My best friend Otis....

by Jeff Neppl
(Bellflower, .ca)

Just two days ago I had to put my best friend Otis down. He was a 13 year old Mini. This has been gut wrenching and extremely hard to cope with. I have been a complete mess, feeling guilty of wondering if I should of let him live longer but I know he was just staying alive for me and that's not fair to him. Otis had a liver disease and a heart condition and it was getting very hard for him to breath after the slightest activity. He was coughing and gagging real bad, especially the last 4 days.It just became unbearable to watch and listen to. He had an x ray last week and the news wasn't good at all. His heart and liver were pressing his lungs so that's what made it so hard to breath. Otis wouldn't take it easy either, he still did everything as normal but would cough and gasp for air. It was just so hard because he looked good still on the outside but inside was another story.

I don't think I have ever grieved like this in my life. The impact Otis had on me is more then I ever thought it could be. It just feels so empty and quiet in my house now without him. I also have a mini schnauzer mixed with mini dachshund and he is very sad right now as well. Otis was my shadow every moment I was near him, no matter what I was doing. Packing my lunch, he was right there, taking a shower, he would lay against the bathroom door. Anything I did.... and now it just don't feel right without that. Taking him to the vet for the final time was the hardest thing so have ever done in my life. I felt like I wanted to drift off with him, it was just so sad. I know he was starting to really suffer and I couldn't be selfish and keep him alive just so he can be with me.

I have lost dogs before and yes it was very painful and I was grieved but nothing like this. This dog literally saved my life before like an episode of Lassy. It's almost uncontrollable several times a day. I miss my boy more then I can put into words. I hope the pain gets less because this is making life difficult the last few days.

Sorry for such a long write up but it just kept coming out. Glad I found this page today.

Comments for My best friend Otis....

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Jan 08, 2018
by: Briggsie

After 10 and a half years of love and affection, loyalty and some very noisy homecomings, we had to face that very same decision with our Cody.
The pain both my husband and I have is just unbearable some days. We never thought we'd think about getting another pet because Cody was sick from the moment we got him.We never looked back, he needed us and we needed him. He was such a strong spirit, he would have tried to stay forever, but it was so hard to see him in pain.We do know how you feel, and I'm sorry any of us have to feel that, but if we didn't it would mean we never knew that kind of love. I'm grateful for every moment of it, and yes we will fill our house again, I'm searching to find as health a new schnauzer as possible. RIP 11/3/2017 Cody

Oct 12, 2017
i can relate to how you feel
by: keith

i had to put my min schnauzer pepper to sleep in 2006 5 days before my birthday . i loved him more then anything . he was my life my reason for carrying on . he was all i had in my life . then he was taken from me . he was 12 years old passed from cushings . i never cried so much in my life . even today writting this tears are falling . your dog is not just a dog they are a part of your life . you love them every day from a pup to a adult . i now have 2 more min schnauzers one going on 13 one going on 10 years . my oldest one is slowing down not eating as much . i know soon the time will come when i have to say goodbye . but i will never forget them . they will always be in our hearts . and one day we will be united with them up above . its hard to be strong . but u dont want them suffering either

Sep 22, 2017
Sent from above
by: Anonymous

I was so sorry to hear of your loss of your BF Otis. It will take time for you to get through this and you will probably never go through one day without thinking of Otis. Let your self grieve. But don't forget get the good times, I know and when you do that's when you miss Otis even more. I wonder though if this new dog you rescued who reminds you of Otis was maybe sent to you by Otis. He saw how sad you were and needed a new BF. Just saying, maybe πŸ™‚

Sep 21, 2017
Thank You
by: Katie's Mom

Katie and Otis could be twins. They look just a like. I am writing to sincerely thank you for the comforting words for us . It truly means a lot to know there are other schnauzer owners who understand the loss of one of these special little dogs.
I would also on your thank you page wish to thank all who took the time to write and share their thoughts and prayers. I am not crying everyday, but I still see her sitting there watching me cook. That's a good thing , she will always be with me.
Thank You !

Sep 16, 2017
Jeff & Otis
by: T St louis

I am glad you are doing better. Bless you and family for adopting another little mini. No one will replace Otis, but your newest mini honors Otis and expands your heart. Will continue to keep you & family in prayers. We all understand and feel for you. Yes, I believe our little buddies (mine are Joey, Pepper & Niki) are all waiting for us. Take care and thank you for your tribute and comments.

Sep 09, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

I just want to say a very deep and heartfelt thank you to everybody who made a support comment for my best friend Otis' passing. It has still been very very hard for me and I fall apart almost daily still but things are getting a little bit better after almost four weeks without him or at least physically without him. It has taken me a while to accept that his suffering is over and I truly feel he is watching and waiting for me up there in heaven.
I got his ashes and paw print and favorite toy and collar and tags on a little special place on a shelf as a little tribute to him. Still very hard but a little visit to his stuff helps me out.
I really wasn't ready for another dog yet but my other mini Schnauzer was very lonely and seemed really sad so last weekend my family and I found a mini that needed to be rescued he was picked up as a stray and I think he's a purebred but I'm not 100% sure. He is a very very sweet and a nice dog. I know he is not my late Otis and he never will be but it is so weird because there are so many similarities and how he acts like my best friend Otis used to. It actually gives me goosebumps just writing about it. He is about 7 months old and he is very grateful to be here with us. Reading through all the comments from everybody on this website a lot of people told me to get another one that it does help out a little and I think it will help out even more as time goes on.
So I better stop myself from blabbing on anymore but I really just wanted to write on here a sincere thank you to this website and to everybody who wrote those great words to me and heartfelt memorials to Otis. I'm not sure if you guys will get alerts for this but I hope some of you great folks who wrote in for me come back on here and read this thank you letter.

Sincerely, Jeff & Otis

Aug 23, 2017
Dear Otis
by: Jason

I feel for you Jeff. I know there are no words to alleviate the pain, but I do hope you'll be able to find some peace in the long run. Aloha Otis.

