My Dearest baby Coco

by Iwona
(Winnipeg, Manitoba)

Five days ago, on Oct 14,2014 I said goodbye to my sweetest girl Coco(Chanel No5) she truly lived up to the name, with the personality of a princess and soul of an an angel.

She was only 11 and lost 2 month long battle with kidney failure and pancreatitis. She was my other daughter, my friend, my loyal companion( especially in the kitchen!) my snoring buddy, true love of mine. I'm lost without her, my heart is shattered and I can't stop crying. She died in my arms looking at me with those big, loving eyes. When her heart stopped beating, her eyes would not close and I could not believe she was gone. I held her in disbelief praying for miracle, to come back to me. I left her at the hospital wrapped in he blankie and I'm waiting for her ashes. I'm waiting for her to come home. She was the biggest joy of every day.

After my daughter left home to go to school in Vancouver, she was my only child left at home. I will miss forever her schnauzer talks, the endless kisses, comfort and endless love she gave. I will see you again my sweet Coco.

Comments for My Dearest baby Coco

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Nov 28, 2014
Understand your loss of Coco!
by: Anonymous

I am sorry for your loss of Coco! I hav ebeen through the same pain last Sunday when i said Good Bye to my little angel- Archie! It was the hardest day of my life! Crying and missing him every day!

Coco will greet Archie in heaven and they will play together! Sweet little dogs! Miss you!

Nov 23, 2014
No greater love
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry about your beloved Cocoa. My wonderful Pearl died in May of 2013 and I still miss her.

I have had schnauzers continuously since 1965. I am old now, but I have very happy memories of all of my schnauzer babies. The best friend you will ever have is a schnauzer! My newest baby is adopted from Schnauzer love 8yo s/P male named bass and he is a Sweetie!

Get another schnauzer ASAP and begin a new life of fun, love, and adventure. I've known the joy of living with schnauzers for almost 50 years and would not swap them for anything!

Nov 19, 2014
Angels with fur
by: Anonymous

Our Angels with fur will greet Coco at the rainbow bridge.
They are Pal, Peanut, Scooter, an Tyler. Schnauzers that have enriched our lives with their unconditional love.
With time, the pain will pass.

You will one day be reunited with Coco in Heaven.

Oct 31, 2014
So very sorry
by: Tami

Oh how I feel your pain. Please accept this hug from Canada. My boy left us Oct 22 and we are raw with pain. My sympathies.

Oct 26, 2014
Rest in Peace
by: Jacqueline

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult a time this must be for you. Your little Coco will always hold a special place in your heart. Thinking of you.

Oct 26, 2014
Rest in Peace
by: Jacqueline

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult a time this must be for you. Your little Coco will always hold a special place in your heart. Thinking of you.

Oct 26, 2014
Condolences in your loss of Coco
by: Dolores Lawson

I am so sorry for your loss of your precious one coco

Oct 25, 2014
On your recent loss
by: Debra

Condolences for the loss of such a wonderful family member. I've lost many and know the pain all too well.
Sit down with a empty journal. Write down everything and anything that comes to mind. It helps and you will have a book of wonderful memories.

Oct 24, 2014
So very sorry
by: Mark, Max, and Ava

We are so very sorry for your loss. There really are no words that convey the sadness that we all feel for you at this time.

Oct 24, 2014
by: Anonymous

so sorry for your loss;having lost two mini's in the past i know how you must feel;time will soften the edges of your loss,but time cannot erase the eternal
love those wonderful animals gave us;
if,in time, there is another mini who needs a wonderful home they will find you;it's strange,but it actually works that way;

casper,my good boy,and toby obee watch out for coco;

Oct 24, 2014
My dearest Baby Coco
by: Iwona

I want to thank you all for such wonderful words of encouragement and understanding. I finally brought her home today. Rest in peace my sweet baby girl. You're always in my heart.

Oct 24, 2014
Sweet Coco
by: Sasha's mum

Please take care in this difficult time.
Very hard indeed...
You did every thing best for her and she knows that.
We will meet them again...

Take care...

Oct 24, 2014
Sorry for your loss!
by: Mike

I am so sorry for your loss!

We have lost a couple of Schnauzers and the last one, Nicholas, was such a little buddy that everyone loved. He would walk up to people and look at them and seem to say Hi, I'm Nicholas what's your name. He was a rescue Schnauzer (as all of our five dogs are) and he had a really good last two years of his life. He was abandoned by his former owners because he was ill. But he brought more joy to us then we could ever have imagined. Since his passing we have gotten Gustav (affectionately called Goofus). He is so joyful and enthusiastic.

Cocoa sounds like a wonderful companion. I hope you find another one that will bring joy into your life.

Oct 24, 2014
feeling your loss
by: Adele

so sorry for your loss. Feeling your pain but know your beloved knew your love. Remember all the wonderful memories. Your pup is with my mini hang in

Oct 24, 2014
by: shelly

My deepest sympathies. I have two Schnauzers and they are great children. May you find comfort and peace in the comings days, months, and years.

Peace be with you!

Oct 24, 2014
Our sympathy!
by: Anonymous

So very sorry for your loss! I know this pain and how your heart is hurting! I have been thru the loss of 4 precious schnauzers! Pebbles, Bailey, TRIPP and Bash! I still miss them each and every day! Precious memories! I now have Mali and Demi Shae to love and make new memories with! In time I hope you will bring a new baby into your life! Doesn't replace your baby Coco but will fill your heart with new love!

God Bless!

Debra, Mali and Demi Shae!

Oct 24, 2014
our little loves
by: Mary

There are no words to console you. I have two minis, both girls. They are my babies, my own children grown. I hate every moment I'm away from them. I dread the day I lose them and don't know how I will live without their sweet lively personalities. I pray for you. Crying just thinking about your pain.

Oct 24, 2014
by: Anonymous

Rest in peace my sweet dear

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