Miniature Schnauzers Oliver and Izzy

by Jackie Ladue
(Henderson Harbor NY US)

Miniature Schnauzers Oliver and Izzy

Miniature Schnauzers Oliver and Izzy

Oliver is a 2 1/2 year old white male and Izzy is a two year old black female. Oliver joined our family first, we fell in love with him the minute we saw him, his handsome little face and cute personality bowled us over, it was love a first site! Izzy came shortly after that, we were sure we had to have another miniature schnauzer as we were enamored with Oliver and he needed a playmate. Oliver and Izzy are a big part of our family and you will find them where ever we are, whether is on a road trip or just hanging around the house.

Oliver and Izzy are inseparable, you will often find them playing hide and seek in our flower beds, playing tug of war with a chew toy or stick, it really doesn't matter, they run through our yard chasing each other, tackling and wrestling, oh what a joy to watch. When the end of the day arrives, you can find them resting side by side, Oliver's head resting on Izzy.

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schnauzer buddies
by: beth

This photo is so darling. Best pals. Love it!

Debbie B.
by: Anonymous

What an adorable photo! Buddies forever....

There's never too many.
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Oliver and Issy are adorable. I know what you mean about them being inseperable. I have 7 minis and they all 7 sleep in a pile touching each other. It's really cute to see. I'm sure your 2 furkids will give you years of happiness and devotion.

Oliver & Izzy!
by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

What a beautiful "couple"! Mini-Schnauzers are the best and most reliable friends. They sound perfect for your family and for each other!

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