Aug 22, 2017
Your buddy Otis
by: T St louis

I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your little buddy. All of us here understand. You have lost a beloved family member. It hurt's so to have to say goodbye. You made the most loving decision for him. I believe he knew that and how much he was loved. I also believe we will see our little buddies again one day. My heart hurts for you. Hugs.

Aug 22, 2017
I grieved for you
by: Anonymous

As I read your comments, I grieved for you and with you. Having been through this with my 15 year old mini, it hit home again. I think and talk about him every day and he lives on within those of us who loved him.

Aug 22, 2017
by: Maggie

Schnauzers are such amazing companions, they lift us, protect us, and give us so much joy. I am very sorry for your loss of Otis. I had to put down my old man Schnauzer just a few months ago and like you it was the sadness thing I've ever done. And like you it was gut wrenching but it was the right choice. I'm proud of you for having the courage to know what was right for your Otis even though its is horrible for you

Aug 22, 2017
by: Melodie

I can empathize but know that faithful Otis is waiting for you on the other side. Our MS are loyal and from your words Otis has left you unforgettable memories. Time will help but passes slowly - I speak from experience. Know you gave Otis the gift of a dignified passing.β™‘

Aug 22, 2017
by: Anonymous

So so sorry for your loss..I have a very sweet mini schnauzer little girl..she reminds me of your Otis..just hang onto your memories of him..god bless and again I am so so sorry..

Aug 21, 2017
by: Caron

So sorry for your loss! I can't imagine such a time without our mini nauzer.

Aug 21, 2017
Schnauzer Love
by: Kay Waters

So very sorry for your loss. This group is so very loving and supportive. I adopted my white mini, Heidi, 13 years ago. I had dogs and cats all of my life, but this one is so special. I have a shirt printed with a Schnauzer and the words "If you don't have one you'll never understand".

Aug 21, 2017
by: margie

Otis is Trixie looks just like him! I am so sorry for your loss.....I know it must have been so hard to say goodbye.....Trixie is 5 and my first real dog. I'm a senior but never had she is like the little girl I never had. Bless you and hope you will start feeling better soon.

Aug 21, 2017
Peace for you.
by: Anonymous

I understand. He was family. Prayer for your peace. You did the loving thing for him

Aug 21, 2017
So sorry
by: Karen L

So very sorry for your loss. Healing will take time. Look into your heart, for Otis lies there to keep loving you. Stay strong.

Aug 20, 2017
So sorry
by: Anonymous

I'm so very sorry you had to say goodbye to Otis!! I have 4 schnauzers and I totally get what you mean about Otis being your shadow. He is still with you and will always be in your heart. I will be praying you find peace ❀️

Aug 20, 2017
The loss of your best friend
by: Anonymous

My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is very difficult to lose your best friend. I had to put down my little girl Sarah at age 12. She was very ill with pancreatitis and was hospitalized for a week before the vet said I had to make a decision as she was not going to get better. I know how hard it is to make those decisions. Now I have another mini schnauzer, another girl, we named Schatzi. My husband and I adore her. She is our world and there aren't too many places we go without her. She flew by plane for the first time when she went on vacation with us this summer. She laid in a soft mesh carrier right at our feet and never made a peep. Honestly the best way to overcome grief is to get another mini. It doesn't replace your best buddy but it gives you something to occupy your days and another pal to cuddle and care for. It will take time but you will feel better, plus you need to think about your other dog who needs you more than ever now.

Aug 20, 2017
RIP Otis
by: Melody

So very sorry for your loss of Otis...

Aug 20, 2017
Our loyal and dearest friends
by: Anonymous

I feel your pain, as I went thru that last year...My Katie was my lifesaver when I lost my husband...she was just a beautiful friend and companion. I know we'll see our beautiful dogs again in the next world. My thoughts are with you.

Aug 20, 2017
Lucky Otis for having you
by: Anonymous

The fact you are so grief stricken shows what a brave and selfless decision you made. You should be proud that you are a responsible owner who loved his dog so much you would rather go through this grief than see him in pain.
I hope the gap Otis has left starts to shrink and you can move forwards. He certainly was a very handsome mini!

Aug 20, 2017
So sorry
by: Anonymous

What a handsome little guy!

Aug 20, 2017
by: Nancy

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost one in November and the pain is heart wrenching. Hoping you can move on with your memories of Otis and perhaps find another one to love πŸ’œ

Aug 20, 2017
So sorry...
by: Anonymous

I am so sad for your loss. I've been through that awful decision making and know that you did the right thing. They depend on us totally to care for them, to love them and also spare them pain. You'll be okay, and he'll live on happily in your memories.

Aug 20, 2017
I get it.
by: Anonymous

Sorry Jeff regarding your loss.
I too have an 11 year old mini with heart failure. He is doing great on his meds for 18 months now. I know that will end someday. Taylor is my third mini. As much as I loved them all. ...this one is extremely special. He did rescue me at a very difficult time in 07. He is with me 24/7. Travelled all over country. I plan to have his remains mixed with mine. We will be together forever. I love this dog more than life. I too will be devistated. We all miss them. I also feel as you get older yourself you allow yourself to get closer. Life would be awful without them. Gods greatest gift. My advice is to grieve but open your heart again to rescue another little one and give him or her a wonderful forever home too. That's what he would want. I hope you find peace soon.

Aug 20, 2017
Ur best friend
by: Anonymous

I dread the day i loose my little girl she is diabetic. I feel ur pain . She is my shadow & where lllllk 'll) kever i go there she is. Just remember he crossed the rainbow bridge & is pain free . He can breath normal & be pain free........

Aug 20, 2017
Don't wait
by: Kathy

When my Scrappie died very suddenly, I eas inconsolable. Everyone told me to wait before I got another dog. I finally said the heck eith that
Went to AKC website,found a breeder close to me. Called and asked if she still had puppies, she did. I told her what happened to Scrappie. She brought the whole litter for me to look at. I picked one and its been history. I still miss Scrappie but Mollie fills my heart with love once again

Aug 20, 2017
Know how awful it feels
by: Anonymous

So sorry for you. They take a huge chunk of our hearts when they go. It seems worst than any other friend or relative death. Just try to remember the happy times and that he will be waiting for you. In the meantime you have the best angel watching over you, loving you, and he is grateful you made everything stop hurting.

