Miniature Schnauzer Luke

by Erica

Miniature Schnauzer, Luke

Miniature Schnauzer, Luke

We welcomed Luke into our hearts and home last year at the young age of 6 weeks. He had been bred by a local puppy mill that did not follow any health guidelines. After the first three months, he fell ill overnight. Although we had had him vaccinated and wormed, he had contracted a massive number of parasites through his mother's milk. Immediately, we brought him to the vet and had him on various kinds of antibiotics but nothing seemed to work. After one month of trying different types of antibiotics, his immune system started shutting down and he contracted other infections like a bad salivary gland infection that left him salivating all over himself. He had no strength to walk or go the bathroom. He couldn't eat. The vet was preparing us for the worst, but we would not give up. Even as he fought us, we forcefully gave him his electrolyte-replacement fluid every half hour. One day, after making rice and chicken soup, he slowly got up after weeks of not getting up and walked towards me in the kitchen and howled towards me. I couldn't believe my eyes, Luke was asking me for food. We fed him rice and chicken and within a couple of days, he was on his way to a full recovery.

Luke is now 15 months old. He is the sweetest and most sensitive dog who is happy when others are happy or cries when others cry. He feels for others and is always there to comfort anyone. He is our little miracle.

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Lucky Luke
by: kathy

He is just a honey of a dog!

Cute dogy..
by: Anonymous

He is very lovely dog...

Fantastic story
by: Anonymous

That is an amazing story, we hope that he lives a very long & happy , healthy life xoxoxo
Congratulations !

Lucky Luke
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Luke was so lucky when he got you for his parent. He is a beautiful dog and I hope that all those problems are over with forever. Is he cured now? Give Luke a hug from me and my pack.

Love & Licks,
The Sassy 7 Pack

by: Paulina

Congratulations to Luke ! He looks adorable , and he deserves the best of everything. God Bless him & good luck !!!

How Wonderful!
by: Anna K

A true miracle and the results of so much love for Luke from you. I wish we could eradicate these puppy millers or those that are in the breeding of puppies just because they have a male and female. The health problems are so many for these innocent puppies. I am so glad your Luke was strong enough and had enough love to make it. Blessings.

Anna and Max

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