Dogs Tear Stains

A dogs tear stains can be unsightly, especially if you own a white Miniature Schnauzer. And it's not just the staining around the eyes but also the brown stains on their beards and paws. It's enough to drive an owner mad. If you are struggling to find a solution to remove these discolorations from your beautiful White Miniature Schnauzer, this article is for you.

note: Before beginning any treatment for any condition concerning your Miniature Schnauzer, always consult with your veterinarian first!

Everybody has an opinion as to what works and what doesn't when it comes to ridding a dogs tear stains. And you can share your success treatments and stories by clicking here. The natural treatments listed below are our own home remedies that proved to be successful without the use of antibiotics or other harsh treatments (like chemical bleaches, whitening gels, optical brightening agents or dyes, etc...).

Causes of Dogs Tear Stains

white schnauzer dogs
photo by: Carlos Reusser Monsálvez

When a dog's coat starts to stain, yellow or appear lifeless and dull (which is even more noticeable on dogs with white coats) it is probably an indication or result of some sort of nutritional deficiency or other health concern. So using products to bleach the hair or strip it is not solving the root of problem and quite possibly, could be causing even more damage.

CAUTION: Many of the whitening products sold to control or remove dogs tear stains contain peroxides or bluing agents. Other products that are used as a supplement added to your dog's food, contain Tylosin (an antibiotic).

If your Schnauzer has excessive tearing, first and foremost consult with your vet. If there is no evidence of a serious health concern, then perhaps a simple and natural approach is all you need to get rid of those ugly stains once and for all. Just by changing your dog's diet or removing environmental irritants, (see dog allergies) can prove beneficial and greatly improve your dogs appearance.

Natural Treatments for Removing Dogs Tear Stains

  1. Feed your Miniature Schnauzer a high quality dog food. If you are not already feeding your Schnauzer a high quality dog food, now's the time to make a switch.
  2. Give your Schnauzer distilled water for drinking one week out of every month. It's used to cleanse and detoxify the body of minerals. For the remainder of each month use purified or spring water, or at the very least use a water filter system like this Brita pitcher.
  3. Change your Schnauzer's drinking water daily. Always be sure to physically wash the bowl first and then refill it to prevent bacteria growth.
  4. Add 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your Schnauzer's water bowl daily for one month. Repeat this process once every two months. Apple Cider Vinegar works as a purifying agent.
  5. Consider using a water bottle instead of a dog bowl to help keep your Schnauzer's beard from getting wet.
  6. Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a rinse after bathing your dog. Dilute 50-50 with warm water and carefully pour over your Schnauzer's body, taking special care to avoid the eyes. Then rinse with water.
  7. Always use natural, gentle, and safe dog shampoos when bathing your Miniature Schnauzer.
  8. Start adding probiotics as a supplement to help boost your Schnauzer's immune system and remove toxins. Or use low fat plain organic yogurt as a natural source of probiotics. Note: Always read the list of ingredients on all food labels to ensure there are no toxic foods for dogs included.
  9. Keep your home environment clean and free of dust. Change your air filters every three months.
  10. Keep your Schnauzer well-groomed and clipped so the hair does not get into its eyes.
  11. Use a warm washcloth to wipe the eye areas clean every morning and every night. Also clean around the eyes during the day if you notice any excessive tearing. The idea is to keep this area as clean and dry as possible.

note: When the hair is wet and moist (as it often is around your Schnauzer's eyes, mouth, paws, and genitals) it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast. Red yeast is one of the main causes of reddish brown stains appearing on your dog. This is why it is important to keep these areas as clean and dry as possible.

Results from Using Home Remedies to Treat Dog Tear Stains

Since the above treatments do not include using any harsh products to bleach-out the tear stains, once the natural elimination process begins, the old stains will eventually disappear or fade out on their own or you can simply clip them away.

If you begin implementing these changes today, you should begin seeing visible results within just a few weeks to a few months, depending on the severity of your dog's discoloration.

Before and After photos of white Miniature Schnauzer SAMSON with and without the ugly brown stains around his eyes and mouth. Results were achieved by applying the natural home remedies for dogs tear stains mentioned above.

Dogs Tear Stains

About Dog Shampoo:

The best shampoos to clean your Miniature Schnauzer are those free of Parabens (preservatives) and Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfates (foaming agents: SLS, SLES) and other harsh additives, oils, lanolins, and silicones. Remember our dogs have smaller organ systems (lungs, liver, kidneys) which will need to work that much harder to eliminate these unnecessary added toxins from the body. So choose products wisely and ones designed with the utmost safety of your dog in mind.

Gentle & Natural Grooming Dog Shampoo

The following products can be found on Only Natural Pet on Amazon!

  • Doc Ackerman's Orange Cream
  • DERMagic Organic Skin Rescue Shampoo Bar
  • Earthbath All Natural Shampoo
  • Halo Cloud-Nine Herbal Shampoo
  • Only Natural Pet Organic Grooming
  • TrueBlue Nature Balance
  • Dr. Harvey's Herbal Shampoo

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How Do You Control Dogs Tear Stains

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