Aug 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

So sorry to hear your sad news x

Aug 20, 2017
Thinking of you
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so difficult to lose that special friend that loved you unconditionally. You will be together again.

Aug 20, 2017
by: Jerri

I do know that making the decision to release your best friend is the most difficult decision you ever have to make. You made the right one. What wonderful memories you will always have in your heart. We all understand what you are going through.

Aug 20, 2017
so sorry!
by: Anonymous

Loosing your Schnauzer, best friend is very hard.
We have lost three. It breaks your heart. Get another immediately. That is the only way you will get over it.

Aug 20, 2017
BF Otis
by: Anonymous

My heart breaks for you.I too lost my bf Cody who was my constant companion for 14yr. I still miss him every day. They are more than family. I talk to his picture every day. He was there thru all
of life's struggles and pains. I do know how you feel, and I am so sorry for you.God blessed me with Cody, then he blessed me w/Sammy, when you are ready,you will find one not to replace Otis,but the one to help you heal your broken heart,and your other dog will accept him too,and heal. Grieve as you must,he will always be in your heart,and in your thoughts,like any other loved one. In sympathy,Cody's Mom.

Aug 20, 2017
So sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

My heart breaks for your loss. I suffered a similar loss last November and while it still hurts and I miss him, it gets easier to deal as time passes. You did the right thing and Otis will always be with you.

Aug 20, 2017
by: Jen

First, you did the right thing by letting Otis go when you did. He clearly had a good life with you and letting him leave this earth gently and without additional suffering was the greatest gift you could give him at this time. Second, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been there myself and have shed oceans of tears over my pups. It hurts. It will probably always hurt. However, it will hurt less as time goes on . You will find comfort in your memories of Otis and in the love and companionship of your other pup. I hope you will find another mini Schnauzer to share your home. I wish you peace and comfort and healing.

Aug 20, 2017
by: Mandy

Hi, in 2010 i had to put mini down called Albert. He was only 10 and had liver disease and the vet thought also dimentia and he was the love of my life. I was a complete mess. Like you I also feelt gulity did I do it to early or not early enough. All I can say is it does get better. However I still miss him everyday. I would.d love another mini but I can't afford one. Be kind to yourself.

Aug 20, 2017
I know how you feel
by: Anonymous

I have been a Mini Schnauzer breeder for over 30 years & about 6 months ago my black/silver 10 year old female was dx. with CHF, I had never dealt with this in all of the years I owned Schnauzers & at such a young age but on Memorial Day she got so bad I had to take her to the E.R. Vet at 3:00 a.m. & when the doctor took us in to see her, after he had examined her, she looked up at me under the oxygen mask & her eyes said "Mama please help me". He told us he could treat her but the attack would happen again but for us to decide. I could not let her go thru another attack again so, we put her down. I still cry about it, so you are not alone. People say breeders do not care about their dogs, but I can tell you, we care MORE. They are our babies who we love VERY much. I hope we never have to deal with CHF ever again!!

Aug 19, 2017
by: Chellie

You did the right thing. I had to put my mini down the day before Thanksgiving (I've written this sentence so often that my phone predicts that I'll be writing the word Thanksgiving after the word before). I cried for weeks. I bought myself a beautiful commemorative bracelet from a wonderful British artist on Etsy and a necklace on Amazon. I still wear the both. My mini was truly my best friend. Choosing to let him stop suffering was the best and hardest choice I've ever made.
In February he sent me a new little boy to love and he is fantastic. He came from a high kill shelter in CA. No, he's not a Schnauzer, he is probably a Dorkie, and he is my little shadow. He makes missing my Winnie just a little easier.
One day your Otis will send you a new friend and you will smile again.

Aug 19, 2017
A year ago
by: Lily

A year ago i was in your place, your heart Is hurt, first days is a big big pain, you simply can not do anything but feel and broke into tears, all places, each moment you just remember and it hurts, then after some days, weeks you just begin to feel a little better and your broken heart begins to feel a little better. Weeks will go on and you will begin to notice that all memories will become lovely ... until you feel better. Kyara, Ahren, my husband and I send you love and a big hug to your heart.

Aug 19, 2017
Such a hard time 😒
by: Terri

Hi I am feeling your pain and so sorry for your loss 😒 I just put my 14 year old Boston terrier down on Wednesday πŸ’” I too feel like what if I kept her alive for a while longer but that is selfish on my part 😞 I have a 4 year old schnauzer and he is lost without his buddy so sad to watch him grieve 😒 5 years ago my 12 year old schnauzer passed and I had a hard time for quite some time then too 😭I have had both cremated and am keep their ashes 😍 I hope me sharing my losses will help you to feel not so alone with your loss 😊 God Bless and I will keep you in my prayers πŸ™πŸ»

Aug 19, 2017
I Understand Your Pain
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Otis.
I also had a mini named Maggi & lost her in May. She had a pacemaker put in in March & her heart was better but she had kidney failure & in May I had to make that incredibly hard decision.
Like you .....I had to quit being selfish because she was suffering & was ready to go.
I miss my little "shadow" every day. I truly believe we will see them again one day!

Aug 19, 2017
Schnauzer Love
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how you feel. I will pray for you. I have a 10 year old mini schnauzer, Lucy who has a heart murmur that has worsened and I cry like a child over her. Schnauzers give some AMAZING unconditional love.

Aug 19, 2017
Give love to another pup!
by: Anonymous

You did your best for him. You gave him a good life. I believe he will be waiting for you. Be sure you get there to see him. Begin a new life with another schnauzer and you will give a good life to another of God's creations. Pets are life giving to us too. We need each other. Otis will be proud of you.

Aug 19, 2017
For Otis and you
by: Anonymous


Aug 19, 2017
by: Shell

I'm so sorry about Otis. We all love our fur babies and when they leave us it's hard to understand and move on. Take your time in grieving. Prayers and (((HUGS))).

