Hunter, but you can call me Sir Hunterton of Huntershire

by Jay Knickerbocker
(Houston, TX, USA)

And WHERE do you think you're going??!

And WHERE do you think you're going??!

My name is Hunter but you should refer to me as sir. I am a 6 year old miniature Schnauzer and my human Jay was lucky to come into my life when I was just 6 weeks old and as small as a flip phone. Over time, he thinks he has been teaching me to fetch my favorite thing in the world, a raquetball, but it was I that was teaching him how to throw said raquetball. Also, he thinks he taught me how to sit, stay, and lay down in order to get a treat. Yeah right! I know that when I make him feel as though he taught me something, I get ALL of the treats! One thing I will NOT do is quit barking at Pixar films, or any animated movie for that matter. Those little guys in Despicable Me are going to come out of the TV and get me, I just know it! And don't get me started on the non-animated animals I see on TV.. you guys aren't getting my human so don't even try it. He only has enough love for me, and if he even so much as walks by another pooch, I am all over him smelling the scent so I can find that dog and tell it him/her how it is!

If you couldn't already tell, I am very protective of my human but to be truthful, I really do have a soft side. I give lots of kisses and my butt shakes excitedly, through no doing of my own, when he enters a room. I sleep the closest I can get to his face each night and even 'guard' his recently worn clothes when he is away. But enough of the sentimental stuff, I am cute and I know it. Anytime a camera is anywhere close to me, I automatically pose for a photo because I know that one day, it will end up on and in a calendar. If you want to book an autograph signing, you'll have to speak to my agent (which is also my human but whatever).


Sir Hunter

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Jun 20, 2013
So cute!
by: Anonymous

He is adorable!

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