My Darling Baby Sasha

by Anjali
(Perth, WA, Australia)

Mini Schnauzer Sasha

Mini Schnauzer Sasha

We lost our beloved Sasha – Mini Schnauzer to Bladder tumour. Diagnosed very, very late as she did not show any symptoms till the last day....
That Easter Sunday (31.03.2013) was a very hard day to our family. We pleaded the vets to do anything to save her... Vet said the kindest thing to do is to let her go...

We were heartbroken and had placed in the hardest position to agree to the decision helplessly.

Sasha always loved to be surrounded by me, my hubby, son and daughter. Kids being teenagers cannot even close their room doors... She wanted free access to anyone and if any door was closed for a moment, she would scratch the door and would cry and bark... she loved us and loved us more...

Stuck with us all the time. She has her lil beds in all the rooms... She bought such bliss to our family...

After all the diagnosis, She came to see us in a special room in the hospital and even at that hardest moment she was sooo happy to see us. she made noises, showed happiness to see us. We spent more than an hour with her holding her and talking to her... she looked deeply into our eyes and expressed soo much love.

My husband held her in his arms, me and kids cuddled her and hugged each other very close and the nurse gave her the final injection. My baby knew that we all were there with her, just as the way she always wanted....

No more pain my darling baby... Rest in Peace.

My Mini schnauzer you definitely ruled us all...
None of your things are moved... everything in it's place..

we are battling to believe you are no more with us...

Such a great loss.....

Comments for My Darling Baby Sasha

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Dec 25, 2020
We understand
by: Suzanne

Sasha resembled our dear Fritz who we lost December 21,2020. The tears don’t stop

Apr 07, 2015
Tears doesnot have an end..
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Its been 2 years you are gone and it is not getting any easier...
2 weeks back we Lost Smutty, who was your favourite bunny rabbit and you loved her soo much.
Hope you remember the day we rescued smutty and you treated her very well. Smutty followed you everywhere and at the end she thought she is a dog as well... passing of Smutty was hard as we had lot of memories of you attached to her...
she became old and passed away in her sleep.
Now Smutty is with you and must be updating you of what happened here and how Naughty Axl used to chase her. He did it when he arrived as a puppy, but he became good after sometime.

I miss you heaps...
My heart is aching a lot...

love you my darling... you are always in my heart.

Jun 25, 2014
Thank you.... With all my heart
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Thank you for posting the pictures...
I cried my a lot...
it is sooo re-affirming that she is there...
i love the pics..

Thanks a million...

Jun 24, 2014
Schnauzer Cloud
by: Schnauzers Rule

For you Anjali

photo credit:

Jun 24, 2014
My Darling Baby...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

one thought amazes me all the time...
how one lil dog can impact humans and
cause a storm in their life with her passing...
our life will not be same again...

Sasha baby... tears rolling down...
my eyes searching all the time for you in skyies for a schnauzer looking cloud...
loving you with all my heart...
you are my Darling Baby...

Apr 02, 2014
one year gone...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Our darling Sasha...
We miss you and not a day gone without your thoughts and saying something about you.
You are a very true family member and a very loyal companion to us.
The love you showered on us is soo pure and we realise that everyday...
you will live in our heart till eternity...
We love you darling...
Miss you and feel like hugging you.....

Oct 11, 2013
Remembering My Sasha's Eli episode..
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

2 years back we had a bush fire near hour home and all these lil living beings were scattered ever where.
Somehow a small rat entered into our home. In our native Language, we call them Eli.
Sasha was ballistic about it and was barking at a corner and alerting us.
When we moved our furniture, there was this little Eli fed up and want to run out to a safer place.
We got the Eli out of the house carefully and it ran away happy to the wilderness.

From that day, when we ask Sasha, "where is the Eli??" she will jump and will go very active and will run to the
Exact corner where we spotted the Eli. Now and then we ask her about it and she will show us where the Eli was.
Even a week before her passing my husband asked about the Eli and she jumped out of her bed and showed him where
The Eli was....

My husband was one proud dad and he was sooo proud of his little doggie's intelligence and
He kept telling everyone that his doggie is the cleverest and all she cannot do is utter the words....
We miss you sooo much darling left Such a big hole in our life...

love you slashy....

Sep 25, 2013
Where are you?
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Wish you were here by my side during this difficult time i am facing inside of me....
My Angel Sasheee...
missing you heaps...

Sep 09, 2013
Thinking f my baby Sash...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

She is your friend,
Your partner,
Your defender,
Your dog.
You are her life,
Her love,
Her Leader.
She will be yours,
Faithful and true,
To the last beat of her heart.
You owe it to her
To be worthy of such devotion.

Unknown author

Sep 01, 2013
Miss you my darling Sasha....Miss your over pouring love...
by: Anjali

5 months passed without my darling baby Sasha by my side...
Tears and grief does not seems to subside...
It is just soo hard..

Aug 27, 2013
No More Pain
by: Candy

Your story is a sweet reminder of how much our dogs love us and do so unconditionally. Rest in Peace sweet Sasha. You will see your family once again one day.