Aug 19, 2017
Lost our Coco two months ago
by: LouR

She had stomach cancer and diabetes. She was almost 12 when we had to let her go. The decision for us was so difficult. When is the right time? Then, like you, we wondered if we should've waited. But In your heart you know that a responsible parent has to act in the best interest of our little ones. We cannot allow them to suffer. They don't understand why they can't play and do as they once did and they don't always show us their pain. We have been given the gift of their love for a finite period. We have to celebrate the joy of our time with them. The memories are everywhere. Embrace them. And then remember that your heart has an unlimited capacity to give love and when you are ready you should honor Otis by continuing to share this love. Our prayers go out to you.

Aug 19, 2017
Sending love
by: Barb

My heart goes out to you. I just went through the same thing recently. I've cried constantly. It has been 5 months now, still feeling the loss. Thankfully I didn't have another dog to feel the absent of a family member. They are our love, our companion, our life! Our happiness!!
My schnauzer had been a companion to a German shepherd since he was a baby. We lost our German shepherd last august. My little teddy was very much grieving. It took him almost 2 mints to be back to being himself. Sadly 7 months later my schnauzer became sick! I had to make that decision to to rest peacefully. He had a stroke. So hard to let go.
Just know that we are here to comfort you and give you support.
Today was our day to go release his ashes with his sisters. Sending love and hugs

Aug 19, 2017
Your buddy
by: ConnieAnonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. My mini schnauzer Lucy, I can't bear the thought of losing her. She is getting older and looks like Otis. I have had to put down two minis in the last few years and it's horrible but time does help.
God bless you and love on your other fur baby.

Aug 19, 2017
Sad for your loss
by: Anonymous

I completely understand that empty feeling you have in your heart. I have lost two mini schnauzers that were like children to me. The grief is so great at times it's almost unbearable. You will heal but time is what it takes. Sending up prayers for you.

Aug 19, 2017
Praying for you
by: Anonymous

Jeff----I lost my 13 year old heart dog Mini Schnauzer/agility partner/obedience dog in December. He was my best friend. I just want you to know that it does get a little better over time. Our other little Mini has helped ease the pain somewhat but he will never fill the shoes of our Harley---no one can. I am praying that your broken heart will somehow be consoled...

Sending you hugs

Cindy and Hank

Aug 19, 2017
Your boy Otis
by: Mandy

I'm so sorry you had to make one of the hardest decisions you can make. I know how painful that decision is. It's never an easy one and you always second guess yourself. The days will get better, even though it's going to take time. Just remember all the great moments with Otis. Hang in there spend time with your other buddy. It will do both of you some good.

Aug 19, 2017
Sending Sweet peace to you
by: Terrie- owner of 2 schnauzers Anonymous

These darn schnauzers have a way of stealing your heart with their serious faces and drumming their playful rhythms into our daily routines. Nothing can take the place of this beautiful bond that you two shared, but you sharing it with us will help for Otis to live on. What a beautiful life Otis must have lived, that is what God has intended for all of his creatures. May a peace fall upon you and give you some relief in this time of grief

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

My heart breaks but you did the best thing for him. He will be waiting at the end of the rainbow for you.

Aug 19, 2017
Remembering Otis...
by: Ebenezer's Mom

So sorry for the loss of your beloved Otis. He will be remembered as a loving companion forever. I will keep you and Otis in my daily prayers to St. Francis of Assisi. Blessings to you...your memories of Otis will keep him alive in your heart and in our hearts as well.

Aug 19, 2017
We are all very sorry.
by: Das Haus Schnerd

On behalf of myself and my Schnerd - Fritz, Charlie, Homer and Zoë we want to offer our condolences to you on Otis' passing. I lost my Otto two years ago next week to cancer that quickly spread. My Charlie, deaf and special needs, is slowly fading. But as sad as it is to lose them, I try to think of the positive things - our adventures, our car rides, walks, meeting other doggie friends, snuggles. It helps lessen somewhat the heartache. I think to myself, what would his life have been like with someone else? Not nearly as good as it was with me! We give them the best life possible and they give us nothing but love and devotion. You can't ever ask for more. Sending you hugs. ❀️

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry!
by: Nancy

My Piper could be Otis' twin. I could not imagine not hailing laying next to me in this chair. She is also my shadow. She greets me with unconditional love every time I walk in the door. So sorry and hope the days get easier to bare.

Aug 19, 2017
You did the right thing g
by: Anonymous

I have had have 2 of my Mini schnauzers put to sleep and it hurts terribly, but I thank goodness we can save them from suffering, our human loved ones have to suffer to the end. Don't feel sad, you gave your dog a peaceful end and release from pain.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Claudia

So sad to hear your story. Losing a special dog is so very painful, I cried for Otis and our Schnauzers that we have lost. Our lives are richer because of our fur babies. I hope you find comfort in good memories. It sounds like you made the best choice for him and loved him to the end and beyond. Wishing you peace.

Aug 19, 2017
I grieve for you
by: Paul

When you are lucky enough to be blessed with such a special companion like Otis life takes on a whole new meaning. They bring love, caring and true friendship that no human can bring because its unconditional and without fail. You will move forward but always with the void left by Otis. I lost my Miss Dollie last November at age 6 from diabetes and I hurt every single day. I lost my best friend too soon. For me I have found that sharing pictures and videos often of our lost loved one helps and ensure they are never ever forgotten. I will soon be getting a new baby mini this fall and she will be passed the torch to continue what my Miss Dollie started. My prayers are with you my friend.

Aug 19, 2017
Love hurts.
by: Terry

From someone that has been there, we do understand your pain. Our Pepper was 14 years old when we had to make that same terrible decision, we do it out of love for them. Do we ever forget them? No, but we remember the good times Ours was with us during the loss of our four parents within a few years plus closing of a plant I had worked at for 30+ years plus major spinal surgery. He helped us get through those rough times and we had to help him get through his worst time We have another schnauzer but our Pepper is always with us. Let the tears flow. They are part of the healing process, take care

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for the loss of your fur-baby. I've loved and lost two minis; the pain does diminish with time and the memories remain. I will keep you in my prayers.

