Merry, Doggy Christmas from Gumby!

by Catherine Doak
(Tulsa, Oklahoma)

Gumby is a smart boy!

Gumby is a smart boy!

Well, here it is... another Christmas in my forever home! My name is Gumby. I am an older, adopted, rescue schnauzer. I am about 12 years old now. I love my home, my toys, and my treats.

When I first came to my family, I was desperately lonely and needed someone to love. My mom needed someone, too. Her daughter died and she had a big hole in her heart. When she found me, we needed each other. We were therapeutic for each other.

Mom loves to dress me and cut my hair. She makes me smell real pretty, too. She buys me lot's of presents and toys. I have some favorite toys that I won't let my little brother, Winston, play with. He is my brother and bothers me most of the time. He tries to tell me he is the boss when I know that I am the boss. Of course, I am getting older so I let him be the boss sometimes.

I love to sleep. I snore, too! Sometimes I wake my mom up with my snoring. She wakes me up with her snoring, also. We make a great pair. I love my mom so much!

We love to walk and play. Mom gets the treats and asks me if I would rather be married or if I would rather be dead, LOL! I drop down on my side and play dead for a treat. Sometimes my tail still wags and mom has to remind me that my tail is still wagging. I lay my tail down and get the treat. I am such a smart boy!

Anyway, I just want to say, "Merry, Doggy, Christmas! I hope you get a lot of presents just like me. Maybe mom will get me a little sister this year. I would like that!

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Nov 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

Thank you for rescuing an older mini;we've done it three times now,and casper,my good boy,came to us when he was 6+ years old and toby (obee) was 8 + years old when he found us;both were and still are the light of my life;

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