My Buddy, Teddy

by Tracy
(Birmingham, AL)

I lost my buddy on June 5th, 2020. It’s amazing how such a little creature can leave such an immense void. Though the tears have lessened with each passing day, there has yet to be a tearless day.

I adopted Teddy from a rescue. His life before becoming a member of our family was spent with a breeder. Teddy knew nothing about being a pet, but he knew everything about giving unconditional love. He latched onto me and became my shadow. He could not understand how I ever survived without him. Now that he’s gone, I feel much the same.

Teddy was adopted as a “senior”, so we were only gifted with a few short years with him. Frankly, time is irrelevant but it does seem to drag by without my buddy.

Hope to see you soon, T-Bear. Daddy loves you so much.

Comments for My Buddy, Teddy

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Jul 20, 2020
by: T St louis

I'm so sorry you lost Teddy, but so glad you got him and gave him a good life in his senior years. They are family and it is so painful when they have to leave us. Thinking of you, sending thoughts of comfort in grief of your handsome boy.

Jun 25, 2020
Sail On Teddy!
by: Michele

I am so sorry for your loss. We too have adopted many senior schnauzers, especially those hard to adopt. It's amazing how fast they become family and learn to love and be loved. We cherish our memories and I know you do as well. We get passed these times telling ourselves what a great life we gave them, despite the odds, and that they went to heaven being loved more than they will ever know. Be well and know that one day you will meet at the Rainbow Bridge!

Jun 25, 2020
A T Bear of our own
by: Anonymous

So very sorry for the loss of Teddy. We lost our Teddy on July 20, 2018. He had gallbladder surgery and it did not work out. He was our rescue as well. His last picture is on my computer screen that I use everyday and it still pains me as he left a large hole in my heart. We lost his brother Buddy on June 30th of 2018 and his other brother on December 26th all in 2018. Please go and get another to love as Teddy would have wanted it that way. Our babies are at the Rainbow Bridge waiting to run and play while they all wait for us to join them. Prayers.

Jun 25, 2020
Angel Teddy
by: Anonymous

Hello young man. I loved that you crossed your paws...please go find my Misty Rose, Sir Barkley, Nashie, and River to go play with in heaven. They will be lots of fun...Barkley will get you his ball and maybe share...he will show you his hiding spots for dollies. He will also cross his paws with you. Misty Rose will show you the way around and watch over you. Welcome home our friend. You can hang out with us till your Papa arrives. Love always, from your Angels friends.

Jun 25, 2020
RIP Teddy
by: Stephanie

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been in your shoes and I know it hurts.

The pictures of Teddy show what a sweet boy he was. I am glad you two found each other and he was able to live out his "senior years" with you in a loving home.

I lost my mini schnauzer almost three years ago and I still cry sometimes. Losing a pet is most definitely like losing a family member, if not worse, as pets often provide unconditional love than many humans do not.

I hope you are able to find joy and peace through your memories of Teddy.

Jun 25, 2020
So Beautiful and so Sad
by: Randy R Florida

It hurts so bad, we lost our Mr Bud 3+ years ago and our little girl Missy Lady on Jan 26 of this year.I still wake up every morning expecting them to be there waiting to go out as well as throughout the day when they or i needed some loving. Try to remember the good times and there were many.

God Bless

Jun 25, 2020
I feel your pain
by: BarbaraAndSchnauzerKidsJarboe

My heart aches for you. Teddy was your best friend and piece of your heart. We share such a deep love for each other so quickly. The pain and tears will
lessen, but your heart will still be missing a part. Memories will last but never replace your special boy. You gave him the best, and he gave you his all. Run free Teddy,

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