Aug 02, 2013
To Sasha family
by: jane

Hi I know how you feel when you lose your mini Schnauzer.
Anja my min Schnauzer died suddenly 3 weeks ago, she had a stroke, she was 14yrs old. Loved her to bits. she was my fur baby.
Keep your chin up, and know that she will always be with you.

Aug 01, 2013
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

it's 4 months since you are gone... we are still batteling your loss...
Axl is here to remind you.... but Nothing compares to you my darling baby Sasha...


So this is where we part, my darling,
and you’ll run on, around the bend.
Gone from sight, but not from mind,
new pleasures there you’ll surely find.

I will go on, I’ll find the strength,
life measures quality, not length.
One long embrace before you leave,
share one last look, before I grieve.

There are others, that much is true,
but they be they, and they aren’t you.
And I, fair, impartial, or so I thought,
Will remember well all you’ve taught.

Your place I’ll hold, you will be missed,
the fur I stroked, the nose I kissed.
And as you journey to your final rest,
take this with you…I loved you best.

Jul 17, 2013
So sad
by: Peppers mum

I know what your going through I hope it gets easier for us all in time ,we just feel its the end of the world at the moment . And we just want our boy back
All our love

May 29, 2013
Sometimes a Prayer Will Do
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Sometimes we stumble,
Sometimes we even fall,
And we cant't find a friend,
Can't comprehend it all

And we are lost
With nothing to hold on to
When we can't find the answer
Sometimes a prayer will do

And though we wonder
Uncertain if we will get through
To face the future
Sometimes a prayer will do

Sometimes we reach
For what's not really there
Sometimes we lose our grip
Come tumbling though mid-air

And we are searching
For something to hold on to
When we can't find the answer
Sometimes a prayer will do

And though we wonder
Uncertain if we will get through
To face the future
Sometimes a prayer will do

Then, we are stronger
Somehow we know we will get through
To face the future
Sometimes a prayer will do

Yeah, we are stronger
Somehow we know we will get through
To face the future
Sometimes a prayer will do

Sometimes a prayer will do.

May 25, 2013
by: Anonymous

So sorry. She was adorable.

May 23, 2013
Miss you my darling....
by: Anjali

It's my 40th birthday today and i miss you being with me Sash....
I miss sharing my cake with you...
(Even though i am not ment to...)

May 09, 2013
I'm so sorry for your loss
by: Carmen

My heart goes out to you for your loss of Sasha. A few years ago we had to put down our mini schnauzer, Tuffy. I posted Tuffy's story on the website so feel free to check it out. What I figured out when my family and I put Tuffy down was holding a grudge will make it worse instead, know that Sasha is in a happier place, and she has no more pain.

Sincerely: Carmen

May 08, 2013
So sorry
by: Anna K

So sorry for your loss--I lost my ms Gus to lymphoma on 3.31.2010 and I know the agony and hurt you are going through, even though it was the best thing for your baby and mine. They are not with us nearly long enough.

Anna, Max and Penny

May 08, 2013
So sorry
by: Anna K

So sorry for your loss--I lost my ms Gus to lymphoma on 3.31.2010 and I know the agony and hurt you are going through, even though it was the best thing for your baby and mine. They are not with us nearly long enough.

Anna, Max and Penny

Apr 30, 2013
so sorry
by: Sarah

thinking of you all ..and darling Sasha x

Apr 29, 2013
Much Love and you all
by: Anjali

Dear all...
Much love and gratitudes comes to you all for such loving and caring messages. Making me feel better and helping me to deal better.

Please keep my family in your prayers as my daughter and husband is dealing with deep depression. I am keeping very strong externally to help them as much as i can.
I asked them if we can adopt another Mini... but they are saying that they are still not ready.
My daughter says that she feels arrow stabs in her stomach all the time when she think of her...
my daughter is 16 now and Sasha was her dog initially when we got her.

Sasha was a rescued dog and vet said she must be 4 or 5 year old at the time we got her. she ruled us for 6 years and sunked us with her love...

Thank you dear all for helping me in this hard time... I am thinking of all our Mini's... who stole our heart and soul...

loads of love and gratitudes....

Apr 29, 2013
Prayers and Condolences
by: Siouxz

I am so sorry hear of the loss of your precious dog. Our little schnauzers become such a part of the family.

God bless you and prayers for Sasha in heaven.

Apr 29, 2013
So Sorry
by: Anonymous

It's such a hard thing to go through. God bless you! Hugs.

Apr 29, 2013
Baby Sasha
by: Beverly

I am so sorry for your loss of Sasha. she was indeed beautiful. Know that she is in the arms of her creator now and is an angel in heaven. Our house of minis is keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Again, there are no words.

Apr 29, 2013
by: Anonymous



Apr 29, 2013
Your Sasha
by: Anonymous

Sorry for you loss,sadness and pain. Your Sasha looks exactly like our Charlie. We had lost our Golden retriever a few years back and understand your terrible pain.
Hope in time you are able to only remember the good days with your Sasha, and can let go of the pain.

