Miniature Schnauzer Jack Burton

by Meagan

Miniature Schnauzer, or is this a stuffed animal?

Miniature Schnauzer, or is this a stuffed animal?

Jack Burton is just a pup but boy is he spunky! My sister came home with a dog without asking my mom and I decided to take him in because he was so cute. He fit right into my apartment and now I know how it feels to have my own puppy!

He loves watching tv (Monsters Inc., Bolt, Animal Planet, etc.), playing with his tennis ball, sleeping on me, jumping in the shower when it is not his turn for a bath, playing with other pups and he can devour a rawhide faster than I have seen any other dog try to.

His vices include chewing on the blinds to create a hole he can look out of the window through and chewing on anything with a tag!

This picture was taken when he was only 7 weeks old and he is now 9 months old today. His birthday is in September like mine, so we'll be sure to get him his own peanut butter cake!

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Oh My Goodness
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Talk about a little cutie pie, Jack sure is it. Soon he will grow up, and hopefully not be so destructive. Have you tried giving him a cow hoof? Mine spend hours chewing on them and it takes forever for them to finish one. It won't hurt to give it a try.

Jack Burton
by: Fritz's Mom

He did look like a stuffed animal! Schnauzer puppies are the cutest!
My Fritz loves TV too! My previous two miniature schnauzers never paid attention to the TV but this one will run over and growl when certain things come on. Animal Planet is one of his favorite channels! Especially Dog Whisperer!
I also have to leave the blinds pulled up some so Fritz can "watch the world go by"!

Too Cute!
by: Anna

Oh what a cutie! You will have to do what I did for mine--set up a table with a carpet remnant right in the front of the window and pull the blinds up so they can lay down and watch what's going on outside! Aren't they the best breed of dogs!

Anna and Max

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