My Beautiful Banjo

by Jacqueline Blanks
(Thornlands, Brisbane, Australia)

I can't believe you're gone. I look for you in every corner and have to face the truth that you're really gone. Banjo, today was the hardest day of my life. You went downhill so fast. I thought I could hold onto you forever. You were the best friend I ever had. Our bond was so strong. You were a one man dog and I am forever grateful that you chose me to be that "one".

You've taken a part of my heart with you. I see your face in my mind every time I close my eyes. I know you're waiting for me with your brother who we lost nearly 2 years ago. The pain never goes. Say hello to Nelson and tell him that I can't wait to see you both again one day. For now, enjoy your pain free existence and run and play like you did when you were young.

I'll miss our walks and cuddles; your furry little face. When I was able to hold you in my arms, you made everything seem okay. My arms are heavy now without your weight.

I'm so sorry I had to end your life for you - I just couldn't bare to see you in so much pain anymore. You put up a good fight over the last 6 months and you gave me joy right up until your last breath. I love you so much and my heart is aching and breaking in two. You'll be forever loved, my beautiful Banjo. You were my world. We nearly made it to 13 years together. RIP Banjo 18.4.01 to 10.04.14.

Comments for My Beautiful Banjo

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Dec 10, 2014
My loss too
by: Randy Waller

I know your grief and feel for you bro. I lost my sweet Lil' Bit 2 weeks ago and still tear up daily. Hope for the pain to go away and in time it will. I still can't forget my last sight of him looking back at me as if to say " What's going on", as the attendant took him away to be put to sleep. But I promised I wouldn't let him go through what one of my other dogs did as he fought to live in his old age.

Apr 23, 2014
Beautiful Banjo
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

It is a real hard to loose our beloved babies who
treated and made us feel we are their sole world... i am also still struggling with the passing of my darling babay Sasha...

Please know that your love was complete and you did the right decison for darling Banjo.
With all his love ad happiness he will wait for you in the Rainbow heaven...

Take care...

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