Miniature Schnauzer Harley

by Leslie
(Tulsa, OK )

Miniature Schnauzer Harley

Miniature Schnauzer Harley

This would be my absolute favorite picture of our nine year old schnauzer Harley. He is our loyal 20 pound shadow. We have had him since he was 6 weeks old and he is quite attached to my husband, who is a salt and pepper himself :-). You know what they say about owners looking like their dogs!!

It's good to be a schnauzer in our house. Harley is pretty low maintenance. Just needs some love and a treat every once in awhile. Loves car rides and bouts of crazy dog with his little "sister" rosie, our black miniature schnauzer. He tolerates baths and hates the rain but loves the sunshine and his family.

Like I said before, he's our loyal little shadow and we love him very much.

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smart schnauzer
by: Anonymous

Harley you are too cute! Hope you re-enter this photo. i love it!

cute schnauzer
by: cindy

Hey Harley - I agree with Petey this photo is too cute. Please enter it again!

by: Petey - Tulsa

Hey Harley...
I hope your family enters you again. It too me two times before I won last September. Gumby, also a winner last year, entered twice before winning. Please don't give up!

Tulsa Schnauzers Rock!!
by: Leslie Umfleet

We have them at our shops frequently and are amazed at how many people have schnauzers. They are the best dogs out there!! Lot of love comes from their little hearts with so much love for us to give back :-) I love this website!!

Harley Rocks!
by: Petey - Tulsa

Must be something in the Tulsa air that makes us extra special and so handsome! You rock!

by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

What an adorable picture of Harley! Just today, I took some pix of our mini 'Ebenezer' with his hat on ~ they are so tolerant of the things we do to them! Harley looks so cute with the glasses perched on his nose ~ cute, cute, cute!!

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