Mini Schnauzer Barksdale
by Lorinda McKinney
(Barksdale AFB, LA)
Miniature Schnauzer, Barksdale
While deployed to Iraq my son would call me and ask when were we going to get a miniature schnauzer puppy. When I returned from Iraq to Louisiana my wife and I found a good breeder in Texas. We dropped my son off at school and drove to Texas to meet our new addition to the family. We found a box and cut some holes in it of course and waited for my son to get out of school. When he arrived home he found a box sitting outside the house. He was so excited and opened the box to find his best friend inside.
We live on Barksdale Air Force Base and my son decided to name him Barksdale since doggies bark. Barksdale is almost eight weeks old and he loves chewing everything. We have found many chew toys for him be he still loves our socks with our feet in them the most. He has fun chasing our son around the house, and we love that he is already part of the family.