Aug 19, 2017
Heart Dog
by: Cheri

Jeff, Sometimes we are lucky enough to be granted a heart dog. They are special because they not only give a huge piece of their heart to us but they also take a piece of your heart. Such was your Otis. Know that this is why you feel his loss so deeply -- you are still and always will be connected. He knows that you released him from his pain and he knows you did that because of your love for him. He hugs the piece of your heart he has letting you know that he is still with you and watching over you. Sometimes that hurts but he's still new to that and will not hug so hard as time goes by. He loved you very much

Aug 19, 2017
Sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

I am sitting here typing this and crying. So sorry for your loss. I have an 11 year old Fritz who will be 12 in October and I dread the time when he has to go. He has arthritis in his hind legs, which we are trying to control with medication and he has a lot of fatty tumors coming on his body. I am praying that when it's his time he just peacefully goes to sleep and doesn't wake up. I don't think I could bear the thoughts of having him put to sleep. He's my little boy. We take him to the Vet's often for check ups and make sure he has his heart worm meds. Schnauzers DO grab your heart strings. They are your children. I know it hurts, but he's out of his misery now. God Bless.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Malu

I'm so sorry for your loss. πŸ™πŸΌ

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Your Otis looks exactly like our Toby, and yes we understand. Our Toby is only five and a half but has been diagnosed with a heart murmur.
It breaks my heart that you had to put him down. But to keep him going in his condition would have been a selfish thing to do. You are brave and took the best option for Otis.

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry for your loss
by: Edeltraude

I totally feel your grief. I too had to let my beloved mini go on April 1 of this year. Her name was Abby. She still looked so youthful that I never expected to loose her. But she became ill in February while we were vacationing in California. We spent a lot of time at the vet and thought it was all under control. But by March 22 (my BD), she took a turn for the worse. We spent the entire evening at the vet. Things didn't progress very well and we were so afraid that we would loose her while in California, that we headed back to Canada a week early. It was a horrible drive home. She was hospitalized once we arrived back home, but by April 1, we decided to let her go. She was 13 yrs 8 mths old. I thought my life had come to an end. I have also never grieved so much. The pain was something I had never experienced before and I couldn't stop crying. I almost wanted to die along with her. The only thing that brightened my day was looking for mini breeders. By May 2nd, I had a 10 1/2 week old female puppy. My new puppy took my mind of Abby. I sometimes feel I acted too quickly by getting a new puppy but it really helped me with my grieving. I think about the beautiful memories that I have of Abby and still feel some pain. I know she knew how much I loved her. My sweet little girl.
I hope your pain subsides with time. I can almost feel your pain as mine is still very raw. RIP Otis. Take care and feel better soon.

Aug 19, 2017
Prayers for you.
by: Anonymous

I so sorry for the loss of your furbaby, I have a mini too her name is Gracie, she is my shadow also,every time I look into her beautiful dark eyes she's always looking right back at me, she's 11 yrs. old now and seem healthy but I know she can't live many more years and I like you dread that awful day, my prayers are with you for comfort and may your memories in your heart keep you my friend.

Aug 19, 2017
RIP Otis
by: Anonymous

Sending love from another Schnauzer parent. My heart aches for you.

Aug 19, 2017
So Sorry
by: Joan

I know words do not help but I feel your pain and understand how you can be in so much pain. These schnauzers catch your heart strings like no other dog. You will always love him but I hope the emptiness will fade away soon.

Aug 19, 2017
Loss of your sweet fur baby,
by: Anonymous

So sorry for the loss of your sweet fur baby. Iknow how you feel we had a schnauzer for 15 yrs. and he had some problems and we should have put him down about at the age of 14 yrs. old but couldn't really let got. after we had put him down I was so sad for along time and I realized that I wasn't really thinking about my sweet fur baby and what he was going threw but I really wasn't wanting him to go but I know it was for the best and I knew he wasn't going to be in pain anymore. Cherish all the sweet memories you have of your fur baby.

Aug 19, 2017
Your loss hits close to home
by: Anonymous

First off I am so sorry for your loss, I can feel your pain just thinking about it. We have 3 fur babies one is 16, 7, and 5.
Yes he is 16 and he is slowing down I am scared of the day that he closes his eyes forever. He is my boyfriend's best friend and it is going to devastate him. You did you best for Otis by not making him suffer trying to stay alive and in pain. That's all you can do since you are and were his daddy and you needed to do what was best for Otis NOT you.
Which you did. I hope time heals your wounds and that y oiu find some peace.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss. I recently had to put my Rascal down it was so hard. He looked like your dog and seeing Otis pic brought it all back. Can're say sadness goes away but you get able to live with it. Our cocker is still grieving to. They had been together since they were six weeks old and they are twelve now. We miss him everyday

Aug 19, 2017
So very sorry for you.
by: Joe and Lucy Ott

We lost our Leo in March and miss him terribly. He was 14 1/2 and we had him since he was 9 weeks old. We have since adopted a rescue dog, a sweet little Schnauzer/ Yorkie mix. Hoping that your heart heals soon.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Jennifer Neppl

This is Jeff's wife Jennifer. Wow what kind words you all have posted. Very touching. Otie was so good and loyal and loved Jeff in a way I've never seen in a dog/human way. Whenever Jeff left even to go outside to water or take out trash he would stand by the front door moving at any hope he was coming back inside to greet him again. I loved Otie too and he returned my affection but could not compare to Jeff's love. At times I thought he might even love his pup more than me LOL. I miss seeing them together. This has been tough for us but he will always be in my heart and in my prayers. R.I.P. 8/15/17.

Aug 19, 2017
Guardian Angel
by: Anonymous

Otis will be waiting for you, when it's your time. Until then, he's your Guardian Angel; he has your back in everything you do. He'll still be right by your side. Dogs are only on loan to us, to learn what us humans are all about. Sometimes, they get called back naturally. Other times, we need to help them, so they can really learn what being human and loving is all about. I know there is an empty hole in your heart and in your. Other one's heart, too. Some day there will come along another dog who won't fill that hole, but perhaps nestle in a part of it. As you took Otis into your life, he'd want you to take another one in. He may even send one to you. Otis will always be with you, and your compassion has not gone unnoticed.

