Miniature Schnauzer Dexter

by Ashley
(West Hollywood, CA)

Miniature Schnauzer, Dexter Benjamin

Miniature Schnauzer, Dexter Benjamin

I found Dexter at the ASPCA in Orlando, FL - he had been turned in by his owner due to a baby now being in the home, he was two years old and had just come into the shelter about an hour before I came looking for a fur kid. He didn't even resemble a Schnauzer, his hair was so long you couldn't see his eyes and it was super curly, he almost looked like a miniature sheepdog! I scooped him up right away (aside from the two days I had to wait for him to be neutered, which was torture, I wanted to take him home that very day), cleaned up and he turned out to be the most handsome boy ever!

Here we are almost nine years later and he's still very handsome and as spunky as ever. Everyone who meets him falls in love with him and he has a lot of female admirers, if he were a man he would be George Clooney! He's such a good boy, loving, affectionate, would protect me until the bitter end, he's just a special, fabulous boy and I'm so lucky that he picked me to be his mom.

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Good looking boy
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Dexter is one handsome little guy.

by: Robyn & Dory

What a handsome little man! Dory wants to make him her boyfriend...and believe me, she would MAKE him! LOL!

by: Fritz's Mom

What a handsome boy! How lucky the two of you were to find each other! My Fritz, 2 1/2 a rescue, was an owner surrender due to terminal illness. My last Mini, Jake, was a rescue also whom I had for 15 yrs...he died at age 17 this last February.

Fritz is my 3rd Mini...I just can't see having any other dog...they are the best!!!

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