Meet Henry…Mr. Personality

by Heather Davis
(Odessa, TX)

Hi, I'm Henry! My mommy and daddy bought me out of the back of car in Andrews, TX, and we've been a happy family since! I'm 7 months old, and by my name you can tell I'm just a little schnauzer boy! I love any toy that squeaks. I mean, ANY toy that squeaks! Ropes are fun too, but I'd rather just pull mom and dad's socks out of the hamper and chew on those. I'm getting wiser the older I get. I can sit, stay, shake, give high 5s, "bang bang" and play dead, and roll over. I can also listen to my mom when she yells, "Wait!" while we go down the stairs to the yard.

My first picture is of today! I just got back from the groomer…which I'm not very fond of.
I love laying like a frog, so after the groomer I decided to relax on the living room floor.

Riding in a car is my favorite! You'll see the picture. I love the wind flowing through my beard and eyebrows.

I have a sister, too, but she's a calico cat. I don't think she likes me very much….

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Sep 13, 2014
Handsome Henry
by: Karla, Coco's Mom

Henry, thank goodness your Mom and Dad found you.
You are very handsome and deserve all the Love that your new home will bring you.

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