Miniature Schnauzer Milo

by Cindy
(Ellenton, Florida)

Miniature Schnauzer Milo

Miniature Schnauzer Milo

Hello, I'm Milo, age 8, the easy-going one at my house. I DO like toys, but rarely get to play with them, since my younger "Brother" Baggins, age 6, is so stingy, and still won't share! It's not worth the battle, yet I WILL fight, if it's something worth fighting for, like a favorite chew bone, anything relating to food! We retired to Florida under 2 years ago. Florida summers are sooo hot! My Mom is hoping I will one day enjoy our pool; yet I'm still a bit skiddish, as this water's new to me! She found these "Batman" swimmies, and was hoping they would help my brother and me overcome our fear of swimming... maybe one day, as they did seem to help me stay afloat a bit!

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by: Schatzi

I love to swim. I was introduced at 8 weeks. I am 6 mos now. Mom had a Lhasa Apso drowned in the pool, so she knows I needed to know how to get out by the steps. I had a life jacket and I just laid on my side, it was stupid and pink. So mom put me on a floated cushion and let me get adjusted then she hugged me and slowly guided me around. I swim for the steps at any angel that mom drops me in. The
pool is a long 34 feet swim. I can go 8 times and it tires me out. Just like a long walk does!I had a cousin who loved to climb the ladder, and dive off the board. I'm a quick summer I'll be an Olympian!

by: schnauzer mom

i have two miniature schnauzers who are brother and sister.. both 3 years old.. Roxy (my girl) loves to get in the bath and even the shower.. she tries to drink all water.. Billabong (my boy) can't stand baths and hates going outside after it rains.. However, neither of them will come near the pool. They are, however, very curious of what mommy and daddy are doing in a giant bathtub!! i love schnauzers!! they are so sweet and loving.. i will never own another breed of dog! schnauzer lover for life!!

by: Gigi

My little boy is 10 and he refuses to come into the pool. Only once did he come into the water and it was a real surprise. We were boating and we beached the boat onto the sand, got out and went up to our hips in water. Klaus, who was wearing a life jacket didn't like being seperated from us, began walking out to where we were and when we called hem swam out to meet us. This was a real surprise, but he never did it again. I would love to get him into the pool to exercise.
Does anyone have any hints?

triplets swimers
by: triplets mom

See the 2013 calendar for July, these triplets do well in the water with their vests that put them at ease and keep their heads up. They now jump into the pool.

Mi Mini likes water!
by: Salomon

I was afraid, when I adopted her, that she would not go near water. So we started hiking and eventually got to small creeks and rivers. I tried to make it seem like it was not a big deal (neither force her nor protect her from them), so one day I just started crosing over... and she followed. She's three years old now and would not hesitate going into water bodies if its necessary or even for fun, sometimes she loves to get into fountains all the way down to her belly. I even managed to have her fetch a toy in a big bucket full of water... both sunk and afloat. It's so great to see her make bubbles when she goes all the way down with her snout under water! we haven't tried all the way swiming training or as an exercise... I guess it is just a matter of making the water issue be secondary to whatever we are doing!

schnauzers hate the pool
by: Terry

I have 4 schnauzers and they all hate the pool. As soon as they figure out I am going in the pool they all run from me.

by: Travy's MOM

My 4 month old mini schnauzer Travy would have a heart attack if I put him in the pool. He squirms and fights during bathtime. But Milo, you give us hope. Great job and good luck!

Yay for Swimming
by: SadieBing

My Schnauzer hates to swim too. Even though we bought her a life jacket, she won't go in far enough to get her belly wet.

We don't blame you
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Hi Milo,

We have 7 in our pack, and there is only one of us that likes water, and that's our brother Zubee. He has loved water since he was a pup. Good luck with learning how to enjoy the pool.

schnauzer swimming
by: beth

A Schnauzer swimming? Look at Milo go! My Schnauzer won't go in the water at all. Maybe I need to buy her some batman floaters too!

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