Mr. Scrub E. Bubbles

by Tad
(Grass Valley, California, USA)

Miniature Schnauzer, Scrubs in Pleasanton

Miniature Schnauzer, Scrubs in Pleasanton

Scrubs was born on the perfect date for his temperament, April 1st 2008, and he is a joker. He loves rawhide chewies, milkbones of course, and Scrubs absolutely loves his sanitized beef bones. He's almost finished one, it's only taken him two years, but it's a great distraction when he has to be groomed, or have a tick removed. He loves to play fetch, and he loves to dig in the garden, staying true to his heritage he's caught two gophers to his title.

He came into our family on June 4th, 2008, and our lives have never been the same! For the first few days he was a little shell shocked, but Mr. Scrub E. Bubbles got used to our little home. The only thing he hasn't gotten used to is our poor little Siamese, who's eight, and probably doesn't deserve to get chased, but they're good friends in the off-season. He has only two pet-peeves, angry humans, for instance, if there is any yelling he starts to bark in this little pacifist bark of his. And his other pet-peeve is crying, he always gets upset and licks away tears if one of us is upset.

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by: Anonymous

Your dog looks just like my Frieda, whats funny is I now live in Maine but am from Pleasanton, This picture of him with the town of Pleasanton took me off guard a little.....he's a cutie for sure!

Beautiful Picture
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Scrubs is such a cutie. He sure is living up to the Schnauzer breed. I love your picture, it is very pretty, and he makes it look beautiful.

What a sweetie!
by: Katie

This is a very beautiful picture! And such a beautiful dog! This schnauzer is absolutely gorgeous!

Good luck Scrub E. Bubbles!

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