Miniature Schnauzer Bailey Dan

by Debbie Butler

Bailey Strikes a Pose

Bailey Strikes a Pose

We had Max, our salt and pepper mini-schnauzer for almost 15 years. When he passed away, we were hesitant about getting another dog, as we felt that Max was such a hard act to follow. Two years later, Bailey Dan came into our lives.

Our 4-month old male schnauzer loves to have his coat combed, teeth brushed and feet rubbed! He discovered that biting bees is not such a good idea. He also likes to stalk and pounce on his little rubber monkey. He has gotten very good at this, as his monkey has yet to escape.

This little black bundle of energy is full of life and love, and we are forever grateful that we found each other.

Comments for Miniature Schnauzer Bailey Dan

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by: Donna Sandersnonymous

This is a Perfect dog. And you got to be so proud, Can’t help but fall in love at first sight!,,,

A great addition to the family tree
by: Bailey Dan's Auntie V

Of course he's the cutest, look at the family he comes from! The photo is great--it really captures his mischievious eyes (much like his owner's)--you know who I'm talking about.

by: Anonymous

What a handsome boy. I love the name!

Super Cute
by: Anonymous

Bailey looks adorable! I've never had a Schnauzer, but this little guy might change my mind about the breed. I think they might be too sweet to pass up.

Gone But Never Forgotten
by: Debbie B.

Thank you for your note, Anna. It touched me very much. The loss of a pet is so heart wrenching and we never forget the love and joy they brought to our lives. Acquiring Bailey has made me think of Max even more. I'm sure he is very pleased with our puppy choice! I wish you and your Max all the best!!!

Too cute
by: Anna K

Sorry about your loss of Max. Your Bailey Dan looks like my Gus at that age! I just lost Gus in March 2010 and the loss is still felt very sorely. I only had him for 7 years, he died from lymphoma cancer. Fortunately I still have Max who is a 4 yr old mini who keeps me going. They are very special dogs and live in our hearts forever. Enjoy him!

Anna and Max

A Small Ode to Bailey Dan
by: Erik Stitt

Bedazzled in black
I'm taken aback
by the Schnauzer Bailey that's before me

For if I looked like him
And without one chagrin
I'd peer in the mirror and adore he

Oh Bailey Dan Boy~Your the cutest ever!
by: Norma Jean Gerwig

Congrats! Besides Max, Bailey is the most handsome Schnauzer I have ever seen. I can not wait to snuggle with this sweet little guy.

Bailey Dan!
by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

He's a real cutie! I like the natural ears. He has a simply beautiful face.

What a happy puppy!
by: Beverly

You can tell by the sparkle in his eyes that this is one happy pup. Congratulations on your decision to honor Max's memory with a "little brother".

What a beautiful animial!
by: Denice Pearce

This dog has to win for October hands down! What a beautiful representation of the breed. He is adorable!

He's the King of Cute
by: Janet M.

If you could gather all the sweet and cute in the world and put it in a furry package you would have Baily Dan. Not to mention how smart and alert he is. He is just a baby but he knows how to sit soldier straight to get a treat; and he knows when his Mom says to "get on your bed" he does. When I come to visit he gives the appropiate watch dog bark then I pick him up and I get a kiss on the nose. He's a keeper!

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