Love of My Life Katie

by LSR
(Yrk., Va.)

Words can not express the heart ache for the loss of our "Katie" She was a special schnauzer who was always loving and kind to everyone. Her main goal in life was to eat. After 3 years of diabetes and insulin , then 2 years of being blind , she started to leave us. Her last 2 days she would not eat, which was one of her main pleasures in life.. Two seizures and possibly a stroke we had to let her go to her heavenly home. I was sick with grief and this is the first day I have been able to express myself. Our little girl was the love of our life. We miss her so very much. The house is empty and quiet without her. Our Vet was so comforting when we had to let her go. We have never gone anywhere without her in 13 yrs. And now she had to leave us. I thought this might help to put into words. Schnauzers are a special dog , that only a schnauzer owner would understand. Thank you for giving me this space to express our love for Katie.

Comments for Love of My Life Katie

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Oct 17, 2017
by: Marta Segreda

Katie sound exactly like my Mamacita, she got diabetes at 10 and lived 2 more years of insulin shots, blind for 2 years, her last 2 days didn't eat which it was a pleasure for her. I finally had to make the decision to let her go, it was so painful, but that's what was best for her. Her 2 sister looked for her for about a week, they grieved and so did I. Schnauzers are such a loving breed.

Sep 21, 2017
Thank You
by: Katie's Mom

I am so thankful for everyone who wrote such comforting words . It really helps to know how much "Our Schnauzer Boys and Girls" are loved and that I am not alone in these feelings. I think if we were a younger couple we would want to have another puppy.
I found a bronze basket with a sleeping dog to put Katie's ashes in with her picture next to it. Every night just as I did when she was here I pat her head and say good night and "I love You "
Thank You all for your prayers and thoughts.

Sep 09, 2017
It's hard letting go
by: Anonymous

It's so heart breaking when you have to let go of your much loved dog. We lost our mini Schnauzer Oscar aged only 9 in 2011. He just stopped eating & was very unwell - the Vet also advised that Diebetes is treatable but we all knew Oscar would never be the same. So rather than watch him suffer we decided to have him put to sleep. Vets can sometimes give false hopes.

Sep 09, 2017
So sorry
by: Jeff Neppl

So very sorry to hear of your recent loss. I just lost mine almost 4 weeks ago I'm actually the post before yours about my best friend Otis. It's so hard to let these little family members go when they get to the point of suffering. Mine too was 13 years old and it's just so very sad. There really is something about these Schnauzers that is unexplainable to people who haven't owned them. I really wish there was words I can say to help with your grieving but there really isn't. I will tell you after writing on this website and reading everyone's support comments it does help out. Maybe our schnauzers are running around together up there playing and having a great time. Their suffering is gone and their healthy and happy at last. I pray for your family to get thru this. I'm almost 4 weeks in and time does help slightly. R.I.P. Katie

Sep 07, 2017
by: T St louis

I'm so sorry for the loss of your Katie. She sounds like a wonderful little family member. All of here understand your grief. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I believe we will see our little buddies again one day. Take care.

Sep 05, 2017
RIP Katie
by: Jackie

So sorry for your loss. Your Katie sounds very much like my Cookie - she too is very loving and loves everyone and just loves to play and eat! She's only 3 years old. I dread the day when she will leave me - she's my best friend. Katie sounds like a wonderful schnauzer and no words will make you feel better, only time will get you through the worst of the grief. Thinking of you.

Sep 05, 2017
I just know how you feel
by: Annie

My Schatzie was 15 and was in good health all of her 15 years on this earth. She stopped eating also and I knew that it was time. I know the pain because of what we felt after we made the decision to let her go. After a year I have a little man black schnauzer and he is so different than Schatzie he is all boy. I will be 80 this month and hope I can enjoy him for a long time.

Sep 05, 2017
The Rainbow Bridge
by: Jerri

I send you my heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your very special girl. No words will help you at this time. I will say that I surely believe that all of our precious babies go to the Rainbow Bridge all healthy and waiting for us to come and join them. We all know and understand the grief and loss you are feeling.

Sep 05, 2017
by: Maggie

So sad when our beloved Schnauzers have to leave us. I'm so sorry for your loss, having experienced this three times I know the sorrow and heartache .

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