
by Bill
(Royal Oak, MI)

Mini Schnauzer Lou

Mini Schnauzer Lou

Lou was born on January 4, 2011 in Onstead, MI. My wife and I brought him home in late February 2011 we have never looked back. The second photo was taken when Lou was about 6 months old. He was named Lou because we thought his white fur made him look worldly and distinguished.

Lou is a smart, bold, playful, caring, loving, wonderful dog. I grew up with larger dogs and my wife came from a cat family so we met in the middle so I could have a dog around the house again. I never would have guessed how great a mini could be even though mini might not be the right word anymore considering Lou is about 14 inches tall and 23 pounds now!

He loves playing fetch and running around out in his yard looking for squirrels. He can be a bit rambunctious and sometimes he'll go fetch a sock from the laundry.

One of his favorite things is meeting new people or seeing someone he doesn't get to see very often. It makes me smile watching him sit politely next to our visitors while they remove their coats and shoes. While he sits and waits you can see his whole body wiggle excitedly and watch his tail go about a mile a minute until they pet him! I don't know if I can truly express how happy this little guy makes my family.

Since winter can last a bit longer in Michigan, we like to keep Lou a bit on the shaggy side so he doesn't need a sweater every time he has to go outside to do his business. Plus it makes me laugh that my mom calls him her "Muppet".

Lou truly makes our household a better place just by being there. Plus he is such a nice handsome pup that even our cat is starting to tolerate him! Hope his smile brightens up your day, too. Enjoy!

Comments for Lou

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Adopted White Schnauzer - Duke
by: Jennifer

I adopted a white mini-Schnauzer two months ago after my husband passed away. What a wonderful addition to my life!! He is so loving, cute, smart - I could go on forever. I love seeing other white Schnauzers!!

by: earl & carolyn

best of luck with that cutee =) my good boy "casper" (whose tribute is here on schnauzers-rule) who also was a white schnauzer;
let's hear it for the white schnauzers !!!!

by: Anna K

I have 2, a B&S 5 year old male, Max and a 1 1/2 black year old female, Penny. I lost my 7 year old Gus almost 2 years ago to lymphoma. I don't know how I would get along without them--they are so smart and full of energy. However did you get Lou to sit quietly when visitors come--mine are wild and I can't seem to get them to settle down when anyone comes over. Anyway, I love them. Congratulations on yours!

Anna, Max and Penny

He's Incredible !
by: Anonymous

Handsome and fun loving... Two great combo's ! I have two, 10 MO old, S&P Littermates who bring us so much joy... Sounds like you've done a better job of training Lou to just sit tight and contain himself when people come over... Still trying to get my two to calm down a bit.. LOL They are truly a joyful breed... Enjoy !!

by: Anonymous

He is adorable. This breed is fun loving and personal. They are like little people stuck in a dog body.

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