My Dear Charlie-pie XOXO

by Tess

Charlie as a pup

Charlie as a pup

Charlie was the greatest birthday gift. He came into my life the month of August 2009. Little did I know that he would be mine for only 3 shorts years and 5 months.

Charlie loved to chase the neighborhood squirrels and cats. He was very agile and loved to chase water. He was truly my love. He would protect me and follow me around the house. I was his favorite and he was mine.

He was taken from me suddenly on January 4th, 2014 at 3:00am. He passed suddenly from a condition called HGE (Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis). I urge you to google it and learn all you can about it in the event you are faced with any of the listed symptoms. That can be the difference between life and death.

I was completely unaware of the condition as my Charlie was a healthy dog. He never showed any signs for concern. I awoke on that dreadful night around 2 a.m. as if I knew something was wrong. I seldom get up at night. I found my Charlie lethargic with very labored breathing... laying in a pool of blood and feces. It was quite tragic.

I picked him up and quickly put him in warm water to rinse him. I was unsure of what was going on. His eyes were dilated and he would not stand on his own. His body was very limp. I wanted to take him to the Emergency Vet but as I looked at him... I just knew.. it was too late. I was right. He passed away in my arms.

I feel fortunate enough to have helped comfort him in his final moments but I am angry that there was nothing that I could have done. There was no indication that he was ill. It was sudden. I'm still hurting for him... he was only 3 years old. He did leave behind a litter of 3 beautiful pups. I've decided to keep the male of the litter to help me heal and comfort me.

Comments for My Dear Charlie-pie XOXO

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Apr 26, 2014
by: Patricia

Tess I am so sorry. You did not get enough time with Charlie. I have not had my beautiful Min Schnauzer for two years and I got the news that he is dying from Cancer that is inoperable and that Chemo won't work on. He has less than two months to live. So I can feel somewhat of what you are feeling. My heart is broken for this love bug. My arms will be so empty without him. So, Tess remember all of the joy that Charlie-pie game you...

Feb 28, 2014
Thank you all....
by: Tess

Thank you for your thoughtfulness in responding to my post.

I have come to find comfort in all the warm words and kindness from each of you. Your words were not only a comfort, but a source of strength for me in this difficult time.
You all are such a blessing... I am eternally grateful.
The world's a better place
Because of folks like you
Who take the time to do nice things
The way you always do.

Death leaves a heartache
No one can heal;
Love leaves a memory
No one can steal.

hugs! Tess

Feb 25, 2014
Dear Tess
by: Vivian & David in Fl

I am sorry for your loss. I know the pain you are going thru. We just lost our beloved "Kiwi" a week ago. He was a beautiful 5 1/2 year old Schnauzer with lots of life to live. It was sudden and unexpected just like you stated. Our prayers are with you.

Feb 12, 2014
by: natalia

I am sorry for your loss of Charlie. We also had a beauriful boy Mitchie who we had to say goodbye to on Jan 24/14. Mitchie was. 14 1/2 years old and was the love of our lives. We miss him terribly everyday.. We were so blessed to have him in our lives he was such a good boy and a wonderful companion. Hugs and kisses to Mitchie and all schnauzers .

Feb 12, 2014
I'm sorry
by: Tina

Dear Tess, I'm sorry to hear your sad news.. I lost my beautiful Milly Dog on 25th January 2014 in exactly the same way, she was 10 years 4months, she was the love of my life like your little schnauzer and it has torn me apart.. I miss her every minute of everyday ever since she passed away.. Our little Milly managed to get to the vet for IV fluids but her kidneys were beginning to fail and overnight she began bleeding, we had to make the worst decision for us( not for Milly) to let her go to sleep... My thoughts are with you and rest assured your little one was loved just like ours.... X

Feb 10, 2014
Dear baby Charlie....
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Dear Charlie's Mum..
I felt your pain and i am crying with you.
Loosing them all on a sudden is real hit on our whole being. I lost my daling baby Sasha 11 Months ago and the greif never seems to go.
time will heal... But i think it might take years... or may be our life time....
But is just a blessing to have His Babay...
How wonderful is that...
His baby will be a real rememberance of Charlie Pie...

