My Baby Boy Kloeber

by Landi Helgevold
(Osceola, IA, Untited States)

Kloeber was 12 years old (people years). We got him when I was 6 months old. I couldn't have imagined life with out my baby. Kloeber died on Monday, September 16th 2014. That was my mom and dads 20th anaversary. My dad could tell he was in pain so he told him that it was okay to go.

During 8th hour I was in band and the high school band director got a call saying that I needed to go to my cusions room in 5 minutes. I knew right away that it was Kloeber. So I left band early and right when I walked in I see my sister crying. I asked if it was Kloeber and she said that my big brother found him in his cage and he wouldn't get up.

My parents brought him to the school so we could say our last goodbyes to him and then they went to go get him cremated. I'm telling this story a lot and I cry even more each time. I miss you baby Kloebes. Life is hard without you.

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Jul 12, 2016
My "Morticia"- "Miss Tish" died
by: Pat

My baby & my love of my life died Monday 7/11/2016 - I need support - but, too sad to write more now.
Tish was 16 years old.
I Love her so & Miss her & my heart is broken.

Apr 24, 2015
your boy Kloeber
by: T

My heart hurts for you all. Lost my sweet mini boy Joey to cancer March 7th of 2015 and I have been so incredibly sad. It takes time to heal. I got Joey months after I lost my mini girl Pepper who was 19 years old. I picked a male schaunzer so I would not be reminded so much of Pepper. What joy he brought back to my life!

Even though I am grieving for my Joey boy now I know
that I did the most loving thing for him. Joey knew it too. Your boy Klober knew it, too. He knows you loved him and I guarantee he loved you!

I will be keeping you in my prayers. Take care.

Apr 24, 2015
a poem that may help
by: Mary OBrien

You Did Me a Kindness

When my legs grew too weak to carry me,

You did me the kindness of letting me go.

You didn't make me hang on when I was suffering so.

I promise I don't think that you loved me any less,

And I love you all the more for your selflessness.

You freed my spirit from its body so wracked with pain,

And let me run the fields of Heaven, where I'm sure we'll meet again.

Apr 24, 2015
I feel your pain....
by: Stacey

I'm solo sorry for your family's loss of "Koebler!". I had to do same thing w/my dog on March 26th of this year! My male Schnauzer, was only 6 years old but had health issues (diabetic/Pancreatitis.
He was my 2nd Schnauzer I had to put down. First was "Kaiser," he was 9 and had heart issues.

Apr 24, 2015
by: Landi Helgevold

Thank you every one. We really appreciate it

Apr 24, 2015
Sorry for your loss of Kloeber.
by: Debra Jiracek

Wishing you peace and healing of your broken heart. It's hard to lose your baby boy. Our little girl is almost 9 and I am hoping for another 5 years. God bless you. And maybe in time when you are ready you can adopt another little boy who needs a loving forever home.

Apr 24, 2015
So Sorry
by: Joel M

So sorry for your loss. Your pain is felt by all. It is never EVER easy to lose our precious fur babies.

Apr 24, 2015
by: Lisa

So sorry to hear this.

Apr 24, 2015
by: Carol Anne

so very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby! Thank you for giving him a wonderful life!

Apr 24, 2015
Farewell sweet Kloeber !

Time will bring you peace and comfort, but in your heart your sweet baby boy Kloeber will always live and bring you pleasant memories. Someday you will have a very happy heavenly reunion with your best Friend.

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