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry!
by: Mona

Otis and your memories of him will live on in your heart.So sorry for your loss!

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it takes time a lot of time but you have many wonderful memories to remember Otis.
I have had to put three of my schnauzers down through my life and it never got easier but I hold each one of them in my heart and remember the great joy and companionship each gave me. The memories and times you shared will get you through. Hugs to you.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Bev D

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. I lost one of my mini's last year. Mya my other one she grieved with me. We had all been together 10 years. My buddy was 11 1/2. My guilt was wanting more time. He also was always next to me and helped me thru a very difficult time in my life. The pain does ease but took me a long time. I pray for you to find piece your best friend will be at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for you. And who knows maybe my Scooter is showing him the ropes up there. He loved meeting new dogs and playing.

Aug 19, 2017
I know your pain and loss !

On May 4th this year, I put my boy of almost 15 years to rest. Nearly killed me. I grieve to this day for him. He was my best friend and loyal companion. Crying now as I write these words but know in my heart that he had the best Dad he was suppose to have. Much like the way I am sure it is and was with Otis. There are times I still hear him snoring in his bed next to me. I will always, always carry him in my heart, mind and soul, for there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him and talk to him. Knowing that one day we will be together again and will both gave the energy of young pups. I will ask him to look after Otis for you until you and him are together again. We will be thinking of you !

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry for your loss
by: Barbie

Never is it easy to lose a loved one. No doubt losing Otis is difficult. I lost My little one in March and I'm still grieving horribly. I pray you find the strength to move forward and open your heart to another.

Aug 19, 2017
by: AnonymousDonna

I know exactly how you feel. We have endured this twice now. We lost our Oatis when he was 4 years old due to the incompetence of a vet in Florida. He died on our way home to Canada. Driving home from Kentucky where we left Oatis to be cremated was gut wrenching. But it is amazing the joy we get from our minis. All worth it, Jeff. So sorry for your loss. I know our 2 Oatis and Otis are frolicking over the rainbow bridge.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Just want to let you know that in 2015 I lost my Max in June after spending thousands on dollars to keep him alive and decided it was sad seeing him suffer so we decided to do the right thing for him ..That my friend I still see in my sleep, I see his eyes looking at me when they injected him and the end was devastating. I cried all the way home. Went back later to get his ashes which are on a shelf . His Dad died in October so I lost 2 loved ones in 4 months time ... I'm truly Rory for your loss and understand your pain ..
Bless you for sharing and hope you had lots of good memories as I had with my Max .. He was 13 also .. lol

Aug 19, 2017
No Words Help
by: Anonymous

Last year my Mini Schnau, Lily (short for Gizmo Tiger Lily) started coughing and having a tough time breathing that worsened by the hour. She got worse and worse as we waited for the vet and when he took her into his arms to take her back for an xray, she died in his arms. He revived her just long enough for us to look into her dear eyes to say good-bye. She was just 11 years old. Me too, I have never grieved for a dog as I have Lily. We had a mind-heart bond I've never had before, though I've been certain I could not love a dog as much as I have each precious one who came to live with us and there have been four Mini Schnaus before Lily.

Just so you know, you are far from alone. Our hearts get broken and never quite heal when they die, which how they become part of us--and I believe, us in them too, through eternity and with God. I will be praying for you.

Aug 19, 2017
He's part of your soul
by: Louis

Several years ago, I had to put down my best dog friend ever, Alibi. I buried her ashes in my Sister-in-Laws rose garden. I think about her every day. She was a rescue and contracted pancreatitis several times, but we pulled through it together. Each time, the Vets told us we only had a few more months. We were together 13 years. I rescued other schnauzers since, but none has curled around my heart like Alibi. I know, when my time comes, Alibi will come running to greet me. That's where your Otis is, just waiting for you.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Kathie

I am sorry for your loss. Otis will always be with you. I also know how hard it can be to say goodbye. My Levi was only 3 years old. He ate an acorn and it did not pass through him. It caused an infection. The Vet felt it when he examined Levi. He did surgery to remove it but it infected most of his colon. They removed part of his colon and he survived the surgery. I never got to see him again because the Vet took him home Saturday to care for him and Monday morning when I went to visit him... he passed. I was devastated! I kept holding him in my arms and cried. I went home and cried non stop for days. I ended up having a nervous breakdown. so, I know love and loss. Please keep people around you and try to think of all the fun you had with Otis. He will meet up with your again.Take care of yourself and its ok to cry and miss your "best friend" Sending prayers and hugs to you.

Aug 19, 2017
Otis with love
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. What I've come to understand after the loss of my Gracie, also a mini schnauzer, is that you did the most brave and selfless thing in the best interest of Otis. Our pups rely on us for everything and count on us to take the best care of them. You put Otis's interest before your own and he loves you for that. Wishing you strength and light in the days ahead.

Aug 19, 2017
For the love of Otis
by: Nancy

The hardest thing you'll ever do is to say goodbye to your baby. But the greatest gift you can give, is to free him if his are the best dog daddy ever! Otis will always be with you in the great memories you shared....

Aug 19, 2017
by: Louie's momma

I am so sorry for your loss. I understand from the depths of my heart the pain you're feeling. Mig beloved mini schnauzer Louis was only 11 1/2 years old. One week he was full of life the next week he had a seizure and that turned into a diagnosis of a brain tumor. We did everything possible to understand what was going on with our precious dog He was our baby, he was my light, he was my joy every day. This all began on June 4 and ended on June 27. It is been the hardest couple of months that I have ever been through. I cry every day as I'm sure you will because when you love as deeply as we do we will grieve as deeply. All I can say is that I wish that everyone could know the intense love we shared with our fur babies. God bless you And take comfort in knowing that Otis knows you're his daddy and would've done anything to keep him here. God bless

Aug 19, 2017
You are not alone...
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss! Me and my husband have been through this many times and will experience it many more times. What keeps us going is knowing that we gave our babies the best life we could and loved them with all of hearts. The Rainbow Bridge is a great poem that makes you laugh and cry but reminds you that you will be together again......