Please do look after your self. He knew that he was loved heaps and heaps by you. He will wait for you in the Bridge... Till then he will play with my Darling Baby sasha...

all love and huggs

Feb 10, 2014
by: Ann G

I am so sorry for your loss. We too have a schnauzer named Charlie and we will be devastated when he passes.

Please concentrate on the good times you had with your Charlie; they will help you get through this sad time.


Feb 09, 2014
So sorry..
by: Rob

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of Charlie! I know that anguish too well having just lost my beloved Rolfe in January. The pain is unbearable and you think of nothing else. I was sent a card where the front says "Why are our pets' lives so short? Inside it tells how each animal brings its own quirks, tricks, joys and unique abilities and becuase of this, God wants to be sure we as humans enjoy many of them rather than just one. I found that thought very comforting, knowing that we are suppposed to experience the joys of many Schnauzers, but sadly also have the pain that comes with losing them. Hopefully those three years far outway the pain of the last minutes. I'm still trying to cope and you will too.

Feb 09, 2014
Prayers for You
by: Anonymous

Sending prayers & thoughts your way for Charlie's
passing. He felt the comfort of your arms and
your unconditional love as he passed into doggie
heaven. It is hard to lose a pet at any time but
worse when there is no time to prepare for their
passing. Having one of Charlie's puppies is
God's way of keeping all the memories of Charlie
in your heart forever as I'm some of the personality
traits in the puppy will remind you so much of

Feb 09, 2014
we miss charlie too
by: friend

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Anyone who has a schnauzer knows they are the apple of your eye, the most precious things. I feel your pain, and I'm sorry he left so suddenly. I hope you begin to find some peace and comfort.

Feb 09, 2014
My condolences
by: Pam

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose those fur babies. I lost a schnauzer 4 years ago and I lost my Boston terrier on Christmas day I know what you are going through. May you always remember the fun times you shared with him. My thoughts and prayers are with you. xoxo

Feb 09, 2014
I am so sorry
by: Bev in Salem, VA

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Charlie Pie, and how nice of you to try to help save others in your grief.

Our Minis never live long enough, Never. They are a loan from God and He called him home. Charlie is safe in the arms of his Creator. I lost a mini, Gimli when he was 2 in an accident and I like to think that there was a little child in Heaven who needed him more. I can't make sense of it any other way.

God bless you and keep you in this sad time. You are in my prayers.


Feb 09, 2014
by: Heather

I'm so sorry for ur loss may his puppy bring peace and many years of happiness to come!

Feb 09, 2014
by: rodd

I understand your pain. Lost my missilu
11years ago at 5 1/2 yes old. Have had
Heidilu 10 years on valentine day. In
Last 6 mod she has went from a pup
to a elderly lady. I know now how
Precious she really is and love her
more every day.

Rodd z

Please check out rainbow bridge

Feb 09, 2014
charlie pie
by: sarah

Im so sorry..very sad indeed.

Feb 09, 2014
I am so sorry
by: Mark MacDonald

I am so very sorry for your loss. Your Charlie-pie was the same age as my loving Max now. He is my everything. I just can't imagine the pain that you have experienced. I'm so glad that he didn't pass away at a cold, sterile pet hospital...but in your loving arms. I am crying as I type this and want you to know that I feel some of your pain. I will say a prayer for you and for Charlie-pie. I'm also glad that you kept a puppy to help you heal. Much peace and love coming to you.
Mark MacDonald
Oklahoma City

Feb 09, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am truly sorry and feel this is just unfair. So glad to hear you at least have his son. He will never be forgotten in your heart.

Feb 09, 2014
by: Anonymous

God bless! My thoughts and prayers are with you. What a cute little guy!

Feb 09, 2014
Thoughts and prayers
by: Anonymous

I am so very sorry for your loss. Charlie was a very handsome guy! This brought tears to my eyes. My schnauzers are such blessings to me. I lost one of mine suddenly two years ago to hemangiosarcoma... Like Charlie there were no signs or symptoms. I'm so very sorry that you found him this way, know that age he passed he was with the person he loved the most. Thoughts and prayers to you...

