Dog Breed Selector Quiz

Dog Breed Selector

The dog breed selector quiz is a fun test to take to help you narrow down your choices as to what type of dog is right for you and your family.

Think about it......... do you want a dog for companionship or protection? Do you live in an apartment or home? Do you plan on taking your dog swimming or hunting? Do you have other pets or children?

All of these questions and more are important to consider before selecting a dog breed, as each dog breed has been bred for certain characteristics and therefore their temperament, energy levels, and other instinctual behaviors will be present in your home.

So before making a dog a part of your family (whether it's a Miniature Schnauzer or not) take this dog questionnaire and find out what your answers reveal about what dog breed is right for you!

What Dog Breed is Right for You?

The following questions will help you narrow down the right type of dog for your family. Each dog breed has specific characteristics that may or may not be suitable for your family. For instance, your kids just finished watching "101 Dalmatians", the movie and now they want a little spotted puppy to call their very own. But are Dalmatians a good choice for kids?

Considerations When Selecting Dog Breed:

House and Yard Size: Large dog breeds and/or those breeds with high energy levels usually do not fare well if they are cooped up in small spaces. So if you're living in relatively small quarters like an apartment or condo and do not have much of a backyard for a dog to get lots of exercise, consider small dog breeds under 12 lbs.

Climate: Do you live in a region where the climate is extreme… be it mostly very hot or mostly very cold? Certain dog breeds cannot tolerate extreme climates.

Coat Type and Texture: Do you want or care if a dog's coat is soft, wiry, or silky? Is your preference that it be straight, wavy, or curly? Should the coat be long or short? Remember some dogs need way more grooming than others. Will you have the time or money to spend on a dog whose grooming requirements are considered high-maintenance?

Shedding: Do you need a dog that is more suitable for allergy sufferer? If so, you might want to stay away from breeds that tend to shed a lot.

Activity level: Do you want a dog that is more of a couch potato? One that does not require more than a walk in the morning and then let out for potty breaks during the day? Or do you want a dog that can join you on a run or hike? Do you want a dog that loves to swim? Or perhaps a breed that will enjoy hunting trips?

Compatibility: Some dog breeds don't do well with other types of pets. For instance, a Schnauzer may not be the best choice if you own a bunny rabbit. And some dogs don't do particularly well with small children, either. So carefully consider everyone and every pet in your current household before deciding on a breed.

Watch Dog or Guard Dog: Do you want a dog that is suited for security and protection? Or do you want a watch dog that will alert you to something strange going on?

Click here to take the online quiz to see what dog is best suits you.

Ready to Own a Dog Quiz
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Related Topics:
Top Dog Breeds
Are You Ready to Own a Dog Quiz
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