Keep loving Otis with all of your heart! He is watching over you and may even leave you little reminders that he loves you!

God bless!!!!!

Aug 19, 2017
So Sorry
by: Larneyc

I am so sorry for your loss. I know you did what you felt was best for your best friend. Otis would understand, he's waiting on the rainbow 🌈 bridge for you. Many prayers and love ❀️ for you and yours.

Aug 19, 2017
Best friend always
by: Anonymous

I am so very sorry for your loss. And do completely understand. I had to put my mini Mattie down a year ago and it is truly heart wrenching. By far my greatest loss in life. My male mini Zip also became depressed. The day after losing my girl, i was offered to take another 4mo. Female mini. I was extremely reluctant but went ahead and brought Tink into our family. Best decision for us and especially Zip. No other dog will ever replace my best girl Mattie. But i have to much love not to share it with another fur baby. May God give you and your family peace. Otis was a very lucky baby.

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry for what you are going through.
by: Chrystie

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear Otis. I lost a 16 year old and a seven year old within a year. I have lost other dogs before but nothing prepared me for the grief I'm losing my dear Henry, the seven year old. He had lymphoma. It took me buckets of tears and I lost 30 lbs but little by little the pain begin to lessen. I have two puppies now and it feels like my heart is mending because they bring so much joy. No dog will ever replace Henry in my heart but that is okay. I still have lots of room left for other fur babies. God bless you.

Aug 19, 2017
Be strong with memories
by: Anonymous

It is difficult beyond words and I felt your words as I read your post about your best friend Otis. Your love and kindness unselfishly let him suffer no more. Your years of happy memories you will keep until you see Otis again. 🐾

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry for your Loss!
by: Jeanette S

I read this with tears in my eyes and a big lump in my throat... I have a Mini schnauzer, Gambit, who just turned 10 years old. This struck a cord with me, cause he is a senior and this will be me in too few years. As hard as it was you did the most kind thing even though it doesn't seem really so right now. Cherish his memories and have comfort in the fact that you WILL see him at the Rainbow Bridge one day. Since it CAN'T be heaven without our beloved pets! Take care and bless you!

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry
by: Maria

So sorry for your lost. From South Africa. β™‘β™‘

Aug 19, 2017
by: Lynn

You are in my thoughts and prayers! They give us unconditional love and when the time comes to give back, it hurts like hell! I lost my first schnauzer, Reyley when he was 13. That was 9 years ago and it hurts as much today as it did then. Take care in knowing he's no longer in pain and running free! They take a piece of our heart with them! Remember all the good memories! Take care!

Aug 19, 2017
RIP Otis
by: Anonymous

My heart is with you. You did what was best for Otis. It was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful dog. May God bless you.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Sue Hart

So sorry for your loss. We have a Otis that is 12 12,we are dealing with diabetes and pancreatitis. Trying to feed him each day so he can have his insulin shot can be very trying. We got a mini 2 year's ago and his name is Dewey. We love to watch our puppies interact with each other. There will come a time where we will have to make a decision..last night he vomited in the grass. .He won't eat chicken any more with rice. So we are feeding him beef heart or London broil, something low in fat. We feel your pain as our Otis has lost 4 lbs in 3 week's. Schnauzers are the best fur ball's. May your baby Otis RIP!

Aug 19, 2017
Otis loves you forever
by: Anonymous

He thanks you for the amazing life you gave him. He would like to wrap his paws around your neck and kiss the tears away...he will always be there with you in spirit, and please know, he holds a spot not only in your heart, but for you in heaven. Heaven can wait for you. And so will he. Much love from us here....

Aug 19, 2017
by: Sue Hart

So sorry for your loss. We have a Otis that is 12 12,we are dealing with diabetes and pancreatitis. Trying to feed him each day so he can have his insulin shot can be very trying. We got a mini 2 year's ago and his name is Dewey. We love to watch our puppies interact with each other. There will come a time where we will have to make a decision..last night he vomited in the grass. .He won't eat chicken any more with rice. So we are feeding him beef heart or London broil, something low in fat. We feel your pain as our Otis has lost 4 lbs in 3 week's. Schnauzers are the best fur ball's. May your baby Otis RIP!

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

It is always so hard to make that final decision, but it is the final best gift we give to your fur babies. So sorry for your loss, they just are not with us near long enough.

Aug 19, 2017
So sorry
by: Lori

So sorry for your loss It is a horrible thing to go through I had to put down my scruffy a little over a month ago He was only 10 and his kidneys failed he wasn't eating and was having trouble breathing and I didn't want him in pain It was the hardest thing I've ever done he was my baby. Everything reminds me of him from cooking to missing his welcome home to holding him during storms I understand your pain it will get better but you will never forget sending you good thoughts ❀

Aug 19, 2017
Sorry for your loss
by: Gloria

My prayers for you in your loss knowing you did what was best for Otis but not yourself speaks volumes of your love.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have done this many times in my life. Some harder than others but all hard. My answer was to get another puppy as soon as possible to help ease the terrible pain of this loss. A puppy brings life into the house like nothing else can do. Your other dog will thank you for a new friend to play with. I did this , once again, at age 71 because I had lost the love of my life . I too had another dog left to love but this dog was heart broken and I had to help her. It was breaking my heart even more. So at age 71, I got an 8 week old schnauzer puppy. Should I have done this??? Answer absolutely! She has been my savior and my other dogs also. Do I still miss and cry for my sweet Tasha. Of course I do but my life goes on caring for my now 14 month old puppy. My home is full of life and fun and happiness. Best of luck to you.