Feb 09, 2014
so sorry for your loss
by: Kim

Having lost our Charlie .. our rescue schnauzer in May of 2013 I totally understand your pain. and no you didn't have enough time with him.. but then we never do. I am happy and grateful you have his pup...

Feb 09, 2014
So sorry
by: Randy

Charlie sounds like my schnauzer, Cooper. He's very athletic and full of life and loves to chase squirrels. I'm so sorry for you, I know it's heartbreaking.

Feb 09, 2014
I too lost my Hercules at 3 and a half years.
by: Terry

I am so sorry for your lose. I too lost my Hercules, he was whining in pain and I could do nothing to help him. You feel as though you have part of yourself, horrible. My husband kept telling me to remember that he had a very good life when he was with you! Try to focus on the good memories, as hard as that is to do.
Thank god you have one of his babies, hopefully t
He will help you heal as he is a part of his daddy. God bless.

Feb 09, 2014
Precious Charlie
by: Anonymous

My deepest sympathies for your loss. I know Charlie had the best life with you! What a lucky boy to have such a loving home!

Feb 09, 2014
Deep love and condolence
by: Ken P

This fall I had two Schnauzers.
Lost one at Thanksgiving.
The other one died Christmas morning.
The one we lost at Christmas time was my baby.
Heartbroken without her. Still listen to hear her collar jangling when I come home each night.
And then I remember. It's like a smack in the face.
I understand your pain. I never knew your little guy, but take comfort in the fact that you gave him a life full of all of the the love you had.
He was loved in this life.
That is what he left knowing.
Well done. Respect and hugs.

Feb 09, 2014
Blessings and prayers
by: Sue

So sorry for you loss. How heart breaking. Your Charlie had a lovely twinkle in his eye and had to be a joy! I send you prayers and blessings of peace in your heart. Remember the wonderful times you shared.

Feb 09, 2014
sad for u
by: valerie

i know exactly what u mean. my buddy gets the poops when hes nervous or has any change in his diet. it was the we hours in the morning when i almost lost my paxton. it cost 600 dollars and he almost passed away at the animal hospital. its happened since then but im always doing " butt checks" lol when he comes in from pottying now. its heartbreaking to see ur friend suffering so. my heart goes out to u.

Feb 09, 2014
Godspeed Charlie
by: Vicki

So very sorry for your loss. Charlie was so handsome! My heart goea out to you.

Feb 09, 2014
I am so sorry
by: Bev from Salem

I am so sorry for the tragic passing of Charlie Pie. What a beauty he was, and how sweet of you to think about saving the lives of others during this tragic time.

Dogs NEVER live long enough. We are given them as a loan from God, to love and care for them until He calls them home. I lost a mini who was only 2 and still feel robbed, but I tell myself there must have been a little child in Heaven who needed him more.

My heart aches for you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed little Charlie. Rest easy in the arms of your Creator.

Feb 09, 2014
So very sorry....
by: Teri in Dallas

Was so sorry to read about the passing of sweet Charlie.....I know you were such a good Mommy to him and one day you will see him again.

Feb 09, 2014
Very Sorry
by: Judy

I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so difficult to lose our sweet babies. Even tho Charlie's life was short, I'm sure you gave him a lifetime of love in those 3+ yrs. God Bless!

Feb 09, 2014
you shared a love that will continue with his pups
by: Vee

My heart aches for your loss. I nearly lost my dearest friend the same way. You and Charlie shared a love and friendship that is not gone with his passing, but will continue your whole life and beyond; my idea of Heaven is a place where you get to be with everyone you ever loved, especially the dogs, because who loves better than a dog?
Be strong and lavish love on Charlie's pup, and Charlie's love will guide you.

Feb 09, 2014
by: Jamie

You are in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult of times! <3 <3

Feb 09, 2014
RIP sweet baby
by: Beverly Robertson

So sorry..feel your pain!

Feb 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

after losing my good boy casper,and about three years later my good boy toby (2 weeks ago friday)
i know the depth of your heart break;
he had a fine home with loving people and his time here was the best it could be:

he finished strong

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