs, Love and Prayers. I'm so sorry for your loss. God speed to Sparky crossing the rainbow bridge.

Dec 06, 2014
by: Debra

So very sorry! I just went through the loss of my 14 year old poodle (my soul mate) and I know how it hurts! I, like you could not watch his pain any longer and his little body slowly dieing! He was such a fighter! He had congestive heart failure and lots of other things going on! He will always live within my heart and I take comfort now knowing that he is not hurting anymore! Again, I am so very sorry for your pain! God Bless!

Dec 06, 2014
So sympathetic
by: Peggy

Your words touched me. We're going through all of that now with our Zachary who turned 15 in August. As long as he has times during the day when he can still romp and play, I feel the quality of life he deserves still exists for him. But we are afraid it won't be long before those good times are gone.

I feel for you but am so glad for you to have been able to experience all those years with a schnauzer!

Dec 06, 2014
So sorry
by: Cheryl

I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your Sparky! Several years ago, we had to put down our Sassy, who was also a 16 year old schnauzer. It hurts so bad, but we know it's for their good. My heart goes out to you! We decided we could not go thru this pain again, so chose to not get another doggie. After a few weeks of grieving and seeming to get more depressed each day, I told my husband that we just had to get another puppy to love! This was such a wise decision! We found Molly, another little schnauzer, and she stole our hearts! She never could take Sassy's place, but she has made her own special place in our hearts! Hopefully, you will choose to give another pup that love like you loved Sparky. Sparky would be proud! God bless you!

Dec 06, 2014
by: rodney

Sorry about your loss. I lost my
Beloved heidulu last April. She was
10. Miss her. I know she is in a
Beautiful place and in gods care.
Go out and get you another. I did
And got my harley-d. They all
Have different personalities and
Give you all their love.

Dec 05, 2014
by: Kimberly

What a wonderful tribute to Sparky. You two had such a great companionship! I always loved a good Sparky story! Your adventures created such vivid pictures in my mind, what a character. Sparky was LOVED by many but there is nothing like a mothers LOVE. You were the best Mom Sparky could of had. Love to you Tonia, in this tough time, and all prayers to "Mr.Sparky"!!!!!'

Dec 01, 2014
Beautiful Sparky
by: Jackie

These dogs are just beautiful and it hurts so much to lose them. I feel your pain and pray that you'll feel better in time. Whilst you'll never replace Sparky, perhaps another little schnauzer waits for you soon. I'm sure Sparky would want you to be happy.

Dec 01, 2014
Hugs to you
by: Stephanie

After having a wonderful pet for as long as you did, of course you're feeling his absence, and I know how hard that is. Losing a pet who provided unconditional love is so difficult.

I hope you continue to find comfort and laughter in your memories of Sparky. Maybe someday another schnauzer will come into your life; I'm sure Sparky would be happy knowing another mini was lucky enough to have you!

My mini schnauzer, Kipton, is almost 5 and was recently referred to as "middle aged." It makes me sad to know his life is limited to just a few more years.

I hope you feel better soon!

Des Moines, Iowa

Dec 01, 2014
Sparky.. he's still with you in Spirit..
by: Michele Rambo,Rebel & Benji

So sorry to learn that your Sparky has Gone.. but he's now over Rainbow Bridge and running around in the lush green meadows with all his friends.. my Rebel 1 and Ringo included.. Don't think of him as Gone .. think of him as watching over you and saying from Heaven that you can buy another Schnauzer because he would want you to.. He said you did the right thing for him and says thank you because you didn't let him suffer… Love Michele. Rambo, Rebel & Benji.. xx

Dec 01, 2014
Fur-ever loved
by: Patty @ Patty's Fur-Topia

God gave you Sparky for just the right amount of time. Now he's needed in heaven. We all are honored to be part of such a wonderful lil fur friend. Remember the good and happy times. Love you girl.

Dec 01, 2014
Furry Critter Lost
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear of your lost. If you want another dog, post your email so I can send you some pics of my litter. I have blacks and silver and whites.

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