Aug 19, 2017
Selfless love
by: Kristina

My deepest heartfelt condolences go out to you. I know that there are no words that can provide you comfort right now. I'm so glad you had the opportunity to love him and be loved so deeply by him. To him you were his everything. Not many people experience that kind of deep love. I'm sure he is grateful for everyday he had with you. I cannot even to imagine the strength it took to drive to the vet's office and say goodbye to your best friend. The selfless kindness you showed him is a true testament to the love you felt for him. Loving someone so much that you put them first is real selflessness. I'm very sorry you had to make that decision, and I will pray that in time you can reflect back to the wonderful times you spent together and the memories you made.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Marlene

I am so sorry, I know the huge hole in your heart and soul they leave when they pass. Otis is not gone he lives in your heart. There is a thought...if you see me out of the corner of your eye..I am is a gray little poem..its true..wishing you peace.

Aug 19, 2017
I'm sorry
by: Renee Jackson

I'm so sorry for your loss. This breaks my heart as I can relate. My sweet mini Bella has diabetes and I know one day I will ace this same decision. I cannot imagine my life without her. My heart hurts to even think about that. I will say prayers of comfort for you during this horrible time.

Aug 19, 2017
our hearts are with you
by: Joy

So sorry, Jeff. We know what you are going through. We have had 3 black Schnauzers and we now have our 4th. It is so hard to lose them. We think about the ones who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge every day. Thinking of you!

Aug 19, 2017
You never will forget him
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss it is never easy to deal with. We too had to make the decision to have two of our Schnauzers Mr. Max and Meg put out of their suffering at age 13 for the same reason. You never forget those thirteen years of love and laughter you shared, ours are on our screen savers and yes I still talk to their pictures. After a few months the house was too empty without them so we rescued two young pups we call Max and Millie. They will never replace our other two but we love them just as much. I hope you find room in your heart for another Schnauzer.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Linda Wright

So sorry to hear about Otis. My mini is 13 yrs old and I see him slowing down.. I need to take him to vet next week for possible eye infection. Every time I go I am afraid they will find something life threatening. Has history of elevated liver enzymes and a large tumor on abdomen. I am so afraid they will find something and I. Will have to make that decision. You are a wonderful parent for being able to put his needs ahead of yours.I only hope when Jazzy's time comes I will be so brave. God bless you and try to remember the good times with Otis and all the little quirks of his schnauzer personality.

Aug 19, 2017
Deepest sympathy
by: Jennifer

So sorry for the loss of your special furbaby. I lost my mini schnauzer (Beamer) of 13 yrs back in Feb so I understand how horrible it is to go through. Take the time you need to grieve. They are a huge part of our everyday lives the loss is great and will take time to heal. Hug and love your other furbaby because they feel the loss the same as we do and need extra love and comfort. Take care of yourself. Thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

Praying for comfort for you on the loss of your precious, Otis. Please know you did what was best for him. He'll always have a special place in your heart.

Aug 19, 2017
Run Free Otis
by: D Corley

I know the pain you are feeling, having to let my mini Duncan go several years ago. I have always second guessed my choice, but you did the right thing. He is pain free, breathing easy and hopefully running and playing with Duncan. Minis are a special breed that wiggle under our skin and into our hearts.

Peace to you.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Frances

I am so sorry for your loss.i have 2 schnauzers and I can just imagine how bad you feel.they are my babies.i love them like my children.but if he was having trouble breathing that would be a lot of suffering he would have to go made the right decision but I know it doesn't make it any easier.he will be waiting on you at the gates in heavenπŸ™πŸ™prayers for you to find peace

Aug 19, 2017
Loss of your best friend
by: LindaAnonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss i went thru the same thing 2 years ago. We lost our little boy who looks a lot like Otis to lymphoma after a 6 month battle. To this day I still cry when I think of him. The pain does get better but I think it's always around. They take so much of our heart with them. Like you I wanted to go with him to.

Aug 19, 2017
Thoughts and prayers for you
by: Sue Phillips


Here's to know you did the right thing out of love for Otis. We've had to do this twice; June 2015 with our Max who got ill fast and our Missy in January of 2016 with a extreme heart murmur. When we took Missy in, the vet told us that if we waited any longer it would have been horrible for her so it gave us reinforcement that we did the right thing for her. We now have another mini, Schultzy, that will be 2 September 1st. We see lots of our Max in him and that brings us great joy. Take comfort in knowing Otis is no longer in pain or discomfort. Hopefully in time you will open your heart and home to another furry child.

All my best

Sue Phillips
Cape Coral, FL

Aug 19, 2017
My Sympathy
by: Shari

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can completely relate, as I had to let my 10 year old Mini Schnauzer go on Monday. My Sophie was suffering from some sort of liver ailment or possibly cancer. Her blood work was so bad on every front that I decided it was best not to prolong her suffering with tests and IV fluids. I have guilt, too, that maybe I didn't do enough, but in my heart I know I really did the right thing. I hope your memories of your dog will help ease the hurt as time goes on.. You are in my prayers.

Aug 19, 2017
by: Bev

I lost 2 little girls, Poppy who was nearly 15, and Winnie, a short while later to cancer. I was devastated and still grieve for them. I can't adopt another dog because somehow I feel that I'm betraying them, trying to replace's hard to explain but I could not have loved them more and it was like losing children.

When you love someone so much they are forever with you, forever in your heart.


Aug 19, 2017
by: Donna

So very sorry. Our furbabies are family and do mean the world to us. I have had a similar experience with a schnauzer. Waited two years before I found another love of my life, Snickers. He erased much of the pain and has brought much joy and happiness. You will find that again.

Aug 19, 2017
Love to the Memory of Otis
by: Anonymous

Our mini's are so special. My Ace is also a shadow. I was one of those that really did not want animals in the house. We got Ace to reward my son for good grades. Ace quickly became my dog and is always next to me.

Ace is an all white mini Schnauzer and he has his share of problems. He has the skin growths. He had a bout of pancreatitis. He also has a very tender stomach. We have to love him more and take special care with his diet. However like your Otis, nothing slowed him down.

As I said in the beginning our Mini Schnauzers are such special dogs. I know you are grieving Otis. I truly hope and pray that time will heal. They give you so many good memories, hang on to those and find a smile at one of the hundreds silly things he did in a day.

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