Miniature Schnauzer Sabrina

by Dolores Lawson
(Ocala, Florida)

I wish you would put carpet on this floor

I wish you would put carpet on this floor

Sabrina is my loving one she is so good and when I come home from work she wants to be my my side. She is a female miniature schnauzer given to me by my nephew who lives in Killeen, Texas and he is stationed in the army. He gave her to me in 2004 as he knew my Yorkie was old and would be dying soon. He had 6 pups to choose from he wanted me to take the white pup but I told him I wanted the black pup. She was picked up by my brother Bob the truck driver driven to Dayton, Ohio and when we went to vacation in Kentucky we stopped by Dayton, Ohio to pick Sabrina up from my brother's house and she came to Florida to live with us. I would not trade her for anything even though she is a barker. She does not like our wooden floor as she has trouble climbing in my lazy boy chair.

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by: sheila


Hi Sabrina!
by: Jerri

Woooohooooo, you gots to learn to slide on that wooden floor Sabrina!

Hi Neighbor.
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Hi Sabrina,

Your as pretty as always.

We live about an hour from you and your family. I believe we know each other already. We should visit with each other some day. ThewWhole 7 pack would love that.

by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

I had to smile when I read about Sabrina and the wood flooring! Our mini slides around on our floors too ~ it's a riot to watch them. We have to make him slow down because I'm so afraid he'll hurt himself by sliding into something! Even have to give him treats on the carpet because he can't "sit" on the wood without sliding! So cute!! By the way, Sabrina is a darling!

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