Apr 29, 2013
by: nahum

Im so sorry for your lost. I cannot even imagine the pain you're living, but imim sure she's still running, playing and jumping in spirit. Her love for you will never go away.

Apr 29, 2013
Poor things
by: Jane

Hi I have three mini, and yes they get in to your harts. Schnauzers are our fur babies. I am deeply sorry for your lose.Take care.

Apr 29, 2013
by: Ann G

I am so sorry for the loss of your Sasha. Miniature Schnauzers are such tough little dogs that many times illnesses are discovered too late.

That was the case with our boy Cody 5 years ago. He had a cancerous tumor near his kidney and we didn't discover that until it was too late as well.

We now have a wonderfule black and silver mini named Charlie. Although he is the joy in our lives, he will never replace Cody.

Sending hugs.

Apr 29, 2013
Sendng Sympathy
by: Debbie from PA, USA

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear sweet girl Sasha. Her love that you cherish will always live on and may that love and time heal your broken heart. We, too, have a Sasha, a male. Sasha is a nickname for Alex in Russian and my husband and I are of Eastern European descent. Our Sasha sends his love and smooches to lift your spirits

Apr 29, 2013
RIP Sasha
by: Michelle

My most deepest heartfelt condolence during this trying time. No one realizes how special minis are and how deeply entrenched they become in our lives. Although your hearts are broken, know that she loved you deeply and purely and she knew and knows that you all love her very much. Rest in peace dear Sasha and continue to watch over your family.

Apr 29, 2013
baby sasha
by: rodney

Been there done that with 1st girl due to kidney

Failure. Sorry about ur loss..go out get another

Also read rainbowbridge.

It will reassure u that you will see ur best

Friend again

Apr 29, 2013
RIP Sasha
by: Tracey

This made me cry. I am so sorry for your loss. A lot of us had to make that heart wrenching decision. We had to do the same thing. My mini was 12 years old. One day in the yard she just fell over..acted like she was drunk. I scooped her up..called the vet and drove like a maniac there. They did all kinds of tests, x-rays, bloodwork. Finally after having a horrible surgery and a sample of her liver..we were told she had auto-immune disease. The vet said if she can do the medicine she would be fine. Well..she could not do the medicine. Could not eat, but you could tell she loved us so very much and just wanted to be cuddled. I am trying to do things different with my 2 Schnauzers that I got after my first one, Brandy was put down. It has been 6 years and it still hurts. She also did not show any signs of being sick until it was too late. Time will heal your heart. She sounded very loved. Sasha was a lucky girl!

Apr 29, 2013
by: Anonymous

So sorry for you loss! I am in tears as I write this. I have three mini's and am scared to death for that dreadful day to come...They are such special babies, she will be forever with you and waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. She was a beautiful and special girl! :-)

Apr 29, 2013
My heart breaks for you...
by: Anonymous

Crying my eyes out, that's all. Much love to you and yours. I have one that just had bladder stone surgery. That could have been me and my dog. :(

Apr 29, 2013
So Sad
by: BjBednarski

I just added you to my twitter acct...only to open this . I am so sad to hear of Sasha's passing... you all were so lucky to have the love Sasha gave you and you gave her. May you find the peace you seek, and moving forward.

Apr 29, 2013
by: MCroft Chattanooga TN

Such a great loss for the family. Sorry. We lost our Tipsy Turvy to an auto immune disease suddenly 2 yrs ago so we can relate. Schnauzers have the biggest hearts to love us with.

Apr 29, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am so very sorry. There is not more to say.

Apr 29, 2013
So sorry
by: Bella's mom

So sorry for your loss. My mini is the light of my life as I'm sure yours was to your family. Best wishes for peace in this difficult time

Apr 29, 2013
Sweet Sasha
by: Peggy

Letting go is so hard. I had to do it with my first Miniature Schnauzer, Max. I hope your pain will be lessened by remembering how much Sasha loved you and wanted you to be happy. I am very sorry for your loss.

Apr 29, 2013
Much Love
by: Anonymous

So sorry. I understand. It is so hard to lose your furry family member. The empty space seems so huge and some days you will think you will surely fall through. Hang tight, know she is near by and know that surely a new sweet fur spirit is being prepared for you and your family not to replace, but to enhance and share your great love.

Apr 29, 2013
Sasha and Tinker
by: Anonymous

We lost Tinker (min schnauzer) last November to kidney disease and I'm sure she greeted Sasha at the Bridge. We'll see both of them again when the time is right. Set up a small remembrance shrine for Sasha with lots of photos, it really helps.

Apr 29, 2013
by: Kris Pereira

God bless your entire family during this very difficult time. My first schnauzer was Sasha. It is so hard to let them go, but it is in the end the greatest gift we can give them. Surrounded by loving family and ending all pain. I will keep you in my prayers.

Apr 29, 2013
Sweet Sasha
by: cindy

I pray you find strength and comfort in loving memories of sweet Sasha.

Apr 29, 2013
by: velvet birdee the miniature schnauzer

so sorry about your loss. totally understand the pain and sadness involved. sasha will be watching her family from above so please take care...

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