Miniature Schnauzer Gumby

by Catherine Doak
(Tulsa, Oklahoma)

Miniature Schnauzer, Gumby

Miniature Schnauzer, Gumby

I pulled up Animal Rescue Foundation and saw Gumby's picture. It was love at first sight!!! Upon visiting, he held a place in my heart and 3 hours in my arms. It seemed like a lifetime through the adoption process and we finally got to take our little boy home. He found it quite nice after his visit to the pound and days from his demise.

Gumby is a 7 year old male who has been with us for 8 months. He is a member of the family and is the alpha male. He is a momma's boy and follows me around like my shadow. He is quite active. He loves walks with his other doggie friends from the neighborhood and feels like he needs to stay out til he see's one of his friends. He sits, shakes and speaks on command. He picks which hand has a treat. He is a smart little boy and is never too old to learn. He loves toys, playtime and treats.

God gave us a special little treat when he gave us our little boy and I know Gumby feels the same way about us!

Schnauzer of the Month Winner Gumby

Comments for Miniature Schnauzer Gumby

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by: Teresa

What a handsome boy. Gumby you are awesome. Congrats on winning and on getting such a wonderful home.

by: Jan

Congratulations Gumby! You are a cutie! We're so glad you found such a loving home.
Jan & Sadie

Cute Schnauzer
by: Christine

Just saw Gumby on the front page of website. Gumby is so cute! Congratulations on winning Schnauzer of the Month!

Way to Go!
by: Petey

We couldn't be more proud to call you our friend, Gumby! Let's chase some squirrels tomorrow, OK?

Schnauzer Winner
by: cindy

Gumby you look pawsome! Congratulations on winning Schnauzer of the Month!

Dog of the Month
by: Donna

Gumby, your a very handsome,lucky and talented boy,Congratulations on your win.

by: KG~Ebenezer's "mom"

Gumby, You're certainly a cutie! Congratulations on your reigning month!

by: Anna and Max

Congrats! God indeed has given you a special blessing with your Gumby!

Anna and Max

by: beth

Gumby you are soooo adorable. Congratulations on winning Schnauzer of the Month!

Congrats Gumby!
by: Finnegan & Winston

Mom says you are adorable. We're happy you've found such a good home. Enjoy all the extra treats and hugs for being chosen Schnauzer of the Month!!! Wooo woooo!

Lucky Gumby
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

What an adorable little guy you have. Gumby was so lucky to find you and your family.

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