Meet: Ashlee May

by Karen Mitchell
(Belleville Michigan 48111)

Smiley Ashlee.

Smiley Ashlee.

Ashlee was my first schnauzer. I have three now. I love them.

Ashlee is ten years old. She acts like a mother to the two other male schnauzers and they love her. Ashlee is my best friend. She is the first thing I see when I wake up. And the last sweet face I see when it's bed time.

She loves to give kisses in the morning and at nite. And when you come home, even if she has to stand in line, she waits her turn to give kisses.

We have five dogs. And she's the doggie police. Play fighting only aloud on her property. She can say I love u perfectly. And she loves to dance. She's my pride and joy.

Comments for Meet: Ashlee May

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Sep 18, 2014
Ashlee May
by: Karla, coco's mom

Oh, I just love her little face. Sounds like she is just a love. I gets lots of kisses from my schnauzer Coco. They just the very best thing to wake up to and go to sleep with at night.

May 19, 2014
Lovely Ahslee...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Just loved reading about Ashlee..
She has the cutest face and her eyes are

Always be happy...

May 19, 2014
Beautiful doggy
by: Jacqueline

Such heartfelt words. So wonderful to know that there exists in this world people who love their dogs so much. Your Ashlee May is gorgeous - such a smiley dog. God love her and your other 4 pooches and YOU for being such a good mummy to them.

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